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Everything posted by iwato

  1. I am sorry that you are so easily confused and will let the others judge your command of the English language. My purpose is to understand the nature of my file structure and how to implement the config.nice file. In any case thank you for your effort. I will redirect my question to the MacPorts people. Hopefully, they can offer a clear explanation.
  2. Quoting myself is not sarcasm. It is an alert to you to read my questions well before replying. It will save us both, and anyone else who is interested, a lot of wasted effort. Please try not to be defensive. I do not believe this to be true, as I recall a similar option (local and www) offered in the MAMP Pro user interface. The configuration that I have now appear to have been automatically created by the MacPorts installation. Furthermore, based on my previous experience with MAMP Pro, it appears to be a standard file system on UNIX-based machines. Yes, this does appear to be the case. The question is why, and how should they be employed for their apparent designated purpose -- minor upgrade installation of the httpd server?
  3. In answer to your first question I will quote myself: "I have two, both of which were installed by MacPorts."In answer to your second question, no, the content of the folders is not identical. The local/www/ folder has both similar, but different and much less content. For example, the httpd program exists in the local/apache2/bin/ folder, but does not appear in the local/www/apache2/ folder. In fact, the latter folder does not even contain a bin folder. The installation is neither mistaken, nor arbitrary!"The Apache files should not be accessible from the web root." Yes, but from within server file system the web files may be accessed from the server root.
  4. QUESTION ONE; Why do I have two apache2 folders: one in ../local and the other in ../local/www ?QUESTION TWO: When implementing the below code which config.nice file (local or www) should be used and why? Can I use either and obtain the same result. Or, must I use both? $ ./config.nice $ make $ make install $ PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k graceful-stop $ PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k start BACKGROUND: When upgrading from Apache 2.4.10-DEVEL to Apache 2.4.12 the Apache team advises use of the config.nice file. Unfortunately, it does not tell which one or ones to use. I have two, both of which were installed by MacPorts. One is located in ../local/apache2/build/ and the other in ../local/www/apache2/build.
  5. Soon I will be an advanced beginner of Apache2 as well. I tried MAMP Pro for awhile and soon realized when you let other people con"figure" for you, you can be easily hung for having done little more than follow your own dream. After my experience with MAMP Pro, I downgraded to MAMP and realized that it was pretty much the same: do it yourself, so that you know what has been done and can more easily resolve unexpected problems further down the line.Already Apache has taught me that my most valuable Apache tool is my log files.
  6. NEW QUESTION (SAME TOPIC): Why are there two config.nice files for the Apache server?NEXT NEW QUESTION (SAME TOPIC): Do I choose ../local/Apache2/build/config.nice, ../local/www/apache2/build/config.nice, or both separately when running the following code recommended by Apache: $ ./config.nice$ make$ make install$ PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k graceful-stop$ PREFIX/bin/apachectl -k start BACKGROUND: Alas, my incremental approach failed, and my worst fear was realized -- I lost access to my virtual server. So, I have decided to go for broke and upgrade everything -- this only because I discovered that MacPorts determines and installs needed dependencies to make things work. Unfortunately, it installs everything in its own preferred locations that are very different from those selected by Apple Computer. As a result, I have a lot of recon"figuring" to do. Before getting started with my recon"figuring", however, I want to upgrade from my newly installed development version of the Apache server -- namely, Apache 2.4.10 -- to its more stable older brother Apache 2.4.12. To this end Apache has told me to locate the config.nice file. A Spotlight search has revealed that I have two such files located in slightly different locations.
  7. Note of Appreciation: I would like to thank both JSG and the Scientist for their input. As my window of development is brief, I have decided to proceed incrementally and add single extensions, as I require them rather than risk a full-software upgrade. Obviously there is industrial pressure for me to abandon Leopard and upgrade my hardware; then I will need not to worry about a major software upgrade, as it will be provided for me on purchase of a new machine. In the meantime I have learned that no news is likely good news, when it comes to software compatibility for already ancient innovation. I am amazed by how many good things one can still create, even when one remains light years behind the latest innovations.Once again, many thanks.
  8. Although I have found nothing warning me against such an upgrade, neither have I found anything confirming that such an upgrade will work. I am reluctant to attempt an installation without first finding a confirmation that such an attempt is likely to work.
  9. It has been a very long time, and I apologize for my absence, if I have been missed. Certainly I am happy to be able to have found the time to return. QUESTION ONE: What is the most recent and stable version of PHP that I can use on Leopard with an Apache 2.2.17 server?QUESTION TWO: Using MacPorts what is the best and easiest way to migrate from PHP 5.2.15 to the most recent and stable version of PHP?BACKGROUND: I have recently set up a test server on my Leopard machine using the pre-installed Apache and PHP applications. It took me two days to achieve my task, and I am very happy with my success. This said, I fear that without the lastest version of PHP I will be unable to achieve my desired objectives -- namely, create builds suitable for current smartphones. Maybe I do not even need to upgrade. Maybe I need to upgrade Apache as well. I am fearful that I will destroy what it took me two days to achieve, and I do not have a lot of time to get back up to speed. My window of freedom is short.Please advise.As before and always hence. Your help is greatly appreciated.
  10. General Question: Though aware that jQuery is just an adapted form of Javascript, I am confused about their simultaneous use and interaction. Although it seems very probable that one can employ jQuery wherever one employs Javascript, can one employ Javascript wherever there is jQuery. In my previous example entitled Turning the jQuery Overlay Tool Target Property into an Array I am wondering whether I could just as easily create my envisioned target property array inside the JQuery code as outside. For example, would it make a difference if I wrote, <script>$(window).load(function() { var overlay_target = Array('#overlay_1', '#overlay_2', ,,,, '#overlay_N); $("img[rel]").overlay({ effect:"apple" }); $("em.EM_Overlay").overlay({ effect:"apple", target:"overlay_target[]" });});</script> or <script>var overlay_target = Array('#overlay_1', '#overlay_2', ,,,, '#overlay_N);$(window).load(function() { $("img[rel]").overlay({ effect:"apple" }); $("em.EM_Overlay").overlay({ effect:"apple", target:"overlay_target[]" });});</script> Roddy
  11. Background: I recently discovered how to overcome the problem of misapplied "rel" attributes when using the Overlay Tool in the absence of HTML tags with link attributes such as "href" and "src". The Overlay Tool has something called the "target" property that allows users to assign a link to the jQuery code that corresponds to the selector that activates the code. Now, the beauty of the "rel" attribute was that one could use the same selector to evoke the same functionality for different Overlay and trigger elements. One had simply to enter a different target value for the "rel" attribute of each trigger element and a different overlay would result. This, however, is not possible with target property, as there is only one target for each invocation of the same selector. Problem: My proposal is to create a target_array that would become the value of the Overlay Tool's target property whose individual elements could be accessed according to the activated trigger element. Unfortunately, I do not know whether the target property would accept such a value, let alone how to access the target property once the array has been created. Any suggestions? The following code fails due to the redundancy of the selectors and conflicting targets. $(window).load(function() { $("img[rel]").overlay({ effect:"apple" }); $("em.EM_Overlay").overlay({ effect:"apple", target:"#overlay_1_narrative" }); $("em.EM_Overlay").overlay({ effect:"apple", target:"#overlay_2_narrative" }); ... $("em.EM_Overlay").overlay({ effect:"apple", target:"#overlay_N_narrative" });}); Roddy
  12. Thanks dsonesuk.Now that I understand how to transform the $(document).ready(function(){...}); syntax into the alternative $(window).load(function)(){...}); syntax, should I be concerned about its location in the HTML document in which it appears.Until now I have been placing the $(function(){...}); script at the bottom of my <body> tag. May I place the $(window).load(function)(){...}); script there as well?
  13. Background: I have implemented the jQuery UI Overlay Tool and am seeking to customize the Apple effect. Although I have been able to obtain the desired display, I am unable to implement the close function properly. Online queries have shown that I am not the only one with this problem. Unfortunately, each case appears to be different, and none matches mine. I have tried resetting the configuration options of the Overlay tool itself, but to know avail. What confuses me even more is that I have been able to get the close function to work for one set of overlays, but not for another. The only difference for the two set ups is the size and shape of the displayed image. After much frustration I stumbled on the following passage: Question: How does one replace the $(function() {...}); script with the $(window).load() script? Roddy
  14. Consider the below script taken from the jQuery page suggested by Deirdre's Dad. The script is succinct and easy to follow. I would like to know, if my interpretation of the second <script> tag is correct. <!DOCTYPE html><html><head> <style> div { color:blue; } span { color:red; } </style> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.js"></script></head><body> <div> The values stored were <span></span> and <span></span> </div><script>$("div").data("test", { first: 16, last: "pizza!" });$("span:first").text($("div").data("test").first);$("span:last").text($("div").data("test").last);</script> </body></html INTERPRETATION1) Create an attribute called "test" with an object-value consisting of two properties called "first" and "last".2) Assign this attribute to all <div> tags and further assign the values "16" and "pizza", respectively, to these two properties. 3) Find the first <span> tag of the document and enter the value of the first property of the newly created object "test".4) Find the last <span> tag of the document and enter the value of the second property of the newly created object "test". Have I understood properly? Roddy
  15. Background: According to the W3Schools webpage the "rel" attribute should only be used with the <a> tag when the "href" attribute is present. In contrast, the "rel" attribute is used in jQuery Tools with the <img> element and the "src" attribute. There is an obvious contradiction here. Question One: Just how flexible is the "rel" attribute? Can it be used with any HTML element that refers to a link? If not, just what are its exact limitations? Question Two: Is it possible to reconfigure jQuery Tools dynamically so that an attribute other than the "rel" attribute can be used in the absence of an HTML tag with a linked document? How would one go about it? A former W3Schools regular,Roddy (Kiusau)
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