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Xenon Design

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Posts posted by Xenon Design

  1. Your not putting the file in the right directory i dont think.Your directory should be %XAMPP Install Path%/htdocs/example: C:/Program Files/xampp/htdocs/%your stuff here%Chuck it in there and then check it on the browser.If you have set your root apache directory to C:/ then maybe change it back :) C:/ aint a good place at all to have a web server root directory

  2. So you change the (im guessing) <li> tag to include a pic of a arrow?If so then just make it like this (adapt to fit your situation):

    //CSS Code#nav ul li{background: url(arrowfile.jpg) no-repeat 2px 3px;}#nav ul li:hover{background: url(hover_arrowfile.jpg) no-repeat 2px 3px;}

    Unfortunately that will only work in FFox because IE is terrible at assigning hover functions to anything other than <a>. Also you may need to mod the pixel alignments on the background tag in the css.The way to make it IE is as below:

    //CSS Code#nav ul li a{background: url(arrowfile.jpg) no-repeat 2px 3px;}#nav ul li a:hover{background: url(hover_arrowfile.jpg) no-repeat 2px 3px;}

    Hopefully that should work and well with IE also. Youll just have to add <a> tags in your nav (which you should have anyway :) ). Now for it to come up when theres a sub-section available just change the #nav ul li to a class name like .nav_parent and the PHP should make it that IF there is a sub section then print the li tag to have a class of .nav_parentIs that understandable? Im sort of pepped on Pepsi atm :)

  3. Well maybe some PDF's welcoming the person to Web Dev. and maybe some tips on how to get going. Include links to tut sites...like W3.Also maybe just some instructions on how to use the products and youll be done :)Good to see that you are making a resource for new web devys :)

  4. Well to know your weakness you have to know how they attacked you and possibly where (what page). From there you'll have to read the code and find the weakness.Its usally a SQL that takes an input like get, post or a cookie and not checked by a 'anti hack' script/function.

  5. Maybe some temporary cookies or maybe URL vars. Also just something I noticed...the SQL syntax....it looks well hackable.When I have things like sessions, cookies, gets or posts I always check (ereg_replace) the values regardless. You cant just assume the user is your average dude and doesn't know about SQL injection :)

  6. Well im guessing you could use something like this:

    <?php$file = 'folder/a/example.txt';$newfile = 'folder/b/example.txt';if (!copy($file, $newfile)) {   echo "failed to copy $file...\n";}?>

    That may work. But if it doesnt then you may have to give it a full path (ex. 'C:/WebServer/folder/a' etc).Have a rummage around in -> http://php.filearena.net/manual/en/function.copy.phpAnd also explore more of the Filesystem area of the functions for something better.

  7. Well I like to see you want to jump into it. But its still a big task for a PHP beginner.If you want to make one of these fancy Rich Text Editors you will have to learn up...I don't fully understand myself how they work.But if you want a simple one that will show the code (like a Standard Text Editor) then you just add some Javascript to add the text to the end of the input area variable. Like below:

    <script>function addBBTag(tag){var obj = document.getElementById('textarea');obj.value += tag;}</script><textarea id="textarea" rows="15" colls="80" name="posttext"></textarea><input type="button" value="Bold Tag" onclick="addBBTag('[b][/b]')" />

    From there you should just use POST to get the field contents etc. And then from there you use something like str_replace in PHP to change the text to HTML.

  8. Try just using ereg instead of eregi. Encapsulation wont matter in an email input. Try outputting the answer in print so you see what your dealing with.

  9. Well I charge $30AU per hour (soon to increase) and I have a Filemaker Database handle all of my logging. I push a button and it logs my time and when im done it prints out a invoice too.I dont know what currency you are using so I dont know if its right or not. But a 'per hour' scheme is the usual method and it works. Im planning to make my scheme differentiate with what the work involves:- Basic site (4 pages, nothing hard) = $30AU p/h- Midrange site (with a few extra components like a small backend DB) = $35AU p/h- Full Dynamic website (db driven, user database etc.) = $40AU-$50AU p/h (to my digression of choice :) )Just depends how YOU want to get paid :)

  10. I just did some Googling and found a simpler Reg Ex syntax:


    Matches: joe@aol.com|||joe@wrox.co.uk|||joe@domain.infoNon-Matches: a@b|||notanemail|||joe@@.Try that :)

  11. Well heres a better way to do it.Youneed to make sure you have the following on your input field.

    <input type="text" id="idname" />

    The main part is the id attribute. That must be there. Choose the id name like 'quantity1'.Now for the Javascript.

    <script>function getCookie(c_name){if (document.cookie.length>0)  {  c_start=document.cookie.indexOf(c_name + "=")  if (c_start!=-1)	{ 	c_start=c_start + c_name.length+1 	c_end=document.cookie.indexOf(";",c_start)	if (c_end==-1) c_end=document.cookie.length	return unescape(document.cookie.substring(c_start,c_end))	}   }return ""}document.getElementById('quantity1').value = getCookie("cookieName");</script>

    Now you can add some array parsing to that to make it more advanced but thats the basic way of doing it.

  12. Well thats why I made it flexible. If the system was around 40% sure they were a bot it would make the post 'unaproved' and awits moderator approval.Also I think it would be highly unlikely that a user, by chnace, gets suspected as a bot....just look at the posts on here :)Well thats how I fixed it...there may be a more effective way but I dont know of it.

  13. Well it would work by some tricky DOM javascript. Since theres no ID tags it makes it more difficult for a developer to make but more to copy/steal. But basically with a few document.getElementsByName and targeting the form tag you could easily make a javascript firing script. From there its a piece of cake :)If you want me to I can make a mock up?

  14. Well lets like a little different here. Why dont we make it so when you hover on a cell it instead of changing the backgrounds of others it extends and overlaps the others?This is all theory and may not work...but give it a shot anyway.I scribbled this on my Wacom Tablet:css_image_map.gifRight the different coloured boxes are the affected areas. The shaded parts of the coloured parts is what cell was hovered.Now what we do to affect the other cells is make the background include the cells affected. Example: the hover image for the orange area will include the 4 cells on hover.Once on hover the cell background is changed, overlap is set to show and the z-index is hightened. Get what I mean? So on hover of the blue cell the background image is changed to include a background of the 6 affected cells.Now im not sure how well this will work on a table but if it doesn't show it change the grid to Div's...it may take a while but it should work. I may try myself later...atm im doing some homework so i cant >_>So heres the overall result:On hover of cell orange you want to change the background to include also the other affected cell images as just 1 image. Then the z-index is set to 1000 and overflow to show (or display...i cant remember off the top of my head).Then the rollout will just revert it to its normal status :)

  15. Make the gallery project with Ajax that controls and load the images and make a ranking system.Use like a 'digging' system where people put +1 for their fav. picture. This will help you judge what pictures are good so you can make more that are appealing.Sound good?

  16. I dont see how you would get a shock through the plastic jacket. Also theres another plastic jacket around the individual strands as well.Maybe it might be something you touch when you touch the cable? Like I had a Network card at school I had to replace that made my arm tingle when i touched the connector (metal) on the card (im a IT techy at my school :) ).Maybe do some tests by excluding certain things. Even things like stand up and not wear shoes etc. Until you get a change.

  17. If you use CSS is a lot easier:

    <table border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="5" style="border-collapse: collapse; background: url(../images/eagle.jpg) no-repeat center middle;" bordercolor="#111111" width="75%" id="AutoNumber3" bordercolorlight="#C0C0C0" bordercolordark="#808080" height="98">

    I think thats what you want :)

  18. I stopped bots on my IPB. Through a series of simple PHP mods they stopped altogether. Not 1 single bot in 4 weeks (since creation of system).Basically the bots on my IPB were posting with the following:- Smily face like this :) as post icon- Less than 5 days on forums- Less than 5 posts- URLs or IMGs of more than 3So i basically made a few IF statements in the IPB class_post.php file and made it redirect if the IF statement was true to a 'YOU CANT POST, YOUR A BOT!' page. I also slightly modified the IPB Captcha registration image.If you want a copy of the code just drop me a PM. It worked in my IPB v2.0.1.I hate bots >_>

  19. That will work. But for a more 'fun' way to do it you could hide the button all together. Im not sure if this is what you want but ill write it anyway.

    <script type="text/javascript">function hideButton(){var obj= document.getElementById("obj ID");obj.style.display = "none";}function showButton(){var obj= document.getElementById("obj ID");obj.style.display = "block";}</script>

    The only reason why I would use my code is if it was for security reasons. If I 'didnt' want anyone to push it i would hide it. Because you can easily enable a disabled button with a simple Firefox add on, Web Developer Toolbar. A item that is 'display: none;' will not show on HTML source if its initially set on load (see below):

    <script type="text/javascript">function showButton(){var obj = document.getElementById('hideme');obj.style.display = "block";}</script><input type="button" id="hideme" style="display:none;" value="Hello!" /><input type="button" value="Show button" onclick="showButton()" />

    That should work...i hope :)Soo yea...probably more info than you needed :)

  20. Dream Host has some killer plans!http://dreamhost.comI'm going to get some from there soon and use it to also host my clients websites.As for Server side code...definitely PHP. Theres a whole lot more PHP support out there than there is ASP. I know because I learn't ASP then moved to PHP and I have never regretted it!

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