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Posts posted by virtualadz

  1. try this<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en"><html><head> <title>Cool Chart 1.0</title></head><body><%sub displayverticalgraph(strtitle,strytitle,strxtitle,avalues,alabels)'************************************************************************' draw chart' '************************************************************************const GRAPH_HEIGHT = 300 'set up the graph heightconst GRAPH_WIDTH = 400 'set up the graph widthconst GRAPH_SPACING = 0 const GRAPH_BORDER = 0 'if you would like to see the borders to align things differently const GRAPH_BARS = 2 'loops through different colored bars e.g. 2 bars = gold,blue,gold,blueconst USELOWVALUE = FALSE 'this uses the low value of the array as the value of origin (default = 0)const SHOWLABELS = TRUE 'set this to toggle whether or not the labels are shownconst L_LABEL_SEPARATOR = "|" ' |Labelconst R_LABEL_SEPARATOR = "|" ' Label|const LABELSIZE = -4 const GRAPHBORDERSIZE = 1const INTIMGBORDER = 1 'border around the barsConst ALT_TEXT = 3 'Changes the format of the alternate text of the bar image '1 = Labels ,2 = Values , 3 = Labels + Values , 4 = Percent'************************************************************************'array of different bars to loop through'you can change the order of these 'Count = 10 '"dark_green","red","gold","blue","pink","light_blue","light_gold","orange","green","purple"'cut and paste from here and insert into the agraph_bars array below Make sure the 'number specified in the const GRAPH_BARS is the same as or less than that in the array ' 7 graph_bars <= 7 elements in array'************************************************************************agraph_bars = array("dark_green","red","gold","blue","pink","light_blue","light_gold","orange","green","purple")intmax = 0'find the maximum value of the values arrayfor i = 0 to ubound(avalues)if cint(intmax) < cint(avalues(i)) then intmax = cint(avalues(i)) nextif uselowvalue then intmin = avalues(0)for i = 0 to ubound(avalues)if cint(intmin) > cint(avalues(i)) then intmin = cint(avalues(i)) nextend if'establish the graph multipliergraphmultiplier = round(graph_height-100/intmax)imgwidth = round(300/(ubound(avalues)+1))if imgwidth > 16 then imgwidth = 16 %><table border =<%=GRAPH_BORDER%> width:100% height=<%=graph_height%>> <tr> <td rowspan=3 valign="middle"><%=strytitle%> </td> <td colspan=<%=ubound(avalues)+2%> height=50 align="center"> <h4><%=strtitle%></h4></td> </tr> <% count = 0%> <tr> <td> <table border=<%=graph_border%> cellpadding = 0 cellspacing = <%=graph_spacing%>><tr> <tr> <TD height="100%"> <table border="<%=graph_border%>" height="100%"> <tr> <td height="50%" valign="top" align=right><%=intmax%></td> </tr> <tr> <td height="50%" valign="bottom" align=right> <%if uselowvalue then response.write cstr(intmin) else response.write "0" end if %> </td> </tr> </table> </td> <td valign="bottom" align="right"><img src="leftbord.gif" width="2" height="<%=graphmultiplier+8%>"> </td> <% '*******************MAIN PART OF THE CHART************************************ for i = 0 to ubound(avalues) strgraph = agraph_bars(count) if alt_text = 1 then stralt = alabels(i) elseif alt_text = 2 then stralt = avalues(i) elseif alt_text = 3 then stralt = alabels(i) &" - " &avalues(i) elseif alt_text = 4 then stralt = round(avalues(i) /intmax *100,2) &"%" end if if uselowvalue then %> <td valign="bottom" align="center"> <img src="<%=strgraph%>.gif" height="<%=round((avalues(i)-intmin)/intmax*graphmultiplier,0)%>" width="<%=imgwidth%>" alt="<%=strAlt%>" border="<%=intimgborder%>"></td> <%else%> <td valign="bottom" align="center"> <img src="<%=strgraph%>.gif" height="<%=round(avalues(i)/intmax*graphmultiplier,0)%>" width="<%=imgwidth %>" alt="<%=strAlt%>" border="<%=intimgborder%>"></td> <%end if if count = graph_bars-1 then count = 0 else count = count + 1 end if next 'write out the border at the bottom of the bars also leave a blank cell for spacing on the right response.write "<td width='50'> </td></tr><tr><td width=8> </td><td> </td><td colspan=" &(ubound(avalues)+1) &" valign='top'>" _ &"<img src='botbord.gif' width='100%' height='2'</td></tr>" if showlabels then %> <tr><td width=8 height=1> </td><td> </td> <%for i = 0 to ubound(avalues)%> <td valign="bottom" width=<%=imgwidth%> ><font size= <%=labelsize &">" &l_label_separator &alabels(i) &r_label_separator %></font></td> <%next%> </tr> <%end if%> <tr><td colspan=<%=ubound(avalues)+3%> height=50 align="center"><%=strxtitle%></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> <tr> <td></td></tr> </table><%end sub %><%aMonthValues = array(1,9,0,23,28,31,13,22,31,7,1,14)aMonthNames = array("Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec")displayverticalgraph "TEST GRAPH","Y-AXIS","X-AXIS",aMonthValues,aMonthNames %></body></html>

  2. hi scott, i have restored the embed tag,can you please check if it appears in FF now, althouth was very happy that my site validated in both css and html, but then i need my site to be cross-browser. please reply when you check it in FF. thanks

  3. so it means the embed tag is still needed for FF, even though it has been deprecated. thanks, i will restore the embed tag, this was what i worrying about. and for the 3 browsers, well first being on a dialup, i dont intend to download it now, and never had it's need until i started designing my official site just a few days ago. i had downloaded FF but it didn't work, showed error and closed down, that time i had broadband, will surely download them once broadband is back.

  4. well, i dont think my idea is to prevent only hotlinking, i found a few but all of them nearly have the same code. hotlinking is bandwidth theft, this doesn't matter to me, even with hotlinking anyone can directly see my images that are specially for mmebers, so i think this feature is termed something different,

  5. i am sorry , i was too early to report, its still the same, i thing i forgot this:godaddy.com: "so these files can only be downloaded when they are referred from your server"this .htaccess doesn't do any good, the reason you see a different image is bcoz you are referred from a server other than bhuratea.com , try putting it directly in the address bar and it shows up the image. i dont think this .htaccess will do any good.

  6. well this too didn't work. but i used the 2nd code instead and worked like a charm, like on the link and you get a image different from before. but still, anyone can link from their page and show it. try linking my image by creating a page on your server or computer, and you will see it. i think now we are getting close. any ideas about this?? i am googling a bitthis is the 2nd code:RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www\.bhuratea\.com [NC]RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$RewriteRule \.(gif|jpg)$ 2.gif [L]Options -indexes

  7. ok , this is my final code:# $Id: .htaccess,v 1.3 2006/06/14 10:53:20 hpdl Exp $RewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www\.bhuratea\.com [NC]RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$RewriteRule \.(mp3|ogg|mpg|gif|jpg)$ - [R,NC,L]Options -indexesi set up a test image 1.jpg on url http://bhuratea.com/images/rare/1.jpganyone can access it directly via url and linking, nothing's protected???

  8. Site Name: DeepCodingSite Description: PortfolioSite Owner/Developer: meSite Address: none yetExtra Comments: Will be my personal portfolio and should be online as soon as done with content.What you think
    did you make the avatar yourself or grabbed it from somewhere
  9. this is the file .htaccess under public_html/images/exclusive now i am going to upload it, and it is going to disable hotlinking for any image under the exclusive folder, isn't it? . i dont want my site's other images to be protected by this file. please confirm the below, as i will upload it now. many thanks# $Id: .htaccess,v 1.3 2006/06/14 10:53:20 hpdl Exp $# This is used with Apache WebServersRewriteEngine onRewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www\.bhuratea.com\.com [NC]RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$RewriteRule \.(mp3|ogg|mpg|gif|jpg)$ - [R,NC,L]Options -indexes

  10. ok , i take your advice into consideration, and will remove the embed tag, i am going to remove the code in blue and bold. is that the right piece of code to be removed for removing embed tag and making it validate!, is the blue one to be removed<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="630" height="150" id="flash_fma_finished" align="middle"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" /><param name="movie" value="swf.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" /><embed src="swf.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="630" height="150" name="flash_fma_finished" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" /></object>

  11. ok wait i paste my .htaccess under my folder root/includes/.htaccessbut just want to be on the safe side by confirming from you, that does it contain security information, that i should not make public, i dont know much about them

  12. I wouldn't put too much weight on Netscape. The way I see it it is a dead browser, pretty much replaced by Mozilla/Firefox. That Flash tutorial is a bit outdated, made in a time when IE and NN was the two main competing browsers. Not so anymore.

    are you talking about the movie on my site. well i dont know much about that, it was a tut named cafe_townsend, which i tweaked a liitle bit to match my site's images. that's it, dont have any more idea about that
  13. it's not the question making it cross-browser compatible, although we all love too, but justsomeguy told that the embed tag isn't in use any more. whereas the tut's say to use it for netscape, i took the tut's advice, but couldn't sideline what justsomeguy said too!. i would like my site first to be cross-browser rather success validation, so should i ignore what justsomeguy said?

  14. You should note that your flash animation overlaps your navigation drop downs.

    well, but it should not do that now, i had the flash movie a little more up than it's now, but when i say my menu being overlapped by the animation, i decided to push the movie down, now it appears to be alright in IE, i dont see the animation to overlap the drop downs. whch one's your browser?
  15. wont removing the embed tag also not show the movie in netscape, i downloaded latest flash 8, and used it's publish functions, they should have known and posted the embed tag there or is it that they dont know it's not allowed any more.

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