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Posts posted by MrAdam

  1. I'm using IE6 on a 1024 x 768 screen, looks spot on to me. Only problem is this monitor seems real dark, always does, i'm not sure wether the settings are messed or what (brightness and all them are at 100%) or it could be a setting in windows XP or something, but yeah it looks quite dark to me.Good work though !

  2. this makes a good argument for the next time i get into an debate with my mother about smoking!

    it killed lung, breast and brain cancer cells, but left healthy cells alone
    haha! nice one!
  3. You'll often find two different types of people; those that use software, and those that write the code themselves - usually either using some form of text editor or syntax highlighting software (not publishing software).To use a text editor to make websites, you use HTML, write your code into a file and save it as ."html" without formatting. Often as you progress with web development, you'll start to add stuff like CSS, JavaScript, then onto programming languages like PHP or ASP.To use sofware (Dreamweaver for example) you simply use the tools privded in a sort of 'click and drag' way to build webpages, you can also toggle between design view and HTML view.I personally always, use notepad.

  4. Hello, I'm new to flash and want to create an image gallery for a website. It will be very small (about 200 x 300 pixels) and I want to keep it fairly simple. All I would like are "Previous", "Play/Pause" and "Next" buttons. The whole thing would be kinda automatic, with just those few controls.Also, I would like it to be fed the images from an XML document, and then only load the images when needed..I thought instead of searching for hours on the internet for a decent tutorial, you guys may be of better assistance.-Thanks

  5. think of sessions as a way of storing more, secure data. You could save the user's username in a session, then access it from a script, and then you have user-custom pages... and they are secure enough not to worry about malicous users trying to retrieve that username, or set their username as someone else.So for example: They type their username and password into a form, you query the database to make sure they have supplied correct details. If so, you set a session with the user's username, or unique id. Then somewhere else in the website (as sessions can be sort of, globally accessed) you retrieve that id/username and use it to generate some dynamic, user-customised output; such as items in a shopping cart, or, their user level to check if they are admin or not!

  6. yes ..

    if ($_SESSION['is_logged_in']) { ... }

    of course straight off this won't work, you'll need to add a script/function to actually log the user in (most common way is to collect the user's username and password then check them in a database), set the session then if you want to ever check if they are logged in, simply use the code above.I've probably explained that very badly. You'll need to look into PHP / MySQL and PHP Sessions!- Good luck!

  7. (despite it says i know javascript in my sig) I've never really played with animating something before. basically, what I want to do is slowly move an object to a specific point on the page. I've so far come up with the following:

    var y;var t;function moveObject(obj) { y = obj.offsetTop; if (y > 50) {  obj.offsetTop = y - 1; } else {  return; }  t = setTimeout("moveObject(obj)",1000)}

    i can't see any problems in it, the only thing I could think it would be is the timer... anybody know a soloution to fix it?-ThanksssUPDATE: silly me, you can't change 'offsetTop' directly!

  8. haha! "Super Enthusiastic" about something real boring - my boss! Work as a landscaper and he's always dead enthusiastic about the utter.. crap day we have before us! drvies me mad!

  9. this may seem ... stupid ... but does anyone know how to edit your "interests" .. was just looking at the new profiles and that .. can't find anyways to do it?? :)... don't rate me badly for my stupidty .. or perhaps.. quick finding of a problem!

  10. as v-chris said, "tagret=_blank" will behave differently depending how the browser is set. IF the browser has tabs enabled, then the link will most likely open in a new tab. If the browser does not support tabs, or has them disabled, it will open in a new window.Why do you want/need it to open in a new tab anyways?

  11. haha yeah, very simle script:

    function test(one,two,three) {   three = one + two;   document.write(three);}

    compressed 3 times:

    eval(function(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=function(c){return(c<a?'':e(parseInt(c/a)))+((c=c%a)>35?String.fromCharCode(c+29):c.toString(36))};if(!''.replace(/^/,String)){while(c--)d[e(c)]=k[c]||e(c);k=[function(e){return d[e]}];e=function(){return'\\w+'};c=1};while(c--)if(k[c])p=p.replace(new RegExp('\\b'+e(c)+'\\b','g'),k[c]);return p}('E(y(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=y(c){x c.C(P)};A(!\'\'.B(/^/,F)){z(c--)d[c.C(a)]=k[c]||c.C(a);k=[y(e){x d[e]}];e=y(){x\'\\\\w+\'};c=1};z(c--)A(k[c])p=p.B(G H(\'\\\\b\'+e(c)+\'\\\\b\',\'g\'),k[c]);x p}(\'v(8(p,a,c,k,e,d){e=8(c){9 c};h(!\\\'\\\'.f(/^/,u)){i(c--)d[c]=k[c]||c;k=[8(e){9 d[e]}];e=8(){9\\\'\\\\\\\\w+\\\'};c=1};i(c--)h(k[c])p=p.f(t s(\\\'\\\\\\\\b\\\'+e(c)+\\\'\\\\\\\\b\\\',\\\'g\\\'),k[c]);9 p}(\\\'6 5(2,1,0){0=2+1;4.3(0)}\\\',7,7,\\\'r|q|o|n|m|l|8\\\'.j(\\\'|\\\'),0,{}))\',I,I,\'||||||||y|x||||||B||A|z|D||O|N|M|L||K|J|H|G|F|E|\'.D(\'|\'),0,{}))',52,52,'|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||return|function|while|if|replace|toString|split|eval|String|new|RegExp|33|three|two|one|write|document|test|36'.split('|'),0,{}))

    but.... how would you actually use that? same way as before?

  12. amongst the files you downloaded, do you have "AddGuestBook10x7.asp" ? Usually it would be in the same directory, so you could put:

    <form method='POST' action='AddGuestBook10x7.asp'>

    otherwise if it's in an extra folder, such as "scripts/" or something, you would have:

    <form method='POST' action='scripts/AddGuestBook10x7.asp'>

    only if it's different server or, completely different tree of folders would you need to include the whole address.... but, if you don't actually have the ASP file, it won't work at all.

  13. "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"im no expert with the PHP mail function .. but in a script i took about 3 hours putting together just to send a decent HTML email .. i use that ^ within the actual message..

    $msg .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n";$msg .= $body;

  14. Well, that'll be very advanced scripting as the lgoic and ordering in a language can vary, for example in french they say quite a lot of things the oposite way round, like the noun before an adjective, as i understand.for a straight translation (though it may not make perfect sense) you should use a database. create a table for words, then for each row of data, have several fields, one for each of the word in a different langauge. then use PHP/ASP to connect and query that database using MySQL, then output the translated words.for example:table: translation_words-----------------------------english | fench | german-----------------------------cat | chat | katzedog | chien | hund-----------------------------You can find a tutorial for ASP, PHP and MySQL on the w3schools website.

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