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Everything posted by florynth

  1. Probably simple but I don't know how to do it.The pageI want to do like the logo in the bottom right cornet who's always there even on resize. I did try to see the source fo the page but it's look like in a javascript encrypt code and I've ask on another forum and they think that it can be done just with CSS. Since this is the best source for CSS I'm asking...Thanks in advance for any helpMartin
  2. florynth

    Center problem

    Thanks for you answer, I forgot to put the email notification of replies...I still have a problem with the gate in bottom of the menu...I did try to put just the image button without the table but the gate still appear on FF. I do think that's a white space after image with FF but I'm not sure...Do you know what it could be, or how to correct this problem...
  3. florynth

    Center problem

    Here's my trouble,I want to center the main table (yes... not a div a table... too many difference between browser...)I don't want to use <center> (who's working perfectly)so I've put this in my style sheet body{ font-size:10pt; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color:#5a7278;[color=#33CC00] margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto; text-align:center;[/color]} I does work on IE but not on FireFox !!!Other problemif you look at the page Temp page you'll see a gate (with FF) under the top menu (Accueil, Mission / Services...) that's not present with IE. The code of this part is <td id="menu_top"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/acceuil_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/acceuil_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/acceuil_off.png'"></td> <td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/mission_service_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/mission_service_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/mission_service_off.png'"></td> <td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/estimation_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/estimation_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/estimation_off.png'"></td> <td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/notre_equipe_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/notre_equipe_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/notre_equipe_off.png'"></td> <td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/liens_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/liens_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/liens_off.png'"></td> <td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/faq_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/faq_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/faq_off.png'"></td> <td><img src="/images/button/menu_up_on_off/contactez_nous_off.png" onmouseover="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/contactez_nous_on.png'" onmouseout="this.src='/images/button/menu_up_on_off/contactez_nous_off.png'"></td> </tr> </table> </td> If I take the table with the button out everythings fine... I got the same problem in the botom of the main content you can see the background start to be repeat again (I've use a table 2X1 for the text and picture). It's like there's a space after the table so I've try to set it to style="display:inline" no difference... Here again's working fine on IEI love programming and using all the standard but I'm losing time and money to do so...
  4. I was working on a solution who's a lot better then this I know it's working on php probably on ASP toif you put a hidden input before the checkbox with the same name and the value to false and after the checkbox with the value to true normal since you have to field with the same name the last one will be keep.So because the info of a uncheck box is not send you will get false of the hidden field. <input name="accept" type="hidden" value="0" /><input name="accept" type="checkbox" value="1" /> You can event don't set the value of the hidden input it will send {field_name}= to the server...
  5. I did check around but I didn't find it, I want to to change the class of a element when something append, since there's a lot of attribute and I'll probably change them often I want to set the .class1 and .class2 in a CSS file but I want the js script to change it ...Is there a way ?Thanks
  6. I found a solution... <style type="text/css">div.icon1{ width:90px; height:90px; margin:0; padding:6px 6px 6px 6px; text-align:center; overflow:hidden; float:left;}img.icon1{ border: none; width:48px; height:48px; display:block;}</style> Instead of using display I'm using the float property...Now there's just one thing left, how to verticaly align the content of the div like it was a align on a <td>. For people who will tell me to put vertical-align:middle; it's not good because it's the alignement of the element toward is parent I want the content to be align... It's not that important for the icon but I would like to know because it's not the first time I get this problem...
  7. It doesn't work. I was using a table instead of div before it was working but i'm sure there's a way without it (I'm converting all to div to be with the tendency....)here's a link IconHere's the source<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252" /> <title>Web Site Manager : test.w-s-m.com</title> <style type="text/css">div.icon1{ width:90px; height:90px; margin:0; padding:5px 5px 5px 5px; vertical-align:middle; text-align:center; display:inline-table; overflow:hidden;}img.icon1{ border: none; width:48px; height:48px; display:block;}</style></head> <body> With div<br /><div class="icon1"> <a href="./icon.html" class="icon"> <img class="icon1" src="/websitemanager/img/add.gif" alt="icon" />Nouvelles </a></div><div class="icon1"> <a href="./icon.html" class="icon"> <img class="icon1" src="/websitemanager/img/add.gif" alt="icon" />Foire aux questions </a></div><br /><style type="text/css">img.icon { border: none; width:48px; height:48px; display:block;}table.icon{ width:90px; height:90px; margin:0; padding:5px 5px 5px 5px; display:inline; text-align:center; }td.icon{ vertical-align:middle;}</style>With table (what I want)<br /><table class="icon"> <tr><td class="icon"> <a href="./icon.html" class="icon"> <img class="icon" src="/websitemanager/img/add.gif" alt="icon" />Nouvelles </a> </td></tr></table><table class="icon"> <tr><td class="icon"> <a href="./icon.html" class="icon"> <img class="icon" src="/websitemanager/img/add.gif" alt="icon" />Foire aux questions </a> </td></tr></table></body> </html> Ok I know it's more demanding for you but since I've try everything (that I know of) give me the good style/code to modify not just tell me try this try that because I've probably try it before (except if you're so sure that I'm not losing a other 3 hours on try and error...)Thanks for your help...
  8. Hi I want to display image with bottom text like it was a icon.Here's my code... Check post #4 for new version (who still doesn't work...) If you try it it doesn't work, the div are display as block, but if I take out the block in the img.icon style it's ok for the alignement but not for the text so I take out the inline in the div.icon style now the text is ok (center in the bottom of the icon) but it's not inline anymore .......... It's been about 3 hours I'm on that...I need helpp.s. : Sorry to don't give you a link because it's secure page in a CMS
  9. Hi,I'm develloping a CMS with user access right and I want to validate my page... But because the Validator is not identified it get redirect to a loggin page so I can't make the test.For the XHTML i did put a code if(substr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],0,strlen("W3C_Validator")) == "W3C_Validator"){ $UsersManager->SetCurrentUserId(USER_MAIN_ADMINISTRATOR);} It's not that secure but it work...But it doesn't work with the css test... Also I want to leave the icon to test my page by the user but I still want my page to be secure what are my option (if someone know...)Thanks for your answerMartin
  10. Thanks ! So another question :I want to change the content of the element the code I did have before isif(document.getElementById) { element = document.getElementById(Id); element.innerHTML = content; } else if(document.layers) { element = document.layers[Id];element.document.open(); element.document.write(content); element.document.close(); } The second part was for Netscape. Since everything support getElementById do everything support also the innerHTML or I will have the do a browser detection instead?Just to let you know I'm creating a object in javascript to manage div that's not exactly the code I'll use but I don't need to show everything to have my answer... I'll post a message with the code when it will be ready to work and have some usefull function...
  11. I solve the problem but I found something bizare...with no unit fix it't like the padding amount where not add to the width and height of the element so everything was right. When I did put the px everything when out of proportion so I did ajust all the width and height property... Fianaly all work...
  12. I did have the same "problem" I didn't really bother since it's a warning but I like when everything is perfect so...you have to put something like serif or sans-serif this is generic because it will load the serif or sans-serif font on the computer if the other are not find out...
  13. What I'll suggest you to do is something like this #Container{ width:(what you whant); height:(waht you whant);}#LeftPanel{ width:(what you whant); height:(what you whant); float:left; .....}#CenterPanel{ width:(what you whant); height:(what you whant); overflow:auto;}#RightPanel{ width:(what you whant); height:(what you whant); float:right;}#BottomPanel{ width:(what you whant); height:(what you whant); clear:both;}<div id="Container"> <div id="LeftPanel"> Left Side Content </div> <div id="CenterPanel"> Center Content </div> <div id="RightPanel"> Right Side Content </div><div id="BottomPanel"></div></div> Just be sure that your width and height matchIt should display three colum and end a row in the bottom if you want to put copyright and info at the bottom of your site...
  14. What do you whant exactly, a sidebar to scroll just the part where you have the content of the page ?I can put you a scroll where ever you want but I need to know what you want to scroll...
  15. I I've try to validate my page by CSS with the W3C but I get a problemit's not ok to put......padding: 10 10 10 10;......because there's no unit so I putpadding: 10px 10px 10px 10px;Now all my div and everything are disproportionnate (used for width and height also)What's wrong ?
  16. Hi,I'm doing a script that use the GetElementById function and I want to know with wich browser it's compatible.I do have a book (old one but...) who said for exemple to use document.all["id"] in IE 4.xBut anyway nobody use this anymore... So is there a current browser who's use that is not compatible with the function or I scratch my head for less then 1% of browser...Thanks for your answerMartin
  17. Is there a way (like in a css file...) to re-group the event of a tag instead of going in the html it self...Ex : <script language=javascript>function class1(){to do...}</script><style>.class1{onmouseenter:'javascript:class1()';}</style><span class="class1">blabalbal</span> Something like this or anything else of the same kind....
  18. Hi everyoneI did find the problem and I want you to know what it is Really simple but a bit stupid...<a href="ftp://password%40domain.com:username@domain.com" target="_blank">loggin</a>What is the big differencethe target !!! I didn't try with something else but without it, it doesn't work...
  19. Hi,I'm trying to make a link to a ftp server with the username and password in it...I do know how to do thisftp: //username:password@domain.com/ftp://username:password@domain.com/but what to do when there's a '@' in the username ??? (like when there's the domain name after the username)I've tryftp: //username%40domain.com:password@domain.com/but it does work when you paste it in the address bar but has a link (in IE I didn't try other browser) it doesn't work...Any idea ?
  20. Yes of course it will work that way but I want to use a css as much has I can because I'm using this database access script for many site and for exemple if I put :Hi, we are <p class="date">monday</p> welcome on my site !I don't want the first letter to be capitaliseIf I put :<p class="date">monday</p> is the best day of the week !I will want the first letter to be capitalise so I just have to change my css not my script (If we figure that monday is the result of a database)Of course the exemple is not great but I think you do understand what I meantMartin
  21. Here is some sample of what does and doesn't work...This work for the first letter but the second part not on the same line <html><head><style type="text/css">.test:first-letter{color: #ff0000;text-transform:uppercase;}</style></head><body><p class="test">first part who I want to have the first letter in uppercase</p>Other text who should be on the same line</body></html> Now the line is on the good place but the uppercase doesn't work... <html><head><style type="text/css">.text{display:inline;}.test:first-letter{color: #ff0000;text-transform:uppercase;}</style></head><body><p class="test">first part who I want to have the first line in uppercase</p>Other text who should be on the same line</body></html> And now with a span who's already inline by default... <html><head><style type="text/css">.test:first-letter{color: #ff0000;text-transform:uppercase;}</style></head><body><span class="test">first part who I want to have the first line in uppercase</span>Other text who should be on the same line</body></html> It's like if you have a inline attribut the first-letter option is ignore !If there's anyone who's able to confirm me that or the explain what I do wrong !Thank'sp.s. You just have to cut and paste the code section in any try it yourser of the siteTryItYourSelf
  22. florynth

    span first-letter

    Hi,I'm trying to change the first-letter element to a capitalize and the rest of the text to lowercase. The information's coming from a database in capital so I cannot (easily) take the first letter and do the job "manually".this is what I go so far .name{ text-transform:lowercase;}.name:first-letter { color:#0000ff; text-transform:uppercase;} It's not working on a <span> element but it does work in a <div> element... The problem is the line return of the div ! So if I set div{ display:inline;} Now the first letter is not afect anymore ?&$%Any suggestion ?
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