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Posts posted by WiCkEdStYlZ`

  1. <script type="text/javascript">  var useragent = navigator.userAgent;  var bName = (useragent.indexOf('Opera') > -1) ? 'Opera' : navigator.appName;  if (bName == "Opera") {  document.write('<link type=\"text\/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"opera.css\" />')  }  else if (bName == "Netscape") {  document.write('<link type=\"text\/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"netscape.css\" />')  }  else {  document.write('<link type=\"text\/css\" rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"microsoft.css\" />')  }</script>

    there ya go.. remember to backslash your quatation marks, forwardslahses, e.t.c.

  2. the php include function allows you to insert content from another file. it's not an iframe, although it is very similar. where an iframe adds a box with another page in, the php include function simply uses the coding inside the file and puts it into the file with the include function in. so when you preview the file, instead of seeing a page with a box with another pae inside it, you see the page, and the included file outputs into the same page. notes: for easy reference save include files as filename.inc.INCLUDE.INC FILE:

    <img src="header.gif" width="100" border="0" />


    <php include("include.inc"); ?><p align="justify">Welcome to my site... do you like my logo above?</p>


    <img src="header.gif" width="100" border="0" /><p align="justify">Welcome to my site... do you like my logo above?</p>

    hope this clarifies things a bit.Matt

  3. Wasn't quite sure on this when I read it. W3C certification, I get everything including the price, the fact it's online and can be done anywhere... only thing I'm not sure on is exactly who qualifies as a supervisor.Any1 able to gimme some hints on this 1? lolthx to any1 that replies with help..Matt

  4. kk border problem fix.copy and paste the following into your stylesheet:

    .inside {	border: 1px solid #000000; 	border-collapse: collapse; }	.inside td {	border: 1px solid #000000; }.main {	border: 3px solid #D3D3D3; }

    now... after your anchor list and your legend your main table begins... copy and paste the following BEFORE the table

    <table width="40%" class="main" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td width="650">

    next... where you have the table tag for beginning of the names table make it read the following:

    <table width="100%" class="inside" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="3">

    then after the closing table tag put the following just to make the markup valid


    and there we go both IE and FF display your table border as they are in FF.as for IE not recognizing the existance of the stylesheet, or IE not using the stylesheet, it does know it's there... for it to use the NORM ACTIVE UPDATE ALPH e.t.c. you need to play with your coding a bit..NORM.ACTIVE.UPDATE.ALPHyou must have the dot (.) before the class name. then where you want the style to appear using the following:

    <span class="UPDATE">Acosta, Lilliana (Jacob)</span>

    notes: try to avoid using CAPS where un-needed.in interest of search engines its best to put the <title> tag before everything else in the head section.need any help or find this kinda complicated email is yup_1@yahoo.com

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