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Posts posted by eduard

  1. To correct it, you(1) make sure the images exist.and are of the correct name, as in matching uppercase and lowercase(2) make sure they placed in the correct directory with correct name, as in matching uppercase and lowercase(3) make sure you link with the correct path to directories and images, as in matching uppercase and lowercase with relative path, NOT absolute path.
    Thanks! But can I easily transform my .doc file to a html file? Or do I have to write a totally new .html file?
  2. are you sure the file is at the correct path? Are you sure you aren't using a path that only exists on your computer and not on your server? Cause that's what is seems like.
    The link is working now, but as you can see not the images on it! How do I do that?Do I have to link the images as well? It has to be written in html? And can I use my portfolio.doc file (which is ok)?
  3. No se ha encontrado esta página web No se ha encontrado ninguna página web para la direcciónfile:///C:/Users/Usuario/Desktop/website2013/Eduard%20site%20with%20slider2/portfolio.doc. Error 6 (net::ERR_FILE_NOT_FOUND): No se ha podido encontrar el archivo o el directorio. How do I have to change my portfolio doc. so the browser can find it (save as > html)? I've 2 folders: Eduard site with slider2 and website2013 . So I suppose I've to make 1 (although Eduard site with slider2 is in the folder website2013?

  4. As you can see someone has improved my(?) website: http://www.website2013.site50.net . As you all know I am not good at web design.I am thinking of specializing me in designing and/or translator.Therefore all suggestions about the website are welcome and because I need money very urgent I am going to use this website for my appliances for work, because I still am registered as a web designer (the original webdesigner knows this and has agreed!). P. s. website not finished yet!

  5. I suppose you did set a price set out by their guidelines, click 'tips and guideline' button for explaination
    No, that's not the error! I wrote them for a detailled explanation!
  6. Who is the one declining? Are any messages showing up?
    logo.png error.jpg Oops! Your Hourlie didn't pass our moderation review “I can translate your english texts into spanishlogo.png error.jpg Oops! Your Hourlie didn't pass our moderation review “I can design a web page of your website (HTML5, Css3)
  7. I have several times tried to place an 'Hourlie' at a site (www.peopleperhour.com) to get free-lance work, but they have several times declined them and I don't understand why?: Also now! Hourlie 1: “I can translate your english texts into spanish” Hourlie 2: “I can design a web page of your website (HTML5, Css3)

  8. oh, I see now. well then you should just google for some sort of video compression software.
    But can I compress the original one - how do I see it''s size? - to just 23 Mb? P. s. I have VLC media player!
  9. why not just embed the video into your page like you've done before? other than that you'll need some sort of video editing to compress the file.
    Thanks!But how do I do that (the page - Hourlie - isn't mine (PeoplePerHour)? P. s. I haven't got much time, they close in 4 hours (UK)!
  10. Thanks, it now works! But I don't understand that the size of the image changed! I solved this problem by changing 1 of 4 class into a div. But wht?

  11. I want to use Image Transperency! What's wrong in my codes: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ex1.css"><title>Eduard Lid</title></head> <body> <div id="container"><p id="name">Eduard Lid</p><ul id="flags"><li><a href="#">us<span id="amer"></span></a></li><li><a href="#">es<span id="spanish"></span></a></li></ul></div> <div id="main"><img id="coral" src="coral.jpg" alt="coral"><ul id="links"><li><a href="american.html">more</a></li><li><a href="spanish.html">más</a></li></ul> </div> <div id="bottom"> <p id="design">web<br>design diseñar <span id="copyright">Copyright © 2013</span></p> <a href="http://ar.linkedin.com/in/eduardlid"> <img id="rot" src="http://www.linkedin.com/img/webpromo/btn_viewmy_120x33_es_ES.png?locale=" alt="Ver el perfil de Eduard Lid en LinkedIn"/* Rotate div */ </a> </div> </body></html> * { margin:0; padding:0; list-style-type:none; }body{ font: bold 15px arial,geneva,SunSans-Regular,sans-serif; background-color:#000000; } #container{ clear:both; position:relative; background-color:#000000; width:100%; height:120px; } #name{ font-size:50px; color:#7fff00; text-align:center;} #main { clear:both; position:relative; height:280px; background-color:#000000; } #bottom {background-color:#000000;height:80px;} links { float:left; padding:10px 0 0 100px; font-size:12px; }#links li { margin-bottom:5px; } #links a { color:#ffffff; } #links a:hover { color:#696969; }#flags { float:right; width:256px; height:20px; margin:10px 0px; } #flags li { position:relative; float:left; width:24px; margin:0 2px; font-size:8%; font-weight:normal; } #flags a,#flags span { position:relative; display:block; width:20px; line-height:2px; font-size:0%; font-weight:normal; } #flags span { position:absolute; top:0; left:0; width:-6px; height:24px; background-position:0 -2px; } #flags span:hover { box-shadow:#eef 0 0 0px; } #amer { background-image:url(americanflag.gif); } #spanish { background-image:url(spanishflag.gif);} #coral {border-left:4px solid grey;border-right:4px solid grey;border-top:4px solid grey;border-bottom:4px solid grey;width:500px; height:280px;margin:430px;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;} #coral {opacity:0.4;filter:alpha(opacity=40); /* For IE8 and earlier */}img:hover{opacity:1.0;filter:alpha(opacity=100); /* For IE8 and earlier */} #design { position:relative; font-size:50px; color:#7fff00; text-align:center;margin-bottom:0px; }#copyright { position:absolute; top:40px; right:100px; font-size:10px; color:#fff; } #LinkedIn { width:120px; height:33px; border:0px; } #rot {transform:rotate(-30deg);-ms-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* IE 9 */-moz-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* Firefox */-webkit-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* Safari and Chrome */-o-transform:rotate(-30deg); /* Opera */}

  12. As diedres dad has already suggested quickest alternative is to find gif animation on web that is to your needs. creating flash or photoshop (imageready) is going to take longer, the flash alternative will a movie format embed in flash anyway, so it would be better/quicker to use the original movie itself.
    Ok, thanks!
  13. If you want 3d transforms YES!, if not, NO, and why would you want to change from jpg to gif, you are coming up with so many different options thinking it is an answer to a question that no one can figure out what you are trying to achieve but YOU. If you want a animated image, where the coral moves for example from left and right with the motion of the sea, css3 animation is not going to provide that. IF you are not looking for that, EXPLAIN CLEARLY WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR, IN THIS IMAGE.
    That's exactly what I want! But my problem is time (and therefore the confusing!). I've to send an e-mail today to a prospective employer and therefore I must have something atractive on my latest website. And an animation takes a while! 2 questions:- what's a good alternative?- in this case: animation can only be done with Flash or Photoshop?
  14. "rotate" is a kind of "transform". Other kinds of "transform" are "translate" and "scale". (Think of it as comparing "apple" and a "fruit"; "apple" is just one kind of fruit, and other examples of "fruit" include "pear", "orange", "strawberry", etc.)
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