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Posts posted by dcole.ath.cx

  1. I found out why small search engine use the bad method they do...GRR...there method is slow but easymy method is faster but harderthe way I'm using means I get to go though 64 TIMES less data than the other, more popular way...(note: this is an average guess. The number will increase with the DB size and the frequancy of the term on the internet. )so if were looking in a 150GB DB, They look in a 150GB DB, but I would look in 2GB of that 150GB DB... or if words were not favored on the internet, I would look in 0.06GB of that 150 GB DB.Yeah, so now your wondering why everyone doesn't use my method... well as you search for more words mine become exponentially harder on my part. Right now my search engine will max out at 4 word ... I may post that part of the code and let people come up with the next word if they want to... you have to come up with ~~(n^2)-((1/2)*n) ways of matching each term. But I think I may have a math forumla I just learn a couple of weeks ago that could make this easier... Maybe, it a forumla for writing out the longhand way of finding the nCr nPr or what ever it's called...

  2. yeah, when I go to your site I see an ugly button that says "try again" ... because the page your looking for can't be found.maybe you shut your server down... co.nr is a URL redirectors, maybe there more...

  3. oops, I didn't know about codebox... I was wondering how you guys got it to scroll.I still can't get 2 columns and 2 rows to work correctly, is there something besides a div tag and a span tag?

  4. If you have Apache you use virtual directories in the httpd.conf... In there, there will be some hashed out example(s)...If you have windows IIS, you add on to the default and admin. websites, in the Manager program, just right hand click and add website or something like that.

  5. What happens when you type the internal IP address of the server into your browser, it should go to the test page.when you type in like it should go to the router. If you type in it should goto the test page. If something is wrong with the web service it should say an error...Well in Apache you can have many websites on one computer, so then it only allows picked web address to goto a given folder. Should allow them all or say something like "This site is not here" so something like that in point 45 font.

  6. You should allow the Web Service to allow all URLs.Then you should forward port 80 to the internal IP address of the Server (computer)Then you need to set the Website address to go to your external IP address (network IP address)You should create a Test file on the Server so you know it works. If you can use localhost, then you should just check the external IP address.

  7. Well I got it to go down!But I have added 3 divs to the bottom and can't get the to work...

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"><html><head><meta http-equiv='content-type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8' /><title>The DCole Server</title><style type='text/css'>body {margin: 10px auto;padding: 0;font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif;text-align: center;background: #fafafa;color: #000000;}h1, h2, h3 {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif;color: #990000;background: transparent;}p {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif;color: #000000;background: transparent;}a  { color: #990000; background: transparent; font-weight:bold; text-decoration: none;}a:link { color: #990000; background: transparent; }a:visited { color: #990000; background: transparent; font-weight:bold; }a:active { color: #990000; background: transparent; font-weight:bold; }a:hover { color: #990000; background: transparent; font-weight:bold; text-decoration: underline; }#header {margin: 0 auto;padding: 0;width: 700px;height: 150px;text-align: left;background: #fafafa;color: #000000;border-top: 1px solid #000000;border-right: 1px solid #000000;border-bottom: 5px solid #000000;border-left: 1px solid #000000;}#logo   {float: left;position:absolute;       top:15;font-size: 80px;padding: 25px 0px 0px 15px;}#logod   {float: left;       top:10;color: #990000;}#logoc   {float: middle;       top:10;color: #000000;}#tdcs {font-size: 30px;background: transparent;color: #990000;}#title {float: right;position:absolute;       top:50;margin: 0px;padding: 25px 0 0 150px;background: transparent;color: #000000;}#titleurl {background: transparent;color: #990000;}#titlefz {color: #000000;}#title h1 {margin: 0;padding: 0;display: block;}#container {margin: 0 auto;padding:0;color: #000000;background: transparent;width: 700px;text-align: left;}h2.section {margin-top: 10px;font-size: 13px;background: transparent;color: #990000;border-bottom: 1px solid #990000;}#sidebar {float: left;width: 140px;height: 100%;padding: 0px 10px 11px 0px;background: transparent;color: #000000;font-size: 12px;}#sidebar p {font-size: 12px;  }#divider {float: left;height: 100%;border-left: 1px solid #000000;padding-left: 0px;border-right: 1px solid #000000;}#content {width: 525px;height: 100%padding-bottom: 10px;padding-left: 10px;background: transparent;color: #000000;float: right;}h2.date {margin-top: 10px;padding: 2px 5px;font-size: 13px;font-weight: bold;letter-spacing: 0.09em;text-align: left;background: transparent;color: #990000;border-top: 1px solid #000000;border-left: 5px solid #000000;}h3.subject {font-size: 12px;letter-spacing: 0.09em;background: transparent;color: #990000;}div.sig {font-family: verdana, arial, sans-serif;font-size: 12px;text-align: right;padding: 0px 5px 2px 5px;border-bottom: 1px solid #000000;border-right: 5px solid #000000;}#footer {margin: 0 auto;padding:0;color: #000000;background: transparent;width: 700px;text-align: left;}#update {float: left;width: 140px;height: 100%;padding: 0px 10px 11px 0px;background: transparent;color: #000000;font-size: 12px;}#dividertwo {float: left;height: 100%;border-left: 1px solid #000000;padding-left: 0px;border-right: 1px solid #000000;}#bottomnav {width: 525px;height: 100%padding-bottom: 10px;padding-left: 10px;background: transparent;color: #000000;float: right;font-size: 12px;}#content p {font-size: 12px;  margin: 10px 0px 5px 10px;}input,textarea{background-color:#ffffff;color:#000000;font-size:12px;border:1px #000000 solid;margin: 1px;}</style></head><body><div id='header'>	<div id='logo'>  <div id='logod'>D</div><div id='logoc'>C</div>	</div>	<div id='title'>  <div id='tdcs'><b>The DCole Server</b></div>  <br /><div id='titleurl'><b>http://dcole.ath.cx</b></div>  <br /><div id='titlefz'><b>Developing the Web</b></div>	</div></div><div id='container' style='height: 280px;'>	<div id='sidebar' style='height: 100%;'>  <b>  [: Home<br />  :] <a href='/settings.php'>Settings</a><br />  :] <a href='/blog/'>Blog</a><br />  :] <a href='/wiki/'>Wiki</a><br />  :] <a href='/mb/'>Message Board</a><br />  :] <a href='/search/'>Search Engine</a><br />  :] <a href='/fm/filemanager.php'>File Manager</a><br />  :] <a href='/hosting.php'>Hosting</a><br />  :] <a href='/scripts.php'>Scripts</a><br />  :] <a href='/support.php'>Support Us</a><br />  :] <a href='/cummunities.php'>Communities</a><br />  </b>  <h2 class='section'>Account login!</h2>  <form action="/ffm/login.php" method="post">    <div align="left">  Website:</div>    <input size="24" name="website" type="text" /><br />    <div align="left">  Password:</div>    <input size="24" name="password" type="password" /><br />    <input value="Login" type="submit" />  </form>	</div>	<div id='divider' style='height: 100%;'> </div>	<div id='content' style='height: 100%;'>  <h2 class='date'>Welcome</h2>  <p>We provide free website hosting to personal or small businesses. 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    the update needs to move left and the bottomnav needs to move up, so they are inline. Also the dividers need to lign upEDIT: please always use CODEBOX for such long pieces of code :)

  8. I can't make my php.ini display errors, it says under the display_errors = OnThis can not be turned on because it may allow the viewing of your code......so on linux (Fedora Core 5) where is the error log location.is it /var/log/httpd because that isn't showing anything...or what is a php function that can change php.ini things

  9. Well my search engine starts out with a todo list, then it will take some URLs and get the cache of the page using fopen. Then another script takes the cache and ranks it and gets all the URLs to pages out, it'll then add them to the todo list.If the todo list ever runs low, it will go to a redo script that will start reindexing the DB. I have a sytem set up to if the script failed on the ranking or reindexing it will be able to start from the last full page that was being worked on. It also allows for duplicate scripts to be working on the same thing. It also allows for the DB to be reindex evenly.I was just thinking and my script does a good job of stopping "Google bombing"I mean you can't just try to bomb any page with any term.

  10. I have the crawler debugged... but I will have to debug the ranking script and it's about 10 times large than the crawler so I'm not going to be happy about that... I'm going to work so it's not going to get done today.But the good news is I'm only making stupid mistakes like forgetting a space, and other junk... Not anything to hard.

  11. ... also animated gifs, flash, etc. is usually annoying and distracting after you have seen it a couple of times and animation is for gaming and turns people off who are trying to get information or buy products...
    Dude, my website is flash and image free but the Supoort Us page. Also writing html is like writing english... most people are in it for the point but the point is hard to see if you don't write good. I'm mostly in this to learn (by example... hint hint what I'm going to say later)
    http://www.cssplay.co.uk/layouts/3cols.html#I think the idea is if you have 2 child divs with height:100% within a parent div, then if one child div grows the parent will grow, since the height of the other child div is set to 100% in the parent, it will also grow.  but don't quote me on that lol

    Can someone write the code of this, I'm having problems... in the css I put: height: 100%; for the divider (shortest one) and it's still only one line.do I need to use like <div style='height:100%;'> or somethinglol, this is really funny... I can write a search engine script but I can't streach a div tag. That's cool... :):):)
  12. Well I'm finishing the crawler and ranker... all that will be left will be the user innerface and fetcher.I will have to debug my code... I hate debugging code! So I hope I'm perfect.I believe I will have a good system with the user input and backlinking. I think people need to stop saying making a search engine is hard, it really makes me over think alot of things... Can't wait to get the script done..

  13. I do store data... about 60 - 80 bytes per URL and Term. (this number is an average guess, it could really range from 16bytes (or 9 bytes, I can't remember) all the way up)"it doesn't store data like any other Search Engine what's open for anyone to see"I was looking to compaire my SE to someone elses small SE.Could you show me how do to compression in PHP? I have tried Zlib and other things but no luck. The DB where the data will be stored doesn't compress any of the data or anything... If I could compress with a 3 to 1 ratio like google will then my server would hold 12,000,000 pages. (if the search engine could stand that)Also what are Barrels and what is a repository? Sometimes people call something, something else so people can't copy them or what not. Because I though the repository was a temp cache and data holder, and the Barrels were the DB.

  14. The search engine looks for keywords in special tags like title, meta, b, u, i, p...It also allows user to submit if a results was good or bad but still resist spam!I do include backlinking. Backlinking is something that is every easy to do if you think about it... when I first thought about it I was over thinking and was going to increase the DB just to fit it in but now that I have thought about it, it became much easier.I though alot about bad searches and how spammers get in there so I doc points for spam like behavior. I don't do alot of talking at school and I take in everything, even if it's not what's being tought and I based the search engine off of my teacher, it grades webpages like teachers grade assignments. It really grades like that blue and orange paper on all the walls, I can remember right now what it says but I get the idea... I'll have to get back on that one. But it has to do with how you write, where things go, how the formating should look, how things flow...

  15. yeah, but really I was asking about my search engine...My search engine doesn't store data like any Search engine you can download and see the script... Can't wait for me to finish this current script.

  16. What was that story about, a guy who lost his dad and needs to hide $15 Million in your bank account?What??? Why would I care if you have $15 Million and someone's trying to take it... If you put $15 Million in my bank account, you wouldn't see it again..

  17. Something has happened to my FF...I installed opera and now FF will not run... like you try to open the program and it freezes and the only thing new on my computer is Opera and I've never had FF freeze or lag before now...When I first installed Opera, FF started freezing, but then when I told Opera it couldn't be the default browser, FF stopped working all together.I know these to events are probly not connected but it really looks that way...

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