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Posts posted by MrAdam

  1. you need something similar to:

    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />

    ...placed within the head. Read the link Roondog posted to find out why, and what others you can use.

  2. Design looks good - simplistic; which i'm a fan of.Love the way the links (when hovered over) and "Pros" text varies color on each page - nice touch.I'd suggest perhaps a really nice, sharp, colourful photo for the frontpage or banner (across the top).Should look millions better when you have a really, smooth gallery up and lots more content.It's coded in Divs + CSS rather than tables, which is a plus - if you get it to validate, and make it known it's valid, in my opinion it will back up the "Pros" part of it's name (ie. Proffesionally made).good job !P.S. I'm assuming the forum's not been properly setup yet (only 4 forums) ... ------------@andersmoen- he has PHP enabled server because he's running the forum off it.- Adarm

  3. It's simple to display 3 x 3 table:ie.

    <table> <tr>  <td><img src="#" /></td>  <td><img src="#" /></td>  <td><img src="#" /></td> </tr> <tr>  <td><img src="#" /></td>  <td><img src="#" /></td>  <td><img src="#" /></td> </tr> <tr>  <td><img src="#" /></td>  <td><img src="#" /></td>  <td><img src="#" /></td> </tr></table>

    (As i'm sure you're aware)To output this with php you need to use a loop. create a variable to store the column number, and create an 'if' to check if it's last in row... eg:

    print '<table>';while ($rows = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { if (x == 1) {  print '<tr>';  print '<td><img src="{$rows['url']}" /></td>';  x++; } elseif (x==2) {  print '<td><img src="{$rows['url']}" /></td>';  x++; } elseif (x==3) {  print '<td><img src="{$rows['url']}" /></td>';  print '</tr>';  x = 1; }}print '</table>';

    .. Just an example, there's probably a number of ways of doing it.

  4. OT = ?Non-mercedes aren't available on the website yet - my boss is on holiday at the moment, sorting it out when he gets back.But, he does sell non-mercedes - a lot. So I would think he has a "1:24 scale Silver 1979 Porsche 924" - only i live in the UK and postage could be costly. (I don't know).I'll ask him in a day or two (when he gets back) and let ya know, unless you find one somewhere else.--------and yeah, pulpfiction, i was thinking the same thing ! :)Cheers!- Adarm

  5. Thanks ! ... I spent 30 minutes messing round and I managed to create this..http://www.minimerc.co.uk/new/test.html- works perfect there! but when I insert it into my other page, it all messes up..http://www.minimerc.co.uk/new/shop.php?c=E...amp;m=W114-W115At least in IE it does - i haven't viewed it in firefox yet because i'm using the family computer and it's not installed.For some reason when you scroll up and down, gaps are being made in the border? has anybody else come across something like this before? Plus there's a large gap on the first model?lol - you wouldn't get this with tables.Anyways; If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.- Thanks

  6. Hi guys!I'm working on a project for a family friend to create him a website for his part-time model company.This is the first, ever, website I've made using DIVS + CSS for layout. I have a problem now (only in IE) with the shop page. If you look at the top few models, they are slightly different aligned to the rest below. They are all printed out using PHP so I don't understand why it does it?By the way, the results ARE tables, but I was trying to get the same look with a DIV but I just couldn't get it to work.Here's the page: http://www.minimerc.co.uk/new/shop.php?c=E...amp;m=W114-W115Template for each model:

    <table class="model_wrap"><BR> <tr><BR>  <td class="model_img"><BR>   <a href="java script:pop_img('image.php?url=images/catalog/E-Class/W114-W115/F80.JPG');"><img src="<A href="http://www.minimerc.co.uk/images/catalog/E-Class/W114-W115/F80_thumb.JPG">http://www.minimerc.co.uk/images/catalog/E-Class/W114-W115/F80_thumb.JPG</A>" class="thumb" alt="Click to enlarge" /></a><BR>  </td><BR>  <td class="model_info"><BR>   <strong>200</strong><BR>   <BR>   <strong>Scale:</strong> 1:43<BR>   <strong>Colour:</strong> GREEN/WHITE<BR>   <BR>   <strong>Price:</strong> £22.50<BR>  </td><BR> </tr><BR> <tr><BR>  <td class="model_opt" colspan="2"><BR>   <a href="shop.php?c=E-Class&m=W114-W115&id=F80">More Information</a><BR>  </td><BR> </tr><BR></table>

    And the matching CSS:

    table.model_wrap<BR>{<BR> margin: 0px auto;<BR> width: 537px;<BR> border: 1px solid #DCDCDC;<BR>}</P> <P>td.model_img<BR>{<BR> width: 40%;<BR>}</P> <P>td.model_info<BR>{<BR> width: 60%;<BR>}</P> <P>td.model_opt<BR>{<BR> width: 100%;<BR> padding: 3px 5px;<BR> text-align: right;<BR> background-color: #EAEAEA;<BR>}

    Can anybody see why it's happening?-------------Also, I would just like to ask what people think of the layout? I know it lacks the creative edge, but I'm not too amazing at design.Thanks, Adam.

  7. haha..

    WTF is an acronym for obviously "What the ######?" It's used to express surprised disbelief usually at the bizarre excessiveness of a film. Case in point: David Cronenberg's film Crash (WTF?!)
  8. nar - thanks for the help - but it's the way the server is setup, occasionally it seems to pop the session into the link or form, where as on my server it never does. I've seen people using a function I can't remmeber the name of, to modify the confirguration in a particular script...

  9. i wasn't sure where to post this, as i wasn't sure how it would be fixed.I'm trying to get my webpage to validate as strict XHTML, there's 1 or 2 errors i know how to fix, but this one i'm not sure...basically, the server appears to be generating "PHPSESSID=blahblah" (sometimes) on links and forms. Of course this means it's using "&PHPSESSID=blahblah" which means it's not validating.http://www.minimerc.co.uk/new/shop.php?c=E...amp;m=W114-W115 (not much works yet so no point in trying to view other pages)How can I stop the server from doing this (i have .htaccess rights, but cannot change the server configuration directly)- Thanks!

  10. nar.. thanks for help. to be quite truthful .. that's not my own work - i mean it is, i've modified it and stuff, read through it and tried to understand it best i can .. but i'm not fully understanding the code.. it's really just a learning exercise ..(the nav menu that is - rest is my own)- any other suggestions guys and girls?- Thanks !

  11. Offtopic://Actually, margins and paddings are quite similar, excluding the "margin: auto;" thing. As for vertical-align, in an article I read recently, it seems that vertical-align is simply used only in table cells and inline element and in inline elements, it's supposed to tell how is the inline element aligned according to it's block text (or something like that) but not to align the element vertically to the dimensions of it's parent. In other words, only valign is a bit different and is probably one of the reasons for complete adoption of CSS.
    I too am in the process of switching from tables and also currently trying to convert a site .. could i just ask, what actually is the alternative to valign="middle", would you have to use "padding", orrr?- Thanks (don't mean to hijack your post by the way)
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