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Everything posted by HalifaxPiper

  1. Thanks everyone for the input.My friend wanted to stay with the same frames themed site but with a database driven catalog. The resolution was needed to include PHP code based on table width.The photo album for example would show 4 thumbs across in 800 and 5 thumbs across in 1024. I took many peoples advice and pushed a single page down the SS pipe rather than a frames page. I lost the lightning loads but Meh...
  2. I want to include a PHP file depending on the screen resolution.I do it in html using this jscript. eg. <script language="Javascript"><!--if (screen.width > 800) {document.location = "1024.htm";}//--></script> I need to do it in PHP not echoed to the document. fuzzy eg. <?if (screen.width > 800) {include "1024.php";}elseinclude "800.php"; Thanks.
  3. Just a note to say thanks to the two people who offered help on this problem. The problem was caused by this. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> When you declare the Doctype in a frame window you lose the ability to control scrollbar characteristics. Deleting the code above fixed the problem. Mark
  4. Sorry brother, I'm presently updating the 800x600 .css only.My bad. As I progress I add the info to the 1024&^ .css If you were in 800 res. there would be a blue scroll bar Sorry
  5. It's not so much styled as integral. In a site of olive drab greens and sand browns a blue scroll bar draws your attention away from the content. http://www.tippmann.caSee what I mean. Mark
  6. Please guys, I can't beat this. Two frames, both linked to css.css, only the right frame has proper scroll bar, left frame has normal windows blue scroll bar. HEEEEELLLP
  7. Thanks again for the help, here's the code. <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN""http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"><html><head><script language="Javascript"><!--if (screen.width > 800) {document.location = "1024menu.php";}//--></script><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"><title>Menu</title><link rel=stylesheet href="inc/css.css"><script src="inc/script.js"></script><div id="curscroll" style="position:absolute;visibility:hidden"></div></head><body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" bgcolor="#ABA99A" scroll=yes><table border="0" width=150><img src=img/menulogo.gif border=0><tr><td width=100%><a href="index.php" class="menulink" target="mainFrame" class=&{ns4class};><img src=img/butlet.gif border=0>Home/Main Page</a><br></td></tr><?include "cfunc.php";loadbox('header'); //Get all categories code $file=file("$itemsdb");$sl=0; while(list(,$value)=each($file)){ list($fid,$fkieu,$fmenhgia,$fgia,$fdes,$fviews,$fngay,$factive,$fvote,$fimg,$finfo,$fco,$fdaban,$fcat,$blank)=split( "\|", $value); $done=false; for($k=0;$k<sizeof($catsarr);$k++){ if($fcat==$catsarr[$k]) $done=true; } if($done==false) { $catsarr[$sl]=$fcat; $sl++; echo "<tr><td width=100%><a href=\"main.php?act=viewcat&catname=$fcat\" class=\"menulink\" target=\"mainFrame\" class=&{ns4class};><img src=img/butlet.gif border=0>$fcat</a></td></tr>"; } }loadbox('footer');?><tr><td width=100%><a href="index.php" target="mainFrame" class="menulink" class=&{ns4class};><img src=img/butlet.gif border=0><img src=img/butlet.gif border=0><?=$lang[17];?></a></td></tr><tr><td width=100%><a href="menu.php" class="menulink" class=&{ns4class};><img src=img/butlet.gif border=0>menu</a><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br></td></tr></table></body></html><!-- End header -->
  8. My index page sets a fixed left frame. Names are "leftframe" and "mainframe". <frameset cols="21%,*" frameborder="no" border="0" framespacing="0"> <frame src="menu.php" name="leftFrame"> <frame src="main.php" name="mainFrame"></frameset><noframes><body>jscript->whole.php .... My .CSS changes the main window scrollbars but won't change the leftFrame scrollbars! Adding the .css to the .php code in the leftFrame or the index file doesn't do it. Help!(I want the left window frame to not be a blue scrollbar)ThanksMark
  9. I'm reasonably new to PHP.I have a html doc with a table for message.The message is just text.I want to edit the text just in that table using a form, but write the new text back into that table of the html doc.My script only works when I save the text to a seperate htm file, or shows the code view of the whole page.I'm thinking, I can open the html document and loop through the code until I find a match, then write after that. Naw, I'll just ask for helpMark
  10. Thanks people. I went with server side includes being .html files containing well... html I am making a PHP copy of the page with multiple forms which save the input into the named .html files. It may sound odd but is seamless when running and fills my need for user editable content with restrictions. Thanks Mark
  11. I think your rates.jpg image is pushing your cell sizes up. Add a border =1 and you will see what I am trying to say
  12. I have a page made up of cells containing text such as 'Name', 'Age', 'About'.At the moment I use three .htm files and the SSI <!--#include virtual="name.htm" --> for each cell of info. How can I use one file and direct the right info to the right table cell?The idea is to allow my friends to upload a simple text file to change information on their pages when they wish.Thanks for any directionMark
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