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Posts posted by skym

  1. It seems to be working at the first glance: [edit: url erased]The width/height iframe settings help to render the Flash at the correct scale, but other parameters cannot be set. I still don't see the point of it. Why <object> isn't good?

  2. Nice...It looks like an M16 from Delta Force to me, plus Wolfenstein3D as mentioned :) Though I did not find the Boss...Still slow of course, especially for a game, but probably would be sufficient for something like giving a tour in an apartment/house for sale or rental, or anything similar that would not require the resources that a real 3D game demands.

  3. I had troubles with javascript many times, so there might be a simpler solution, I would try:<form ... onsubmit="form_validation(obj); return false;" ...in the form andfunction form_validation(this) {...catch(error) {if (error == "name_error")alert("You must write your name!");else if (error == "contect_error")alert("You must add content to your post!");else obj.submit();}in javascript.I don't know any direct function in JS to trim strings.

  4. I don't think there is a code to directly output the 'st', 'nd', 'rd' and 'th' suffixes. Why not making your own code to put the correct suffix?

    <script type="text/javascript">var d=new Date()var weekday=new Array(7)weekday[0]="Sunday"weekday[1]="Monday"weekday[2]="Tuesday"weekday[3]="Wednesday"weekday[4]="Thursday"weekday[5]="Friday"weekday[6]="Saturday"date = d.getDate();switch (date){case 1: suffix = 'st'; break;case 2: suffix = 'nd'; break;case 3: suffix = 'rd'; break;default: suffix = 'th';}document.write("Today it is " + weekday[d.getDay()] + ", " + date + suffix);</script>

  5. <html><body><script type="text/javascript">var d=new Date()var weekday=new Array(7)weekday[0]="Sunday"weekday[1]="Monday"weekday[2]="Tuesday"weekday[3]="Wednesday"weekday[4]="Thursday"weekday[5]="Friday"weekday[6]="Saturday"document.write("Today it is " + weekday[d.getDay()] + ", " + d.getDate());</script></body></html>

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