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  1. my present code for all links is <code><a href="x.html" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:underline"></code> recently i have come across <code><a class="external"></code> for external with a favicon beside link. however i dont want any favicon beside link. at the same time i want to specify as external link. so which one should i use : <code><a class="external"></code> OR <q><a rel="external"></q>. can i use for internal links also ?
  2. i am attaching both css and index.html filez style.css index.html
  3. i rechecked again, it is partly cooy and paste. i am unable to post URL here, hence attaching screenshots. correct : portuges (in image) incorrect : who am i (in image)
  4. my css contains body { font-family: sans-serif; margin: auto; width: auto; my <pre> pre { font-family: sans-serif; background-color: #ffff00; color: #0a0a0a; line-height: 1.5em; letter-spacing: 0.12em; word-spacing: 0.16em; margin-bottom: 2em; font-size: 1.5em; } with and without pre code, it is not responding
  5. right now, i am focusing on css my css, you are welcome body { font-family: sans-serif; margin: auto; width: auto; background-color: #ffff00; color: #0a0a0a; line-height: 1.5em; letter-spacing: 0.12em; word-spacing: 0.16em; margin-bottom: 2em; font-size: 1.5em; } .navbar { background-color: #ffff00; border-radius: 2px; width: auto; } .navbar a { color: #aaa; display: inline-block; font-size: 15px; padding: 10px; text-decoration: none; } .navbar a:hover { color: #ffffff; }
  6. i am building https://leela52452.gitlab.io/plain-html/
  7. i would like to add unordered list on eng.html, since it might contain more links. the above code can be improved, _blank serms to be security risk <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href="jou.html"> Wikipedia (opens in new tab) </a>
  8. on the right sidebar, i will create file, eng.html in eng.html i will create jour.html jour.html contains content. eng.html contains links <a target="_blank" href="jou.html"> Wikipedia (opens in new tab) </a> <a target="_blank" href="jou 2.html"> Wikipedia (opens in new tab) </a> is the above code is correct. is there any room for more improvement.
  9. i am planning to fork repo https://gitlab.com/pages/plain-html/ i will create HTML files for posts. my journal layout : - home w/about my details : right sidebar [ language links ] - on the right side : english, espanol, etc.. links. - english link contains list of all HTML files in english - espanol link contains list of all HTML files in espanol - so on click on any link of HTML files list, will show content. **my assumption** - all HTML files reside in public directory **my queries** - how to specify or configure all links on one page - can i use permalink of file on links list and side bar links - best CSS from accessibility point of view only i dont want to use js. i can learn quickly by reading and experimenting with an example, so point me to links which contain content with examples.
  10. is it compulsory to declare dir Attribute doesn't the lang="en" is self explanatory should we use it sparingly or declare for specific purposes
  11. hello all, i am leela. i am straight forward person. i follow kiss and dry principles to t since few months.
  12. i am trying to make my blog [ gitlab pages ] accessible to all. i tried to validate below texts : <p>Please feel free to relay your comments, suggestions or corrections at <a href="https://mastodon.social/@leela">federated micro-blogging website</a></p> <p>Please feel free to relay your comments, suggestions or corrections at <a href="https://mastodon.social/@leela">mastodon federated micro-blogging website</a></p> <p>Please feel free to relay your comments, suggestions or corrections at <a href="https://mastodon.social/@leela">mastodon's federated micro-blogging website</a></p> i have used website at https://achecker.ca/checker/index.php it throws the following error : 2.4 Navigable: Provide ways to help users navigate, find content, and determine where they are. Success Criteria 2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (A) Check 19: Link text may not be meaningful. Manual Check Required Line 1, Column 75: <a href="https://mastodon.social/@leela">mastodon's federated micro-blogging website</a> Check 197: Anchor text may not identify the link destination. Manual Check Required Line 1, Column 75: <a href="https://mastodon.social/@leela">mastodon's federated micro-blogging website</a> how do i resolve the issue ? if this is not right place, please let me know.
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