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Everything posted by eduard

  1. Do you mean post 15? (I followed that exactly!) or do you mean setting the link? And how about my copy right sign?
  2. Why doesn't this solution work for the link 'more'?
  3. It was definitively not the same error as in my previous thread, but thanks I got 2 useful links which I can use! However, the problem still remains: still there isn't the copy right sign?
  4. Thanks! But how do I do that (Notepad++)? P. s. it's very warm here (32C), so hard to concentrate!
  5. How do I change elements above my button 'LinkedIn'?
  6. What's wrong in this piece of code:? <div id="bottom"><p id="design">web<br>design diseñar<span id="copyright">Copyright © 2013</span></p> <img id="rot" src="http://www.linkedin.com/img/webpromo/btn_viewmy_120x33_es_ES.png?locale=" alt="Ver el perfil de Eduard Lid en LinkedIn"/* Rotate div */ </div></body></html>
  7. eduard


    I'm validating my document and don't understand this error: Attribute * is not serializable as XML 1.0.
  8. Finally I solved this problem!
  9. Why is the file (index.html) off-line ok and why on-line wrong (I uploaded it several times to the same folder?
  10. eduard


    Good idea, but I already did!
  11. eduard


    What I (also) don't understand well is uploaden! I've 2 folders: 1 website2013 and 2 (in folder website2013) the folder Eduard website slider2 (made by someone else!). I suppose I've to make1 folder! But how do I do that? (The most important things are working ok now!)
  12. I've a question for you! Did you live the past 4 years in a foreign country, another continent, another language, other customs, etc. under miserable conditions (e. g. often no internet!) where they have taken much money, stolen many things and therefore I've a lot of stress and scarcely haven't any money left?ANSWER: NO!!!! P. s. thanks for your 'nice' comments, website isn't finished yet!!!
  13. Thanks!Whether I had studied this thoroughly, this is something for a specialist! I AM NOT!
  14. th 'Designing' a good looking website can too many (with all those free templates! Designing can do a few!
  15. But I designed the page e.g the colors are MY idea! A very important thing of a website and I've written before that I'm not good in web design. And copy and paste? Well I copied and paste the original site. But I've changed many things which can't be copy and paste!
  16. Learning?, but experimenting: very wrong!!! What do you think I've done the past 4 hours! Eating out of my nose?
  17. I don't manage now (too stressed, too tired!) What I don't understand! Why took it such a long time to give me the latest correct answer???
  18. Thanks, ??????????????????????????????????? default?, default styling?, which of the 3 css stylesheets?
  19. I change the question! Not 'how' (that I know!), but where do I change the color of my link 'portfolio' (there are 3 style sheets)?
  20. No, because I know it's in the css! But where? (I tried to change style3)
  21. How do I change the color (white) of the link 'portfolio' of the homepage of the website: http://www.website2013.site50.net ? <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><!-- saved from url=(0022)http://internet.e-mail --><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/ html; charset=UTF-8"><title>EduEduard Lid</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ex1.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="panning-slideshow.css"><link rel="stylesheet" href="bsa.css" type="text/css" media="screen"><script src="jquery-latest.js"></script><script src="jquery_002.js"></script><script src="jquery.js"></script><script src="image-rotator.js"></script><script src="bsa.js" async="" type="text/javascript"></script><script async="async" src="s_3a3793f622db4a9dea3bfa355c5b2441.js" id="_bsap_js_3a3793f622db4a9dea3bfa355c5b2441" type="text/javascript"></script><style id="bsa_css" type="text/css">.one{position:relative}.one .bsa_it_ad{display:block;padding:15px;border:1px solid #e1e1e1;background:#f9f9f9;font-family:helvetica,arial,sans-serif;line-height:100%;position:relative}.one .bsa_it_ad a{text-decoration:none}.one .bsa_it_ad a:hover{text-decoration:none}.one .bsa_it_ad .bsa_it_t{display:block;font-size:12px;font-weight:bold;color:#212121;line-height:125%;padding:0 0 5px 0}.one .bsa_it_ad .bsa_it_d{display:block;font-size:11px;color:#434343;font-size:12px;line-height:135%}.one .bsa_it_ad .bsa_it_i{float:left;margin:0 15px 10px 0}.one .bsa_it_p{display:block;text-align:right;position:absolute;bottom:10px;right:15px}.one .bsa_it_p a{font-size:10px;color:#666;text-decoration:none}.one .bsa_it_ad .bsa_it_p a:hover{font-style:italic}.style1{color: #00FF00;}.style2{text-align: center;}.style3{color: #FFFFFF;font-size: large;}.style4{color: #00FF00;font-size: xx-large;}</style></head> <body><div class="style2"> <br class="style1"><br class="style1"><h1> <span class="style4" lang="en-gb">EduardLid Web Design</span></h1><br class="style1"><span class="style3" lang="en-gb"><a href="/portfolio.html">Portfolio</a></span><br></div><div id="window"><ul style="top: -350px; left: -960px;" id="slideshow"><li class="box1"><img src="tiger.jpg" alt="Tiger"></li><li class="box2"><img src="macaw.jpg" alt="Macaw"></li><li class="box3"><img src="bald-eagle.jpg" alt="Bald Eagle"></li><li class="box4"><img src="panda.jpg" alt="Panda"></li></ul></div><div id="bottom"><p id="design">web<br>design diseñar<span id="copyright">Copyright © 2013</span></p><a href="http://ar.linkedin.com/in/eduardlid"><<img id="rot" src="http://www.linkedin.com/img/webpromo/btn_viewmy_120x33_es_ES.png?locale=" alt="Ver el perfil de Eduard Lid en LinkedIn" rotate="" div="" *="" border="0" height="33" width="120"></a></div></body></html>
  22. Ok, thanks!That was it!:portfolio_archivos. Many Thanks! T
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