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Posts posted by vchris

  1. Hey guys, It's been a while since I posted. Anyway, I got an issue that I don't really understand here.I have a PDF file that users download from the intranet site. I used file://... and it opens for me. Online it also works for me. But it seems like other users cannot download it online. They say to change to http://.... instead. So I changed to http:// and I can't open it on the dev and live server.Got any idea what's wrong? Why can I open with file:// and others can't?FYI: the PDF file contains spaces and . to separate date digits in the name.
  2. I've never really worked with transparency... I'm playing with it right now and I see that the text inside a div also gets affected by the transparency. How do I have text 100% opacity and div background to 20%???Edit: NVM found it on that link.

  3. Yes it is! I've done it on my old sites. Depends to what extent you want to convert your page to css. You can remove your layout tables and place divs instead. No font element should be used anywhere. I suggest you get to know all the properties of css so you know what can be converted. This is a good exercice to understand css.

  4. If you want it inserted into your guestbook automatically you'll need to know a server-side scripting language (asp, php, coldfusion...) and a database that contains your guestbook. To email the content of the form to yourself, insert your email in the action attribute of your form.

    <form name="form1" method="post" action="myemailisfreakinglongbutilikeit@here.com

  5. Actually the <center> element is deprecated and should not be used. I would do what Little Goat said:

    body {text-align: center;margin: 0 auto;}

    margin:0 auto; will center in all the other browser except IE so that's why you need text-align: center;

  6. Yes if you have _blank in your target attribute it will open the link in a new window. You can remove the target attribute completly, by default it will open in the same window. You can set the target to _self also, this will open the link in the current window.

  7. I have attached an image of a site I'm working on.Site Name: CodingTutsSite Description: Web tutorials site, will include forum, tutorials on many web programming languages, references...Site Owner/Developer: meSite Address: none yet but should be http://www.codingtuts.comExtra Comments: Created with CSS layout, only table on the site is used for displaying data clearly. Should use PHP and MySQL in order to store forum and all user comments, languages tags...What do you think about this one guys?I think it's pretty hot :) Maybe it's missing something in the banner and content background?Removed pic attachment.

  8. Dial-up users have far less bandwidth than Cable or DSL users. This could mean using smaller or less images for the site and no flash animations.Images take the most bandwidth unless your streaming any kind of big file (video, audio, online game, flash...) on a dial connection, forget it :)

  9. ah! I never read that or heard of that before. Thanks for the info SmokingMan :) ! So now you can just add this in your stylesheet:

    img { border-style: none; }

    And all images will have the border removed.

  10. This should be adding a pop-up that says NAME because of your title attribute. Depending on the browser you use, they don't always show it. I know with Firefox it doesn't always show it but if I right click the image, I can see the title. If it's IE then it should show on mouse over.About the image being linked, you'll want to add the <a> element on both sides of your image. As shown below:

    <a href="pagename.html"><img src="photo.jpg" title="NAME" border="0"></a>

    Make sure to add border="0" in your image element or else you'll have an ugly border around it :)

  11. boen_robot is right. I have done that many times and if you want to display <h1>header 1</h1>, then you'll have to write this in your HTML source:

    <h1>header 1</h1>

    < = <> = >That's it!

  12. Once the submit button is clicked that's when you PHP will come in play. Basically you'll have an if statement that will detect when the submit button is clicked. Once clicked it will get the variables from the form with $_POST[] and then send the email.

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