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Posts posted by businessman332211@hotmail.com

  1. I have the exact layout I wanted finally, but like always there are still some issues, I recoded this thing 3 times already, and 1 time recoded half of it, to finally get everything like I want, now I am at risk of having to recode it again, I can't afford to put much more time into this process. I wanted to be done on monday, I won't get the time bonus, unless I hurry, if someone can help with these issues below, or something I would be greatly, greatly appreciated. www.thecampussource.comafter a lot of work, and about 2-3 total rewrites, I have everything working the way I need, but I have 3 issues that I have to address, and I have found no ways at all to do so, so far. The first thing, is over there on the right hand side. I have the thing up there, almost the way they wanted, I would like to have it further to the left, like underneath the upper bar, or make the upper bar bigger without messing it up, but that's only seconday, the main thing I need to fix, is when there is text there, some of it is in the box, but the last word is also in the box, but it's also carrying down to the bottom. I need to find a way to fix that, the other thing, is when I try to put in a footer, no matter how I try to put it in, it's not going in, no matter what I try to do, it's not going there, it's alright in internet explorer, but barely, it is up somewhere in the middle of the page when I do it, in firefox and opera. I tried putting it within the page wrapper, outside of the page wrapper, using clears, and all different types of margin/padding parameters, but nothing is seeming to get it in it's place.??

  2. That is a good idea, I can try text align center, I am trying to get it roughly in the middle let me give that a try, text align left, will align it left, I need it roughly in the middle thanks, I will let you know whether it works or not.It was worth a try but no luck, can anyone offer me more advice, or help on this, I am stuck on this project, until I figure out what is causing this issue.

  3. For some reason (I am rewriting the css on a site), the list isn't working properly, it's probably a small issue. Here is the website.www.thecampussource.comand here is the source code for the css. In internet explorer and opera, the list is where I want, but in firefox, the list is way over on the side, is there a way for me to fix this, without using any hacks?

    body /* Set's some of the basic body information */{	background-color:#FFFFFF;	color:#000000;	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;	margin:0px;}#wrap{	float:left;	width:800px;}img /* Strips borders from all linked images */{	border:none;}/* Begin header styles */#logo{	float:left;}#header{	width:466px;	height:93px;	background:url(images/topbar.jpg);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	margin-top:60px;	margin-left:0px;	float:left;	clear:right;}#header pre{	margin-top:18px;	float:left;}#schoolselect{	float:right;	margin-top:18px;}/* End Header Styles *//* Start Left Navigation */#leftnav{	background:url(images/leftnav.jpg);	background-repeat:no-repeat;	width:200px;	height:400px;	float:left;	margin-left:0px;	padding:0px;}#leftnav a{	color:#0000FF;	text-decoration:none;}#leftnav a:hover{	color:#003399;	text-decoration:underline;}#leftnav ul{	margin-top:20px;	list-style:none;	margin-left:15px;}#leftnav li{}#leftnav h5{	margin-left:40px;	margin-top:60px;}/* End Left Navigation */

  4. I finally came up with something I can work with, that'll be easy to put the programmind as wellTables relating to PostscategoryinformationCategorynameSubcategorynameSETSIn this website I am using sets as a basis for the posts. A general set is a group of related information, and different categories may be set to different sets, it’s the set name, the fields needed within the set, at the bottom it is a list of what things go with what sets. In case if anyone but me ever works on this website, in the future.postset1Related subcats- everything under the item and event categoriesCategorynameSubcategorynameUseridPostidItem TitlePriceDescriptionpostset2Related subcats- lost items only under found categoryCategorynameSubcategorynameUseridPostidItem TitleRewardDescriptionpostset3Related subcats- found items only under found categoryCategorynameSubcategorynameUseridPostidItem TitleDescriptionPostset4Related subcats- everything under the rental categoryCategorynameSubcategorynameUseridPostidItemTitlePriceNumberOfUnitsDescriptionPostset5Related subcats- Everything under the work offered BY students categoryCategorynameSubcategorynameUseridPostidItem TitleWageDescriptionPostset6Related subcats- everything under the work offered TO students categoryCategorynameSubcategorynameUseridPostid ItemTitleWageHoursPerWeekDescriptionPostset7CategorynameSubcategorynameUseridPostidCourse numberTitleAuthorPrice

  5. Things are different I clarified some thingsthere are categories, sub-categories and some information for the sub-categories, but that is mostly the same for most of the categories.so any ideas, I saw what you said, I am confused and wondering, what do you mean, people keep saying parent/child, I understand the concept but not in relation to databasing??

  6. Okhere is what I have, I just want input/advice on how well you think it'll be to mantainok first off, as I said, I have categories, sub-categories, then those sub-categories sometimes have sub-sub categories, each sometimes needing different information for them.ok here is hte current plan I have for my schema, I just have to write up the specifics for itTable Number 1This will have by category id. I will have the name of the category and category idTable Number 2I will have a sub-category name, sub-category id, and the category id from the category it is associated with.Table Number 3This contains all the sub-sub categories. It has the sub-sub category name, the sub-sub category id, the sub-category, and category id's associated with it. Other tablesI have 1 different table for each type of specs. Like I might have a table that has typenamedescriptionthen one that haspricetypedescriptionaddresswhatever, then in those tables have the cat, sub-cat, sub-sub-cat, associated with itAll of this here is making sense but it seems to be getting a little too hairy near the end, any advice?

  7. I have already planned most of my database, but an entire, and very important section of the site, hasn't been planned yet. I am trying to set up something for categories, an idea for a database schema. I have a category, sub-category, and different settings for different types of posts. Meaning there are different things they input based on which category/sub-category they selected when posting an ad. It also shows different things when they are viewed, depending on which ones. Like they have a category, a sub-category, but each sub-category will need to accept different things.The thing I am trying to do, like for instance the category is items, the sub-category for instance would beItemsCouchesBedsDesksRefrigeratorsMicrowavesTVsAir ConditionersPosters/PaintingsDrawers/DressersChairsCDs/DVDsHouseholdElectronicsClothing/JewelrySee for items category they are all the samelikeo Item Title (Adjacent one line text box)o Price (Adjacent one line text box)o Description (Large text box below)that will cover 2 categories.Then I have this setup, for instance once category isAcademicsTextbooksNotesCheat SheetsNow the category, then the sub-categories.The textbooks will need information likeo Course number (Adjacent one line text box)o Title of book (Adjacent one line text box)o Price (Adjacent one line text box)Then the notes/cheat sheets will needo Item Title (Adjacent one line text box)o Description (Large text box below)You see, so different categories/subcategories need different things, and on some of them there might be a category, then each sub-category is going to need information, I am having a hard time coming up with a good database schema, can someone offer some advive, personal input something like that.I am thinking about1. individual tables for each thing I need2. Making one big table that will have categorysubcategorythen all the fields there, and it will only fill in the related fields, and only pull the related fields(I think this will be too hard to manage/create),I have to do this to where I can still update it, and change things around later, maybe add more later, or refine them, or change them around, Ihave to start this system off right int he planning stage before I can start building it.Sporting GoodsComputer/AccessoriesBikesCollectiblesEventsTicketsConcertsSportsClubsPartiesCharity EventsBar specialsPoker TournamentsLost and FoundItems foundItems lostRentalsSubletsParking

  8. He's doing all of that, he brought the script to me, he told me about it, and said he wanted that setup on there, I don't know if I can do that within 2 weeks though, how long would it take you to build that? Just so I have an idea of what I am getting myself into.

  9. I have a big question, I am debating(thinking) about whether to accept a project. I am unsure about a few things on it, and was looking for a little guidance. I quoted him at 1600 at first, he said it was a little out of his price range and he needed to keep it below 1k if possible, so the next step is I am charging either 6500, or 9000 I am not sure which. Here is the thing I am not sure of, so far the entire site is pretty simple. I am going to work a design up for him from scratch, and the programming behind the system, up until a certain point is very easy, Until the end, it seems to get hairy, how difficult do you think it'd be to program this near the end. do you think it's worth accepting, what do you think I should charge for this one.here is a set of specs, (me taking notes) when I was speaking with him over the phone.

    Complaints, someone has complaints about a company. Give them a domain, something like microsoftreallysucks.com or something, like a 1 page website, and send people to the website.Research-Legal concerns, related to using this.Planning phase, research about company copyrights, when using acompanysucks.com4-5 page websitefirst- introductory page(I provide images, He will provide the text, leave space for text).totally open on design.Keep it simple.Open on everything even background color.go to next page-page 4 pages- 1st page introduction2nd page capture all information(ask them for the sub-domain they are looking for)give them an option to either have 3rd page- carry all the information from the 2nd page to the 3rd page, give them a couple of options, a basic template, which is we have a template, that has a company name, and has whatever really sucks(whatever there domain is), then were they can enter there own text. and that they can add some html and code. depending on what they click it goes to the payment page4th- paypal, or whatever else( until they pay, the sub-domain is not created until payment is accepted. They need to go to paypal 5 templatesautomatically create logo 3 things1. has the name of the sub-domain in text(as a logo)2. Has editable text area(s)3. enter html. ONLY HTML(all)be able to access to the source code from there site, ONLY there own sub-domain.there sub-domain contains 1 PAGE( and 1 ADMIN) area.
    I still have to check if doing that is even legal, if it is, then we the last area get's done, it seems I have to make the templates(There will be like 5 I create, all pretty basic), interact with my script, when they pay via paypal, then it automatically, creates there sub-domain using.See here is the processthe first page is an introduction, with 1 link to set everything upthe second page they enter all the information, and choose a subdomain name, and a templatethe next page is the tricky one, sort of afterwards, it takes the sub-domain and makes it as a text logo for the next page(nothing fancy), then that is there template, from there, tehy can customize the xhtml, "no javascript, or php can be allowed in", then they basically go through checkout, it passes information to paypal, they pay, then the information using ipn, goes back to http://www.webdesignhq.com/sitebuilder/man...readme.html#faqthat is the script used to automatically create the sub-domain.Then from there, once hte sub-domain is successfully created, I need to go ahead and put that template type page, as a .htm file into the folder for that sub-domain. It needs to look just like they had chosen it to look, then I need for it to also automatically create an admin page, within that sub-domain folder that was created for them, with this admin area(ONLY), it needs to have some sort of password system, or something. Then on that admin area, it needs to be able to allow them to change the xhtml of the page, without them being able to change anything as far as php, or javascript.That's it. But it has to create the .htm page, and the admin page, for each person who signs up, and has to do so dynamically. can anyone give me advice, on whether this is possible, whether I should take it, how much I should charge, whether it's even worth the prices I listed, or what? Security has to be taken into account as well as performance, as always.
  10. pretty much, if you use javascript to password protect pages, a homeless person, who never had education could use your own passwords against you. You can encrypt them all you want, it's not going to change you have a security risk, I can even show you how easy it is, give me hte url, of the javascript password protected page, do whatever you want to with it, then send me the url, I can show you how dangerous it is to use javascript for (sensitive) password protected pages.

  11. I never had to use php with javascript, I also never messed with arrays much, I always did basic stuff.The thing is, I have tried creating 2 dimensional arrays, associative arrays, and nothing is working, I think I need a stepping stone if someone can help, after cutting up about 3-4 different scripts(I am trying to get a grounding point for the rest of the program), here is what I have at the moment.I am trying to figure out

    <?php// send header so browser knows how to treat the pageHeader("content-type: application/x-javascript"); mysql_connect("localhost", "elostand_west", "apex");mysql_select_db("elostand_general");// run query's$select = "SELECT * FROM businesses;";$query = mysql_query($select);// check for number of rows for later use$numrows = mysql_num_rows($query);if ($numrows) {// creates array's dynamically using php?>var name = new Array(<?php echo $numrows; ?>);var url = new Array(<?php echo $numrows; ?>); <?php}// set some parameters to help control my script further down?>var inc = 0;var x<?phpwhile ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {?>name[inc++] = '<?php echo $row['name']; ?>';url[inc++] = '<?php echo $row['url']; ?>';<?php}// end while?>for (var i in name){document.getElementById('scrollboxtime').innerHTML = name[x] + "<br />" + url[x];}

    Also I have a div on the homepage, like

    <div id="scrollboxtime"></div>

    Here are the things I have been trying to accomplish with this script, that I have encountered problems with1. I want it to pull data from a database, somehow trap information on 2 different values. I need the name and associated url of each entry. 2. Once i have successfully recorded the information so I can work with the data I need to get them to display on the div like soname name name name url url url urlSomething similar to that but enough space in between them, to not look messed up when a longer url, is put into the banner.3. I need to get this div, to be populated automatically, as I said, the database pulls information, creates a js array, and uses that array as the information.I need this div, to take the text, as it looks formatted above, and scroll it from the right wall of the div, all the way to the left wall of the div, and disappear off the page(at the end of the div), but it needs to keep scrolling across, when the final database entry(which there all recorded into an array when someone opens the homepage), comes, then it resets back at the first, and keeps going forever. As for the scrolling, I was using scrollTo, scrollBy, scroll, and then I finally realized these aren't used to get the scroll affect I wanted, they are used to set up scroll bars on the page, or on elements, now I have to figure out how to get it to scroll as well.Any advice, any guidance, any stepping stones will be greatly appreciated.

  12. I was wondering, with javascript arrays, I can access the value, but never the name. I need to get the name/value pairslikename namevalue valueI need to get those on the banner. How do I access the name, as well as the value pair.

  13. <?phpHeader("content-type: application/x-javascript"); // notify the browser to treat as javascript// start actual scriptmysql_connect("localhost", "elostand_west", "apex");mysql_select_db("elostand_general");$select = "SELECT * FROM businesses;";$query = mysql_query($select);while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {$jscode = $row['name'] . '\n' . $row['url'];?>// This is a function to start the scrolling processfunction scrollinformation() {	var content = '<?php echo $jscode; ?>';	document.getElementById('scrollboxtime').innerHTML = content;	document.getElementById('scrollboxtime').scrollTo(0,0);	} // End scroll<?php}?>

    I did all of this, for such a long time, redoing things, and fixing up things. In the end I find out scroll, scrollTo, scrollFrom aren't made to let you "scroll" text, it's made for you to have scrollbars for text, does anyone know how I can do what I need, it's starting to bother me.I have a database full of business names, and url's.I need to put the business name, and url below the name. I need them to end up being side by side within a div, about 10-20 pixels apart(to account for the url sizes), then I need for it to scroll across the div, from teh right side of the screen to the left, based on the contents of the database, and keep doing infinitely, until the person goes to another page or something. I can get the first one to appear in the div, but I can't get them all to appear in the div, one after another, and I can't get it to scroll at all, I really need some advice on this?

  14. dynamica css, dynamic javascript. You can do 100 times more with them being powered by php, than being powered by just there native language. Styles based on specific actions, excetera, I know you can also make .js files for css, but I Don't have a point, the .php for javascript, css will make me have a whole new world of options available, and it has to be .php to use php to output the javascript or css.

  15. I just have discovered something (might sound wierd) but "I" didn't know about these things yet. I always used php in my Xhtml pages, I didn't know you could use them as CSS, JavaScript files. This opens up new worlds to me, I never thought possible, but before I get all happy, and start doing all my CSS, Javascript as php pages, and start adding new functionality to my css/javascript pages, I would like to know, are there any negative sides to using .php instead of external js, or css files. I am worried that some browsers may only accept the .css for stylesheet and .js for javascript, I really like this idea, and I am really ready to start utilizing it, and would love too, but I have to make sure it's not a bad thing first, or a bad programming/coding proactice or something, I have to make sure it's a good thing, and something that won't start causing me a whole bunch of problems later on down the road.

  16. http://whitepages.addresses.com/zip_codes_by_state/AL/A.htmlThe information within those cities, I want the city, state, zipcode, areacode, and timezone recorded. Here is what I want to do totally, and it'll be my first huge thing I am doing, partially to learn partially to get my database.1. Get my php script to start looking at this address.http://zipcodes.addresses.com/zip_code_lookup.php2. I want it to follow the alabama link3. I want it to go through all cities(in alphabetical order), from A-Z on that page, and pull out thecity, state, zipcode, areacode, and timezone for each one(As well as format ones that have 2, like if there are 2 zipcodes then 30082, 30083 type of format.)4. Repeat that for the second state(alphabetically), until it has gathered all the information together. THen I want to take all of the trapped information and record them in SQL queries, so I can copy them and paste them onto another page, and run the script to database all the information into the database, at once. That should be good, because if all the informaiton is saved in an array, I can run a while, or foreach control structure around that and create a whole bunch of insert queries, and run them all at once, just name them a little differently. That should work out.That is the whole scheme of what I am trying to do, and why I am asking these kinds of questions.
  17. Ok these are the things I do not know that I need to learn.1. When I get the information from a webpage, how do I record what url's are present on the page, based on specific criteria.2. How do I follow those urls.3. How do I follow url's of those urlsand however deep may need4. How do I pull information from a website5. I can build the queries once I get the data

  18. So why can't I find ANY tutorials on bots, spiders, or anything similar. I can't figure out how to follow url's on websites, or how to make an action happen on a website if I call the url. Or how to do things to a file's actual data. Like for instance if I wanted a program to take say text files, and break the information up into sections, and pull information from it, I couldn't. That is what I need to do here, record url's, array them, follow them, collect data from them, then format them as my sql queries so I can put the data into my database. I can't seem to get it to work however hard I try, I don't get it.

  19. I understand that, but when I use file_get_contents then it doesn't work out. I mean it displays the data, but how do I get it to follow a link, if I knew how to get PHP to pick up a link, and after I figure out how to do that, then what I can do is put it in an array(the results), I know how to do all of that. THe thing I need to figure out is1. How to record link information so I can put them into an array2. How to follow the links I have in the array, That is what I can't figure out, I could look at that, but I am real busy I don't know if I have time to sign up right now, but the other thing is, it's asp.net I don't think that'll help much since I am basing this in PHP.I just looked at them, but it didn't help, it's in asp.net I was surprised(I guess because I know php), I understood most of it, but it didn't make since in relation to what I was trying to do with php.

  20. I have tried a few ideas. I tested some stuff, I know get file contents, if you append it to a variable, and echo it, the whole page get's displayed. THe next thing I need to do, is set up a process, one page at a time. I want right now to do this.So I haveCode:

    <?php$file = file_get_contents("http://whitepages.addresses.com/zip_codes_by_state/AL/A.html");?>

    What I want to do next I need a little guidance to point me in the right direction. From here I am going to want to get php, to follow the url's on that page. When it goes to one of the cities, I want it to pullZip, Code, City, County, Area Code, and Time Zone from those pages. Then I want it to record that, then I want to get the contents of the same state but page b.html, this will get all the info for b's then c-z, after I get all of those, I have all the contents recorded. THen I use flush, to give the server a second to rest, after that I want to get contents of the next state, and repeat the process(the whole time saving the search result's in 1 giant array. At the end of the entire process I want to dynamically echo out statements to allow me to copy and paste it.I am going to dynamically build my insert sql queries with the captured data, allowing me to do one huge copy and paste, to allow me to have all the data there, so I can just put it all in the database at once, I know this is possible, and honestly I know a large portion of how I am going to develop this system. What I need to know is how to get php to follow a url, I know get file contents can get the page, but then I need php to follow the url's so I can do what I want, then go back and follow another url, and so forth??

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