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Posts posted by vmars316

  1. Thanks :

    Why does it matter what the browser names the files?
    It matters because I am trying to learn about the Beast called localStorage ."Why does it matter what the browser names the files?"Oh , that's new information to me "the browser names the files" ...Thanks And I also learned that :The browser (in my case Chrome Version 24.0.1312.52 m ) names the files according to what is the current/active site .For example when I issue a 'localStorage command' from here :http://www.w3schools...me=tryjs_eventsThe browser names the files : http_www.w3schools.com_0.localstorage http_www.w3schools.com_0.localstorage-journal and here : https_plus.google.com_0.localstorage https_plus.google.com_0.localstorage-journal and for my desktop : __0.localstorage __0.localstorage-journal etc..
    The key is the name of the data, like a variable name or cookie name. It is how you refer to the data when you're asking the browser to save or retrieve it.
    You can use localStorage.getItem('myKey') to get the data, that's how you use the key.
    Where and how the keys and data actually get stored by any arbitrary browser really isn't relevant.
    It matters to me , because I would like to go thru the "Local storage" Folderand delete everything out there .
    For Chrome specifically, the files it saves are SQLite files
    Yes , I noticed that . I was wondering why at the beginnning of each file it reads "SQLite format 3" .Does that mean that Chrome installed SQLite onto my computer ?
    Thanks , after I get localStorage working , I will check it out . Thanks again...Vernon BTW : Deirdre's DadI wasn't being sarcastic : sometimes I get lost in a conversation , and forget what was said before .
  2. Maybe you should explain your goals more clearly. It's possible that what you want cannot really be done, or can be done using other tools, but I am not certain.
    Please see my initial Post .Thanks...vmars316
  3. When I use your code , it creates the following 2 files :__0.localstorage__0.localstorage-journal When I substitute your line : localStorage.test = JSON.stringify(obj);with mine : localStorage.setItem('myKey', 'myData');the code creates the following 2 files : https_plus.google.com_0.localstoragehttps_plus.google.com_0.localstorage-journal I was expecting the files created with my code to be named :myKey.localstoragemyKey.localstorage-journalWhy aren't they ? Like I said , I need to understand what KEY means ,& where does KEY show up ?Also, which file contains the KEY ?Also, which file contains the DATA ? See code below :THanks...Vernon <!DOCTYPE html><!--__0.localstorage__0.localstorage-journal--><html><title>~~~localStorage-01.html</title> <head> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8"> <title></title> <script type="text/javascript"> function init () { document.getElementById("button1").onclick = function () { var obj = new Object; obj.key = "val";' localStorage.test = JSON.stringify(obj); localStorage.setItem('myKey', 'myData'); } document.getElementById("button2").onclick = function () { var newObj = JSON.parse(localStorage.test); alert(newObj.key); } } window.onload = init; </script> </head> <body> <div> <input type="button" value="Set" id="button1"> <input type="button" value="Alert" id="button2"> </div> </body></html>

  4. Hello & Thanks ,I would like to write a myDiary script . But I am having trouble with the concept of KEY . Normally , when I think of a KEY , as applied to data ,I think of it as an Index pointing to something . Givens :TodaysDate="2013.01.27" .And "myDiary_" is a constant .Then of course there is a TextArea1 full of text . I would like to Create a Key for localStorage ,consisting of ( "myDiary_" + TodaysDate) . [ myDiary_2013.01.27 ]How would I do that with localStorage :localStorage.key=( "myDiary_" + TodaysDate) I plan to run script like this :Each time the user clicks on [New Entry Button] .script checks if there is an entry for ("myDiary_" + TodaysDate) .If ("myDiary_" + TodaysDate) is there , script loads data into Textarea1 Eventually user will click on [save/Update Button] .And new data is added to ("myDiary_" + TodaysDate) . I also notice that for every entry in :C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage There are two files , for example :First the -journal : https_plus.google.com_0.localstorage-journalThen this : https_plus.google.com_0.localstorage ? What is the difference between the two ?and? How to create a multi-part KEY ? Thanks...Vernon

  5. * Hello & Thanks , Is there such a thing as 'CrossPlatform Desktop PHP' ?Normally I program in HotBasic (freeware programs) .But I am interested in crossplatform . So it seems like javascript and php are quite platform independent . Today I noticed a Php-Gtk crossplatform opensource package .I would like to write programs that run in Browsers ( IE , chrome , firefox , etc. ) . And I need to use the FileSyatem , for *.txt files . I know IE's *.hta can do this , but it is for IE only .So I am looking for the smallest Desktop footprint possible , to develop php/html/javascript programs . And more importantly , I am looking for the smallest Desktop footprint possible , to run these programs in . Any advice/direction you can give me will be greatly appreciated . Thanks...Vernon

  6. I am trying to Include an external file inside of HTML that will work as crossBrowser: I have come up with three methods of coding it, but only Chrome works for all 3 methods.Anyone know of different ways to do this ?Thanks...Vernon Including an external file inside of HTML: In the 3 methods below , for GoogleChrome, all Methods(1,2,3) work ,and all methods show search results. For InternetExplorer, all Methods(1,2,3) show something ,BUT ONLY 'Method 2' shows search results. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"><html><head><meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" http-equiv="content-type"><title>Minimalist Html Code</title> </head><body><br><br>Method 1<br><embed src="C:\Users\vm\Desktop\myPrograms\~PortableFreeware.com\AkelPad\~~~Scratch.txt"><br><br><br>Method 2<iframe src="C:\Users\vm\Desktop\myPrograms\~PortableFreeware.com\AkelPad\~~~Scratch.txt" width="800" height="800"><a href="C:\Users\vm\Desktop\myPrograms\~PortableFreeware.com\AkelPad\~~~Scratch.txt">Hmm, you are using a very old browser.Click here to go directly to included content.</a></iframe><br><br><br>Method 3<object width="800" height="800" data="C:\Users\vm\Desktop\myPrograms\~PortableFreeware.com\AkelPad\~~~Scratch.txt"></object> <br> <br></body></html>

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