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Posts posted by jimfog

  1. thanks a lot...this what I tried and it did not worked.


    I did not use array_push...I simply did this:

    whiile (date("H", $start_date) >= 10 && date("H", $start_date) < 15) {
                    echo $start_date . ' = ' . date('D Y-m-d H:i', $start_date) . '<br>';
                    $timestamps= strtotime("+30 minutes", $start_date);

    why the above could not work?

    I just added to the timestamps array a timestamp on each iteration.

  2. Imagine now the following(what I am about to say I did not want to mention it from the beginning due to its complexity-I chose a step by step process here)....



    I want the timestamps from current Monday till last Monday...but only from 10:00 to 15:00 at half hour intervals (this is an example).


    Am I clear?

  3. here is the loop I wrote...based on strtotime:

    $start = strtotime("next Monday T14:00"); 
    $end = strtotime("last Monday of this month T14:00"); 
    $date = $start; 
    while($date <= $end) 
       echo $date.'<br>'; 
       $date = strtotime("+7 days", $date);

    Some notes:

    Do you think mine or yours is better and why....I think yours does not produce UNIX tmestamps


    Do you think it is better to use +7 days or Next Monday(i am referring to the code with in the loop)


    Another think that I noticed is that you are using strtotime within strtotime...(I am again referring to the code inside the loop)..why that.

    I read in the manual why you might be doing that...


    Just say what comes to your mind when comparing the 2 different codes.

  4. I managed to get the last monday of the month.


    But how I am going to loop through them?


    So far we have to strtotime(next Monday, and last Monday).


    Should I use a method of the DateTime Class to achieve this?And if yes which?


    I found something...nonetheless you are still welcome to submit your opinion on how to solve this.



  5. I did get Next Monday...and at the time I wanted.

    I used this:


    strtotime("next Monday T12:00");//16th November


    How am I going to get the Monday now of 23th of November.


    You say to add seven days at a time...how?

  6. I am building a frontend calendar (using this plugin https://github.com/kylestetz/CLNDR )....


    This calendar is supposed to depict available time slots of a hair salon for example.

    The aim here is that it will be feeded with JSON from a db table....


    this table will hold data such as:


    Monday 10:00-11:00


    Tuesday 12:00-13:00


    Wednesday 16:00- 18:00


    I must somehow make available these to the frontend...I am stuck on how I could populate the calendar with it.


  7. Just place outer container element with overflow: hidden;



    Yes...this does what I want..thanks.

    But it would be good to explain how overflow:hidden helps in that direction.


    Am I correct to assume that this property dictates what will happen with the content of the container(the calendar in this case)when the content gets past the container?...in this case when that occurs the content will become hidden.

  8. there is one problem left though...

    when you click the X icon to hide the calendar- at which point the calendar div slides towards the right-the calendar is still there...the user just needs to scroll horizontally to see it.


    How am I going to preserve the sliding motion and the same time the calendar is "lost" totally-meaning the user cannot see it even by scrolling horizontally.



  9. I am trying to implement a transition...I want to bring into view(it is originally hidden)a div(it is a calendar).

    While I have managed bringing it into view I cannot hide it again.Take a look at it https://jsfiddle.net/fiddlehunt/m4mdyjnr/

    Click the show calendar button to make the calendar appear and click the X icon(on top right)to make it go away...it does not.

    The class that tries to hide the calendar is outOfView(line 13...css pane)...the keyframe to accomplish that is directly below it....as I said though it does not work

  10. It would PROBABLY work loading the whole page, but by loading just part ie #content container content it is likely to fail.



    Ι understand...but why it would fail...




    IF the calender is the created content you are talking about? can't you just recreate that, after the content from the other pages is loaded, after all you have the code for it to be dynamically created! IF the calender requires to know what page it relates to (guessing assuming here) you have to have some method to identify the page it relates to produce appropriate calendar which may contain restricted dates, fully booked dates I don't know? i'm not telepathetic i haven't a clue what its used for?.

    I understand more or less what are you saying above...


    In order to explain what I want to achieve I can say this:


    Suppose the site has 5 pages....in one of them a button is clicked and the calendar appears(of course this calendar is created dynamically)


    Is it necessary for the calendar to know what page it relates to? I do not understand exactly what are you trying to say with this.

  11. Looks as though you can't with partial loading of page. Can't you identify what page it is and load appropriate calender somehow?

    sorry..but I am confused by your answer...can you restate/rephrase.


    What exactly I cannot do with partial loading of page?


    And I do not understand the rest also.



    Are you suggesting that I do not know where my calendar is?(that is even more confusing)

  12. there is one more detail....the new content being loaded to the div is just HTML....


    The problem is that nothing is loaded if this HTML is created dunamically(with JS)...

    What can I do in such a case?


    You see...the final goal here is that to create a calendar(with JS) and have this displayed with transitions in front of the user.

  13. OR remove $('#container').hide('fast',loadContent) completely and just use


    loadContent(); instead.

    Yes that did it...thanks a lot....of course I am considering better ways for the original code to go away....but the transition worked.

  14. hmmm...show the code that hides the original content makes all the "damage here"...


    And as I understand using show() reverts this....


    So.what can I do then...cause as already stated addclass() must replace show() so as to make transition possible...


    What do you suggest?

  15. first of all my intention is not to fill the whole screen...just a div....in the link about transitions I am just showcasing the how I would like to do it.


    Secondly I tried it and something weird happened...the div got an attribute display of none..here is the whole code

    $('a#app_btn').click(function(e){     e.preventDefault();     var toLoad = $(this).attr('href')+' #container_cal';     $('#container').hide('fast',loadContent)         function loadContent() {    $('#container').load(toLoad,'',showNewContent)}            function showNewContent() {    $('#container').addClass('pt-page-moveFromRight');}//trying to apply the transition here...for the css see #14//                  function hideLoader() {    $('#loading').fadeOut('normal');}});

    #container gets display none....why?

  16. #1 = post #1

    It does my job though...till some point...there is the transitions issue that is unsolved yet.



    Did you mean something like this?

     function showNewContent() {    $('#container').addClass('pt-page-moveFromRight');}//css.pt-page-moveFromRight {	-webkit-animation: moveFromRight .6s ease both;	animation: moveFromRight .6s ease both;}@keyframes moveFromRight {	from { -webkit-transform: translateX(100%); transform: translateX(100%); }}
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