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Everything posted by Belzar

  1. Belzar

    ASP sending email

    I am having trouble, i was trying to make a simple form that lets me send email to people... here is my code, and i want it to work the same way as this, but somewhere i have a mistake and it wont send the email, can someone please let me knwo where the mistake is made. Thanks a bunch <html><head><title>Send mail</title></head><body><form method="post" action="mailer.asp"> <div align="left">To: <input type="text" name="to" /> <br> From: <input type="text" name="from" /> <br> Subject: <input type="text" name="subject" /> <br> Message:<br /> <textarea name="message" rows="15" cols="40"> </textarea> <br /> <input type="submit" Value="Send Mail" /> </div></form><div align="left"></div><%Set mymail=CreateObject("CDO.Message")mymail.to="response.write(request.form('to'))"mymail.from="response.write(request.form('from'))"mymail.subject="response.write(request.form('subject'))"mymail.textbody="response.write(request.form('message'))"mymail.sendSet mymail=nothing%></body></html>
  2. Thanks, that's where I thought that the problem was. I appreciate it.
  3. I have been trying this code for a while now.... but it isnt working for me... I am thinking that it could possibly be this part of the code I may be having a problem with, but I am not sure.<code>DSNName = "DRIVER=Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb);DBQ="DSNName = DSNName & Server.MapPath("db/mydb.mdb") 'The "&" symbol is a way ofDSNName = DSNName & ";PWD=mypass" 'joining, or contatenating 'two strings together.'Now we are going to create our objects:Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")Set RS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")Conn.Open DSNName</code>The thing is that I wrote all that code out as I was supposed to, but for some reason, it does not generate a page. And the one where you write what you want to write, there is no submit buttons, so it won't work. Still looking for help please.Also, if it helps, I am using IX Webhosting. Which my database is MySql. I am having so much trouble with this.
  4. Here is my problem. I want to make a forum page, where the people can say whatever they want and however they want to say it. I guess you can say a "blog" page for people that come to my site. I am not sure what code to use. I don't even know where to start for this. I would really appreiciate it if you could help me. Thanks.
  5. Hi there, I just wrote an easy code earlier today that could help you.<body><script type="text/vbscript"> url= "http://www.google.com"document.write(url)location.href=url</script></body>Give that a try, it worked well for me. I hope it does what you need too.
  6. Great, thanks a lot for all the tips, I'll try them all out
  7. Here is my problem, I am trying to make it so each month it will show a different type of page, I have tried a number of things, and I feel like I got close to it on the last thing, but I am still not there. Here is the code i am trying to use, though I know that this will not work as I have tried it already:<code><html><head><script type="text/vbscript">Function Monthly()D=(Month(Date))If D = 4 then window.open "http://www.droppingthebomb.com/about_us.html"</script></head></html></code>This isn't exactly what I have in mind, I just used this part of the site to see if I could get it to work. So far I have come up with nothing but a blank screen. Please let me know a simple code if possible to solve this. I don't need it for every month, just one or two and I could probably figure the rest out. Thanks a lot.
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