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Posts posted by skym

  1. Check the quotes.To avoid the problems like this, you better use separate functions instead of inline javascript, like:

    <script>function chenge() {document.getElementById('changing').innerHTML = '<img src="images/ad_sundaysermon.jpg">';}</script><img src="images/testbut2.png" onmouseover="change();">


    Couldn't find the SQL syntax error?$insert = "INSERT INTO users ( username, password, regdate, email, location, show_email, last_login, act_num) VALUES ( '".$_POST['uname']."', '".$_POST['passwd']."', '$regdate', '".$_POST['email']."', '".$_POST['location']."', '".$_POST['show_email']."', 'Never', '$number')";

  2. So actually there was a query error initially, the 'person' table did not exist.Using 'or die(mysql_error());' would have shown this error. Use mysql_error() also with mysql_select(), or anything that can return an error from the mysql server.In phpmyadmin the last SQL executed queries are always shown, you can take the executed query and put it in PHP.

  3. <td colspan="8" rowspan="7" valign="top" background="protected/images/WW6_17.gif"><div align="center"><br><br><font color="#FFFFFF"><?php include("regform.php") ?><br> The <td>, <div> and <font> tags are not closed.

  4. I am not experimented at all with DOM, but, input objects are linked to the form object, for example when I want to access an input field I use document.formname.inputname. In your case, the 'myfile' input object is not linked to the 'myform' form object. Probably it should bevar myfile = myform.createElement("input");

  5. There should be only one POSTDATA, the 'id', from what I understand.Is there any $id = $_POST['id] at the top? If there isn't, the script will work only with 'register globals' on.Also, because it is user input, you should use:$sql = "SELECT title, artist, album, release_year, genre, language, date_added, added_by, english_lyrics, translation FROM songs WHERE song_id = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['id'])."'";

  6. I don't think it's possible, and there's no point for it either. Choosing Open means to download the file in the download folder set for the browser and open it when it is finished. So the file is still downloaded, 'save' just prompts the user to specify the destination folder.Practicaly anything that is shown on the screen can be stolen, any images or texts.

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