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Posts posted by jimfog

  1. 11 hours ago, Ingolme said:

    That depends on where you want it to appear. The code you write does exactly what you tell it to do.

    I don't know what you want, so I can't tell you how to do it.

    I am finally getting it...a parent element is different from an ancestor somehow...there is an overlap though in some cases.

    here is what I want to do:

    When the user clicks a menu item I want the arrow to appear directly below that menu item.

    Now clicking the mails(I do not use a click handler in the fiddle,a placed the arrow image inside a menu item just for demo purposes so as to find the problem) item the arrow appears somewhere else....

    What do you propose?

  2. let us clarify some things....take a look again at the HTML of the fiddle....the image is placed inside the mails menu item...the problem is that it appears in front of the user stats menu item.

    I do not want that of course...so how can I fix it?

  3. take a look at this fiddle....I have placed an image(it is a blue arroe) in the mails menu item with a class name of show_inf....

    Despite positioning it absolute it appears inside the the user_stats menu item(I cannot understand why it appears there)....I want it to appear inside the mails menu item as depicted in the HTLM-which is it's parent element anyway.


    What is wrong here?

  4. I agree with you that probably a notice is required even for a "remember me" cookie....the issue is though where to find it an expert for that matter so that I can get a definitive answer


  5. Take a look at this fiddle here. Click edit and then click the plus sign...a new input is added and it;s name attribute value has a different form(form[1]...) than all the other(filled) inputs....

    The reason for this is that this only new input gets to be serialized and NOT the others.

    Imagine the following though.

    The user goes to edit some of the currently filled inputs....the way the name attribute value it is set,serialization cannot take place.

    So what could I do in such a case...when editing inputs and not just adding new ones.

    Various things come into my mind about it....but I want to hear what you have to say about it.


  6. 13 hours ago, dsonesuk said:

    A radio button with same group attribute name value, can only have one selection at a time. checkbox can have multiple, also you have duplicate  identical id reference showing.

    Your answer is very general and it does not address my issue....and you say there is identical ID...I see none.

    It seems your answer is relevant after all....I found the cause of the problem but for the time being I do not know how to solve it.

  7. In my app a business user fill in a form the services he/she offers along with the option if the prices of them are to be visible to the end-user.

    And if at sometime he/she wishes to edit these data he/she clicks the edit button...presented to him/her like this fiddle.

    You can see what happens when the user clicks the edit button.

    And now my problem:

    Focus on the price visibility section...when the edit button is clicked the radio button checked must be the one the user has selected from before.If the user has opted for price visibility then the radio button checked must reflect this...(yes in this case).In the JS pane you see code that gathers the values witch reperesent this(in both services this is 1 and this means the user has opted for price visibility in both services).

    The problem is that the radio button of only one service is selected...the other ought to be also(the top)...but it does not.We have the value of 1 also for the top service....as such YES must be selected too.

    So there must be something wrong with the JS code...specifically with the replace HTML  method.

    I tried to be clear,if there is something you do not understand ask me to clarify further.

  8. I have a series of inputs(and more can be added by clicking the plus icon):https://jsfiddle.net/fiddlehunt/pu4qqnrd/

    In the left input user enters service(s) and in the right price(s) and these must be sent with AJAX to the server...

    From a little search serialize() can do this but there is a problem.

    suppose that the values to be sent are these:service1 and 55...service name and it;s price...take a look what is sent to the server.


    Many meaningless characters...is there something I can do to clean this string before or after it reaches the server or...

    serialize() maybe not the best solution for this type of problem after all....what do you think?

  9. I am using netbeans to code PHP...when using a superglobal array such as $_POST for example I get frequent the message that I should not access them directly for security reasons.

    I know the reason behind that and and the solution(filter_input).


    The question is if it is so safety critical that I should use filter_input in superglobals.

    Where it is critical,such as in database inserts I use prepared statements...but what about in other cases?

    Such as this for example:

            //do this

    Must I use a filtering function?

  10. Tell me if I got this right cause I am little confused...

    There are 2 cases when throttling must be applied to a form...when an attacker performs an attack(dictionary attack,brute force etc) to a single account.

    In the above case throttling must be activated in this specific account

    AND when there is distributed brute force attack at which case throttling must be activated to ALL of the accounts.

    Am I correct?

  11. You need to set the session cookie parameters any time you start a session.

    I agree...

    Nonetheless...before setting the parameters in every site page I must be certain that the "thing" works.

    So...in order to test it I just placed the code in one page and hit refresh.

  12. If you changed that stuff then make sure you delete cookies after you change anything so that you can get a new cookie. Maybe it's sending the old one.

    After deleting the session cookie and refreshing the page the login screen appeared(something to be expected as the session was destroyed)...a logged in again

    and a new cookie was sent...meaning that the code still has no effect.


    I must add this:

    When the user logins he/she is redirected to a page called appointments.php(it is the home page of a logged in user)...the code is found there.

    It is not the page where the session is set originally....so I am wondering if the code must be placed in the page where the session is set original.


    I just placed the code in appointments.php and did the testing there.

  13. I trying to set the session cookie parameters using the function session_set_cookie_parameters.Here is the code:


    $sesarr=session_get_cookie_params();//I use this function here to grab the data and padd them below

    Now....according to the manual if the secure option is set to true(as the case above) the cookie will only be sent if the connection is secure.


    I do my testing to a local machine(localhost) and as such the connection is not secure.

    Despite that the cookie is sent after all...I can see that from chrome dev tools.


    Any idea why this might be happening?


  14. What I cannot understand is how to use conditionals to achieve this.

    Here the form must appear when the link is clicked which is an


    Yes but we also must take into consideration when the submit button is clicked:

     if (isset($_POST['submit']))

    So my problem now is how to combine these two...and as you said having one form.

  15. I am facing a problem with the markup of a registration form.

    The user is presented with some links and each of them when clicked leads to a registration form-so far everything is OK.

    But when the submit button is clicked(and if errors are found) the user is taken to the registration form again-but this time the markup is different,the errors displayed.

    In other words I have markup in my HTML file for two different registration forms(I mean the form is the same of course but the one appears when the link is clicked and the other when the submit button clicked.)

    Take a look here http://hastebin.com/iriqiyepom.xml

    It is a mess...there are times that in the screen the same form appears twice.

    How I could clean it up?

    The reason that lead me using 2 forms is that the second contains markup for errors shown(span elements).


    Similar to this

    $QS_array = ['hairstyle', 'carshop'];
    $QS = "";
    if (isset($_GET['btype']) && in_array($_GET['btype'], $QS_array)) {
        $QS = "?btype=" . $_GET['btype'];
    <form id="bizuserform" action="forms.php<?php echo $QS; ?>" method="post">

    Take a look again at the code at line 17:http://hastebin.com/fomibewiqe.scala what gets sent to the server must be values like '1'.You must modify your acode according to that before I can test it.


    I can do it myself but since you started it I want you to complete it please.

    It is important that this little detail gets settled before continuing.

  17. My page has 2 links that when one of them is clicked a registration form appears.

    The links correspond to different type of business.This info must be passed to the registration form and sent to the server with $_POST.


    The way I do this you can see that here http://hastebin.com/fomibewiqe.scala (along with other code) at line 17.


    And here is my problem:

    So,when I click the submit button the btype value is sent to the server.

    But Imagine this for a while:


    I click the submit button, an input is empty,I get a warning,I fill it and then click the submit button again(second time).

    $_GET['Btype'] gets to be udefined.


    The reason for this being that when I click the submit button second time the URL is this: /form/php,,,,

    btype query parameter is absent from the URL and as such it gets to be undefined.


    WHat can I do?

  18. Well, the / indicates the location of the file relative to the site root. You need to put the entire path after the slash. I don't know your site's directory structure so I can't tell you what the URL should be.

    Τhe folder structure is like this C:\Apache24\htdocs\Appointments\Frontend\js for JS files.

    entering the full path would be a problem cause if I put in the script tag this <script src="Frontend/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js" ></script>

    the browser enters the full path itself...so the end result is this:

    http://localhost/Appointments/Frontend/Frontend/js/jquery-1.11.1.min.js which leads of course to a faled request...


    Anyway...what are you trying to achieve with this?


    I have clearly identified the problem here with the links but I cannot find what is causing it.


    After the rewrite rule is implemented take a look what the console shows for every JS file.



    ANYWAY...i think the solution is to change from relative to absolute URLs....I am just stuck in the implementation of it,it should be easy.


    P.S I am hours in front of the PC and I am tired

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