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Posts posted by businessman332211@hotmail.com


    Never have I felt so much anger towards one computer. At 3:30 in the morning I felt that I wanted to rip my monitor to pieces. Here is the question, and problem I have been facing.

    <?phpif (isset($_POST['subscribe'])) {$errorhandler = ""; // This will control holding error information$management = true; // Gives me full control over when the script runs and stops$regex = "^[A-Za-z0-9\._-]+@([A-Za-z0-9][A-Za-z0-9-]{1,62})(\.[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9-]{1,62})+$";	// regex variables has a regex value initialized into it, this allows me to quickly run	// the regex functions through the email field to test it's format.  It makes sure it 	// contacts an at symbol, and a period, and in the proper places.	if ($_POST['name'] == "") { // checks if name is empty, and puts error info into string  $errorhandler .= "The Name Field was not filled in correctly<br />";  $management = false;    	}	if ($_POST['email'] == "") { // checks if email is blank  $errorhandler .= "The Email Field was not filled in correctly<br />";  $management = false;	}	if ($_POST['email'] != $_POST['verifyemail']) { //checks if email fields match  $errorhandler .= "The email address DO NOT match<br />";  $management = false;	}	if (!ereg("$regex", $_POST['email'])) { //tests emails format with regex variable above  $errorhandler .= "The email address is improperly formatted<br />";  $management = false;	}	if (is_string($errorhandler)) { //This tests the error handler to see if it has recieved  print "$errorhandler"; //a string information if so it passes the information below.  $management = false; 	}	if($management == true) {// This is were management first comes into play.  $connect = mysql_connect("localhost", "#####", "######");  $select = mysql_select_db("#######");  }else {  echo "There was a problem interacting with the database, please contact us at";  echo "info@theyellowpagesnetwork.com";  $management = false;  }    if($management == true) {  echo "everything seemed to work all right";  }      	}?>

    Ok what it's doing is doing all the validation, popping out the error, and still popping out There was a problem interacting with the database, whatever. What I don't get is I set a variable at the beginning $management = true;and as I went down I changed it to $management = false;if it ran into an error, then down there I said as a test to make sure it was performing rightHere I said thisif(is_string($errorhandler))THIS SHOULD NOT work unless an error was detected, so when an error is detected this works and kicks out the proper error messages, then below that I have another control structure that saysif ($management == true) {then do whateverThis is what is confusing me, this is not common sense, if the script runs into any type of error, it should change $management to false, so if it encountered an error, then when the script tests to see if managment is true it SHOULD NOT read that at all if there was an error occured, any help would be appreciated, thanks.

  2. I have acquired php knowledge, from working with it, I can sit down and write my own scripts now, I just created my own error handling system, I am programming it all as we speak, I reached the point now where ideas started flowing in my head.

  3. Bottom line is you don't need hacks, take the time to fix them without hacks, believe me, anything can be done in css with almost any browser(within reason) without using any hacks, unless you are going back to ie nn 4 which is worthless anyway, you can get all things looking perfect without using any hacks at all, it just takes longer.

  4. I use it as the default for all my scripts sometimes, there's nothing wrong with using it, as it's easier to close the website off on cgi-bins directory when dealing with robots.txt files, just have afolder inside there called processors, dbwork, or whatever and handle all your external files through that page, my personal practice, because it's 100 times easier when working with robots files, and saves time, and you always know where the information is, if it's all ways in the cgi bin. What it is normally used for are specific types of programs like using Ruby on rails, or ruby, or perl, or something heave, java or something like that, cron jobs, or running cgi executables, or downloading massive third party scripts most of that info is in cgi bin. Within that one folder you can block a lot of things for instance, you can keep that directory sealed off from live access, and prevent search engines from picking up all the info inside with the robots file. Just don't put your php.ini file specifically in there, I think that is required to be in your root directory, but anything else, except config files, or error logs, it wuoldn't hurt to keep them in there, also if you are disabling error reporting through browser as it's more secure then keep an error log in 1 folder for every php script so you have logs, it should create them automatically though if the php.ini is set properly. If you do asp, jsp, or coldfusion you can use the cgi-bin as well.

  5. How do I change this to utilize OR DIE statementsJust a rough idea will allow me to use it

    <?phpif (isset($_POST['subscribe'])){ $error = ""; if ($_POST['name'] == '')   $error .= 'The name field was filled in incorrectly, please correct<br/>'; if ($_POST['email'] == '')   $error .= 'The Email Field was filled in incorrectly, please correct.<br />'; if ($_POST['verifyemail'] != $_POST['email'])   $error .= 'The email Fields Do Not match, please correct.<br />'; if ($error != "")   echo $error; else {   $connection = mysql_connect('######', '######', '######');   $selectdb = mysql_select_db('cantsay');   if(!$connection || !$selectdb)   {     echo 'Problem during database connection or selection';     echo mysql_error();   }   else   {     $insert = "INSERT INTO notell (name, email) VALUES ('" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']) . "', '" . mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['email']) . "')";     if(!mysql_query($insert))       echo 'The information could not be inserted into the database';     else       $name = $_POST['name'];    $email = $_POST['email'];    $to = 'businessman332211@hotmail.com';    $subject = 'Funny Email Forwards Sign up Notification';    $message = "This is a confirmation to inform you that";    $message .= "you have been signed up to the Funny Email Forwards";    $message .= "Newsletter.  If you choose to unsubscribe please visit";    $message .= "The website again to unsubscribe.";    $message = wordwrap($message);   if(mail($to, $subject, $message))    echo "You have been subscribed successfully<br />";   else   echo "There was an error sending an email";   }   @mysql_close($connection);   $to = "businessman332211@hotmail.com";    $subject = "Funny Email Forwards sign up";    $message = "This is a notification letting you know that {$name} has";    $message .= "signed up to the news letter using {$email}.";    $message .= "notification is coming from Funny Email Forwards.com";    $message = wordwrap($message);    mail($to, $subject, $message); }}?>

  6. What I am trying to do is get it to break up in the email, when they recieve it, some words are running together likethis, forexample, and others are so long they don't space properly wordwrap() stillhas them running together likethis sometimes.

  7. Another major question I have to ask, is it better for me to use those Or DIE statements in sql or is it better the way I am doing it or is there a better way or what?

  8. I was also wondering I tried adding those newline characters into my values it' didn't work I tried /n and \n and neither of them work, thanks for the help.

  9. What other functions can I use in place of what you said, what all are available because I see a lot of other people not doing this, or something else, just trying to learn from this as much as I can as I go along.

  10. I also wanted to ask. Do I need to use any escape string functions or anything if I am going to try and send emails ,or is it ok when just sending emails.

  11. Ok THat worked I just have to play with it, so now, about what do you think about single or double quotes, I think double now, but what is your opinion, or whoever else has anything to say about anything. I also wanted to ask now, I tried putting both <br />and /n into my email and have it send some cuts in the text, I never had a problem with this before because normally I format like$message = "Whatever I have here for like 10 linesdowndowndowndownand so on";And that is what I normally use but I don't know how to do this when I am trying to set it up like this.

  12. Ok I will give that a try real quick, should I always use double quotes instead of single quotes I picked up this single quote habit from javascript and when I found out it worked in php I started doing it. So in your opinion should I go back to double quotes for now on, for general usage.

  13. The email address's have to change too, I need to learn how to pass the person signing up's email into the one that is going to him to tell him it worked. And how to pass variables in the message so I can tell my client when he has someone sign up and from where.

  14. Ok THat makes sense now, I had one question how do I put form variables into an email, this is what i had, at the end I have it sending 2 seperate different emails perfectly I am surprised I got it on the first try, but what I am trying to do is add in some of the form variables where it shows I tried at. How do I add those in.

         if(!mysql_query($insert))       echo 'The information could not be inserted into the database';     else       $name = $_POST['name'];    $email = $_POST['email'];    $to = 'businessman332211@hotmail.com';    $subject = 'Funny Email Forwards Sign up Notification';    $message = 'Yhis is a confirmation to inform you that/n';    $message .= 'you have been signed up to the Funny Email Forwards/n';    $message .= 'Newsletter.  If you choose to unsubscribe please visit/n';    $message .= 'The website again to unsubscribe.';   if(mail($to, $subject, $message))    echo 'The email was sent Successfully<br />';    $to = 'businessman332211@hotmail.com';    $subject = 'Funny Email Forwards sign up';    $message = 'This is a notification letting you know that {$name) has';    $message .= 'signed up to the news letter using {$email}';   if(mail($to, $subject, $message))   echo 'The confirmation was sent to bobby';   }   @mysql_close($connection); }}

    I also wanted to ask about that mysql_escape_stringHow do I use it, like do I use it in that manner every single time I enter it into a database, what does it do, the reason i am asking i didn't know anything about that before then, are there other ways as well to pass it into a database without causing problems, or is this the way that it should always be done.

  15. I really really want to thank you for all the help so far, It worked perfectly I just had some questions about some of these things, there are other ways to do this, but like what, should I choose these are permanent ways or play around with these until I understand more of what I am doing.Ok here is what i needed to ask.

    I made a lot of changes to your code. #1 is the formatting, you need good formatting, it shouldn't even be an option. Don't stack if or else statements onto the end of other ones, just use the next line. And indent! Also, you don't need a semicolon after a curly bracket ("}") except for specific things like a "do" loop.
    I looked at your formatting, was the way I was formatting bad, I looked over the way you indented and I will take that example. And try to conform to it from now on, are there any other ways I can be more readable as well, any advice from anyone would be greatly appreciated too.
    See how much easier that is to read and understand? I also replaced all your print statements with echo statements, and these lines didn't make sense:
    I have heard alot about this before, what are the difference's between print and echo.
    To close a mysql connection you use mysql_close, and I moved that to the end of your else block and put a @ symbol before it to suppress error messages. If the connection was never opened in the first place, it will not bother to print an error, or else it will close it. You don't need to use mysql_free_result because you aren't working with a result set (those come from SELECT statements).
    I don't fully understand the @ symbol what is it used for and what did you mean by saying that if it never opened it wouldn't close in the first place, do you mean if it doesn't pass validation it won't matter.
    I also redid your SQL query to escape your form variables. You need that unless you want to get your database messed with. You never want to insert anything from GET or POST directly into a SQL statement without escaping it or otherwise validating it. You do check the values, but you never sanitize them for illegal characters.
    a few things with this, first I searched it on php.net and came up with this.
    mysqli_escape_string -- Alias of mysqli_real_escape_string()
    I checked that and didn't understand it can you explain that too me, and what's the difference between what you used and this other one, the main other thing I am wondering about, is the server I am using, has only php 4 something and this said php 5 in php.net why is it still working when I am using php 4.
    The only other thing I did was remove the curly brackets around 1-line IF or ELSE statements, if there is only 1 line you don't need them. I think that's about it
    What do you mean.What I don't understand here more than anything is you said something that sort of took me off guard. And I don't get someting, you said I don't have to close control structures, but before when I tried doing that I always got errors when I didn't. I dont understand this.
    And indent! Also, you don't need a semicolon after a curly bracket ("}") except for specific things like a "do" loop.
    Can you explain to me what you mean before when I left them off I got errors, you mean all this time, with if, elseif, else, statements, and otehr things I never have to close the ; even at the very very end of all the control structures. If so why has everyone corrected me before when I left those off, or encountered an error they said that it's because of that, I fix it and it works again, I am a little confused about this one.Thanks for all the help I really appreciate it, any other advice opinions about all this accepted too, thanks again.
  16. Ok I have actually tried for my first major script, I was doing great, I followed some advice, put together my own ideas into it, and came up with the perfect solution for validation and email, now I was trying to get a little fancier and throw in some other stuff, I also upgraded the way I coded xhtml/css and started doing it more neat, and more commented, on my site I said that that's what I believe, and I was trying now to go even further, I also read a post on here from someone named crayon violent and I started following advice so far as far as general structuring of php and it's helped a lot, I know I am not that good at structuring it yet but I will get better. Here is the problem I am encountering, and need help with.

    <?phpif (isset($_POST['subscribe'])){	$error = ''; if ($_POST['name'] == '') {	$error[] .= print 'The name field was filled in incorrectly, please correct<br/>'; }if ($_POST['email'] == '') {	$error[] .= print 'The Email Field was filled in incorrectly, please correct.<br />'; }if ($_POST['verifyemail'] != $_POST['email']) {	$error[] .= print 'The email Fields Do Not match, please correct.<br />'; }if (is_array($alert)) {	foreach($error as $key => $correctthis) {	echo '$correctthis'; >>> }else{ $connection = mysql_connect('localhost', 'cantsay, 'definitelynote'); $selectdb = mysql_select_db('stillalittletoomuchinfo');  if(!$connection && !$selectdb){	print 'Problem during database connection or selection';	}else {	$insert = 'INSERT INTO cantsaytablename (name, email) VALUES ("{$_POST[name]}", "{$_POST[email]")'; 	}if(!mysql_query($insert)){	print 'The information could not be inserted into the database';	}else{	echo 'successfuly completion of all processes';free();disconnect(); }};

    It tells me that the else statement isn't good on a specific line, here is the error.

    Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_ELSE in /home/all/funnyemailforwards/public_html/dbprocessing/signuphandler.php on line 13
    I marked the line in the php. I am trying to create a double contact form, but there's nothing to see in the php file, and I was so damn stupid I just about left my password and username, and database name in the code, that would have been very very bad. But anyway what I was wondering is a few things, I marked the line the error is coming from in the code with a >>>.What I need to figure out is, well I am setting up a subscribe and unsubscribe for a newsletter, so people can enter there email address to recieve the funny emails, right now I am trying to set the script for if they click submit on subscribe, that works, it validates, my error statement I took from all this worked out as well. I got all that, but when I started adding in database code I can't get it working. What I need help with is what am I doing wrong, I also need to somewhere wire in there, something to still email it to him, I am wanting to email him if the WHOLE process is successful for instance, if the error validation passes, the and all the database processes finish, then it send an email, then close the database and free. The questions I want to ask is why isn't this working here, how do I try and wire in the mail function properly. What about free and disconnect() how do I specify the connection I want closed. Do I need to do anything like remove slashes or anything specific before database entry that I am forgetting, The reason I am asking is magic quotes is on, I checked on his database phpinfo() information. But what I am wondering is are there any suggestions on1. why this isn't working.2. How to make it work.3. How to integrate the mail program, and properly free and close the database connection.4. ANY AND ALL advice about how I could do this differently, better ways to do certain parts, ANYTHING that involves advice on new ways to do this or anything.5. IF there is ANYTHING I can POSSIBLY do to add any more security to this script when it's complete, I am trying to learn a ###### of a lot at once, once I get this script to work, I am writing one below it for isset($_POST['unsubscribe']))and doing exactly the same thing for it, except removing the database information instead, any advice would be great, I am at a critical learning point, to where I have almost pulled over the learning curve, and most of all I am starting to get new scripts ideas, how to work things differently, I am almost finally over that hump, any help would be appreciated.
  17. I post in both now, because people there help me with certain Types of things, but people here no more about other types of things especially js, and css. You answered my questions very well, and thanks for all the advice, the reason I specifically pointed out justsomeguy, wasn't to say no one else could answer them as effectively, it is just for some reason, the way he explains things sometimes motivates me in ways that other people have not been able to do, and has motivated me to get past some issues in learning that other people "although they explained it perfectly enough for me to get a full understanding" somehow didn't add in the motivation factor behind it possibly, because I started looking up to him after I wondered why he had such a wierd pick, I thought he was wierd, but after Is started seeing the way he answered questions, I started looking up to him, for having the knowledge, and motivation and passion in it, to easily pass it through conversation(not to say other people don't have passion and motivation) it's just that some people reach out to other specific people, he just happened to be one of the ones that reached out to me in his speech, and motivated me to press on during my trials and tribulations through programming. :S

  18. sounds good I will keep that in mind, any more advice comments would be greatly appreciated, I would especially like to hear from justsomeguy if you had time, I trust your answers severely you have always answered in a way that cleared up every question I ever had if you have some time, later on.

  19. This is the time of year, where I calculate all the things in php I do not understand, and ask for help from people I trust know the answer, and have helped me this long time, I have come a Long ways towards mastering php/sql. Using mysql and other things. I have noticed I am particularly interested in 2 things, so I spent a very long time studying these, I am very good with PHP Security, and performance, now all I need to do is get better with actually working with php, and utilizing it, here are some questions I couldn't find answers to, and might allow me to step over that learning curve I have been trying to work over for so long.If you have the answer to one I would be happy to hear an answer, anything that would help or point me in the right directions would be greatly appreciated.1. ok I know about 3 files that I want to totally learn a bout how to use and how to control. The .htaccess, the php.ini, and the httpd.conf. I found a great tutorial here on php freaks to help me answer ALL my questions on php.ini, it explains it very well, and the php manual has some good info on that, I wanted to study that soon, but does anyone have any idea on where i can find decent/good resources on the other, I don't know where these originate, and searching for the just file extensions and related searches in google brought up nothing.2. One specific question I had was about httpd.conf, where do I get access to this file at, studying security I ran across some information, and I am trying to make it a habbit to always(and encourage clients) to to change the Server Signatures, and Server Tokens. I want to make this a habbit but don't know where to access the file at, or how to get access to it with web hosting companies.3. ok this is very important to me, I have run across some functions in a book, and triple cross referenced it, the best practice I see would be to do this with everything but I don't understand the process, and cna't find any good resourced on it to answer my specific questions. it's relating to incryption and decryption like this.Encryption

    <?php    srand((double)microtime()*1000000 );    $td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CFB, '');    $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);    $ks = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($td);    $key = substr(sha1('Your Secret Key Here'), 0, $ks);    mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv);    $ciphertext = mcrypt_generic($td, 'This is very important data');    mcrypt_generic_deinit($td);    mcrypt_module_close($td);    print $iv . "\n";    print trim($ciphertext) . "\n";?>


    <?php    srand((double)microtime()*1000000 );    $td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CFB, '');    $iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_RAND);    $ks = mcrypt_enc_get_key_size($td);    $key = substr(sha1('Your Secret Key Here'), 0, $ks);    mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv);    $ciphertext = mcrypt_generic($td, 'This is very important data');    mcrypt_generic_deinit($td);    mcrypt_generic_init($td, $key, $iv);    $plaintext = mdecrypt_generic($td, $ciphertext);    mcrypt_generic_deinit($td);    mcrypt_module_close($td);    print $iv . "\n";    print trim($ciphertext) . "\n";    print trim($plaintext) . "\n";?>

    With this I want to get in the habit of ALWAYS encrypting all data before emailing form information or entering into a database, and decrypting it, but I don't understand the how and when, do I encrypt after validation before emailing, or databasing. If so then when do I decrypt, encrypt before emailing, when it reaches the clients email address( the person I am working for) can he read it, or am I understanding this wrong. I really want to get this down, and master these if this is helpful, if it's usless for that, then what can I use it for what type of things.4. I want to find more books, I have a few on photoshop CS2, and the JavaScript bible newest version, and PHP In a Nutshell which I am not happy with because it cut everything out from the online version that I needed. I want to find some really good books on javascript(not really, js bible is good), php, sql(mysql or others), and especially some general databasing, web site security anything, I really want to get better books, I could yes get them myself "google" it or however, but I am wanting some personal advice from people who bought specific books and recieved very good usage with them.5. If I fclose() a file inside a script, and lock it with flock() completely, will someone be able to open the file using a url if it's live or is that a good way to prevent people from getting to a part of the site, like I could flock() a db connection page, using like 3 other pages, isn't that like triple lock to prevent people from opening it, or doing anything with it through a url. Just a general inquiry, I don't know about this, I was just wondering it was a theory.6. This is really important to me, one thing I am trying to find out here is about opinions. What is better honestly. I use external .php files with forms, but I can do it that way, I tried doing same page, and it failed horribly, I completely sucked at it, I know that I love doing external when I am doing database connections, or whatever else, and when you click submit and it comes up with the errors, they click back the information is still there without them having to retype the data in. What I was wondering about this was what are the pro's and con's of each one from personal opinions and perspectives. I know that I prefer the external because It gives me more room to play around, I can have more fun with less distractions, and if I decide to do some huge scripts or try to get fancy, I have plenty of room to do whatever I want, I also heard some people keep db connections on another file, and include it, I tried this and didn't like it, it seemed just harder to use, I only like using 1 external file, but I wanted to learn how to do same page when doing really small contact forms, because I thought it would be a lot quicker, 5 hours fighting with a same page file, then I switched over to an external file and it worked perfectly. I don't see the point in going through the hassle.7. The reason I don't understand classes is because it's always use as examples relating to people or real life situations, but the bad thing about that is: when I see a dog/cat class, I cna't create a dog/cat in a php function and use them, what can I do with that but print out bark, or meow, I can't make a cat materialize, and work with it and make it ###### and ######, and meow with ######()######()meow()I just don't understand how this works, how is a class utilized on a php file, what kind of things, for instacne can a class come in when doing forms, if so I mean I read all the material given to me last time I asked, I have read through tons of tutorials, and books, but when it comes to classes, I get nothing but real world explanations, once I understand the concept of how it relates to php I will have an easier time keeping up with it when referring to real world scenarious.8. Why are there so many ways to validate form information, what in fact is the right/wrong way, or are no way's right or wrong, I don't understand this at all, I do it the way you saw earlier in other posts, I tried wildteen88's way but always get errors around the foreach statement, I tried other methods seen on here, some of them worked but didn't match my style of coding, it didn't feel good, or have fun, programming those, as compared to other ways I have tried, how do I find the right kinds for me, this has been puzzling me for quite some time.9. Is it good to use harden php, the act of

    This is a set of patches to the PHP source code that make the task of hacking your server by exploiting PHP that much harder. Hardened PHP is not an official PHP project, and so cannot be relied upon to be as stable as the core PHP release, however it is just a set of minor patches and so isn't likely to affect stability at all.
    "quoted from php in a nutshell"Is this something I need to be aware of, study on, or try to implement on a regular basis, or should I avoid this, what is the point.10. Is there a book out there that is "javascript is to javascript bible, as php is to whatever the book is."I see the js bible and it has everything, and anything I will ever want, I never will NEED another javascript book, I may get more for extra reading, but i'll never really need one. I want to find the same one in php, without it being the php.net manual. because I know not all of the functions are documented, I wanted a really good book for that, and so far haven't found anything, something in a book for when I am not working, or my wife is on the computer, and I don't feel like doing other things I can still study. I got everything from php in a nutshell I could I have reread it 4 times, on and off, and double checked sections numerous times but they stripped so much from the online version it's not even worth it.11. ok this is about the eval function, quoting the book "php in a nutshell" as it quotes the owner(or creator) of php, as him saying
    Rasmus Lerdorf "If eval() is the answer, you're almost certainly asking the wrong question."
    With me seeing that, the book also comments
    That is, you should be able to achieve  your goals without resorting to eval().
    With this being said it is obviously trying to tell me without an explanation about eval() being bad, ineffective, or a security issue. What is the reason for him saying those things, does anyone on here use eval() what are the positives or negatives, and why is it so severe that the owner himself would comment on it specifically like that. If it was so bad, why doesn't he just remove it from the newer versions of php instead of letting it re-enter new versions, because by what he says it's not good to use.12. The same with register_globals, I hate them, I always keep them off, if there not off I force them off, but why didn't the creator just remove them out of 4-5 when he found out, within 2 years everyone would have upgraded there scripts.13. Why are so many 3rd party scripts insecure as in they require register_globals on to use them, that prevents me access from most major third party scripts, I even had os Commerce, and Zen Cart tell me register_globals had to be set as on to be used, I just cna't have that, forcing me to do something new every time.14. why is it that sometimes when I use empty it works and sometimes I have to add a ! at the beginning that confuses me.15. Someone told me that using isset to pic up information on whether a form was submitted or not does not always work and it's better to use if ($_POST['whateverbuttoniscalled'] == "")instead of if (isset($_POST['whateverbuttoniscalled']));is this true or was he just a dumbass, that needed to re-learn php, the reason I ask is because this is the way I learnt and he criticized me for it, also he disagreed that register_globals being on was not a security issue, I went past him to his boss, and talked him into changing the server's anyway. Where does he get those kind of ideas(sorry partially ranting, and raving::And no I amnot a girl I am a guy, I just get pissed something:::')16. Is there a consideration for release of php6, a release date, beta release date, does anyone here know anything that we might be able to expect from new releases.17. Is mysql 5 good enough for me to be able to utilize affectively, safely, and securely without too big of an issue.18. Is it better to use Pear Db: when connecting to mysql, is it more or less secure, if so is it part of the core language, or do I have to compile certain extensions.Thanks for all the help I greatly appreciate it.
  20. YOU fixed it, I don't know how. I have to ask this question for learning purposesI changed the whole setup to these

    function removepics () {  //This is a special function, what this is going to do here// Is completely remove all the pictures when the page loads.  It uses a javascript// onload function.  This function can be found in the body section of the html page// within the body tag like body onload="" with my function name// This is good for people without javascript if they do not have javascript enabled or // something the picture is already loaded into the page, so it just ignored this and the //pictures will be there upon page load, if they have javascript, this eliminates// the pictures allowing for the appropriate functions to put those pictures into place// with mouse over events.	document.getElementById('leftpic').style.visibility='hidden';	document.getElementById('midpic').style.visibility='hidden';	document.getElementById('rightpic').style.visibility='hidden';};function leftpicmouseon () { //This makes hte left picture appear, with on mouse over	document.getElementById('leftpic').style.visibility='visible';};function leftpicmouseoff () { // This makes it disappear when the mouse is removed	document.getElementById('leftpic').style.visibility='hidden';};function midpicmouseon () { // This makes hte middle picture appear on mouse over	document.getElementById('midpic').style.visibility='visible';};function midpicmouseoff () { // This makes the middle pic disappear when the mouse is removed	document.getElementById('midpic').style.visibility='hidden';};function rightpicmouseon () { //This makes the right pic appear on mouse over	document.getElementById('rightpic').style.visibility='visible';};function rightpicmouseoff () { //This makes the pic disappear when mouse is removed	document.getElementById('rightpic').style.visibility='hidden';};

    on all of them I was using insteaddocument.getElementById('examplepic').style.display='none';anddocument.getElementById('examplepic').style.display='block';when I changed to what you showed me it worked instantly, why did this work, but what I was trying before, didn't I need to understand this, because I will be doing more javascript later, so this understanding can help me better, that's all I did was change the style.and everything after that to what you told me and it worked perfectly, thank you so much for the help.

  21. I hate that, I don't like it when other people do it, I thought i was more readable as is, but from now on, I will go ahead and set codebox, on longer code instead.

  22. That's the thing, I have 1 function removing all the pics, as I showed up there I have the on mouse over and off commands taking care of all the details after that, ok here is what happenedwhen onload is taken off there, all the stuff is centered, in all browser,when I cut it back on, well it works, it hides them all but when I mouse over, boom they all appear and hit the left hand of each div. even when I take the onload off, and leave just the mouseovers, as soon as I mouse over, it goes from being centered, to the left hand side, I don't understand why this is happening my entire code was pasted above, but I don't see what's causing this problem

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