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Everything posted by username132

  1. username132

    need major help

    lol, I don't think his # signs were in reference to hexadecimal colour codes!!irtty, have you got these site(s) hosted anywhere? Then maybe we could take a look and see what you were trying to do. I'd be happy to help where I could, although I'm still learning myself.
  2. Thanks F-Man! I don't suppose you've got a trick to just make it all work with internet explorer, have you? Making a website for standards compliant browsers is hard enough without browsers that have a mind of their own. Opera (they used to charge for this?) apparently hasn't heard of z-index either...
  3. That's great. I gave it some margin to the left and altered the padding and it's pretty much what I wanted.I think I only have one problem left now which is that I'd like the footer to span the entire bottom of the screen, but since the submenus are FLOATED to the left, the submenus and the footer crash into each other on small pages (e.g. services and activities pages)!
  4. I've put together my first website for my university college and I'm having trouble with the CSS. It doesn't help that every browser shows it differently, but working from Mozilla, I'd like the sub navigation bar (secondary_nav) to be located below the image of the crest and to have a red strip that extends up behind the image, as in the case of the primary_nav.Link to stylesheet.Incidentilly, I was also wondering why Opera shows the red strip of the primary_nav, on top of the image, despite the image having a z-index of 1?I never knew web design could be so fustrating!
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