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Posts posted by Krewe

  1. viewing it in IE and Chrome its broken on my end, anyway im just letting you know
    Nothing is broken in IE or Chrome... I test my sites in Opera, Chrome, Firefox, iPhone Safari and IE.So if you could explain or better yet screenshot the problem I'll see what I can do.
  2. Yeah I was kind of tossing some idea around for that myself. What if you added an image or some text to the computer screen and turn that orange? Like maybe that character that appears at the top of most pages (and in the middle icon). Seems you answered out of order... :P as I'm assuming you're referring to the submit button (which is the third thing I mentioned) Margins would make it look more professional, IMO. No, I do not.
    That's what I get for answering questions sick -.-Thanks bud.
  3. Looks very nice, Krewe. Just a few really nitpicky things I noticed though. :P On the home page with the three large icons:- The hover state for the web development icon (the computer) seems out of place compared to the other two because the whole thing turns yellow, while only parts of the other two turn yellow.- The "hover zone" for the first two icons seems rather large and misplaced. The third icon only changes state when you cross the border of the black circle. The others seem to have extended borders. On the contact page, the submit button should have the cursor change to a pointer. (Told you they were really nitpicky. Though, when a site is really well done, you have to be nitpicky... ^_^ ) This was tested in FF
    I'll answer in order :P 1) I'm still trying to find a fix for that... The other two images are much nicer looking when not all orange, there are specific sections where you can easily change the color to look like. The computer image is just one big blob basically :P so it is hard to make it not all orange, but I do agree with you. I've been messing around to fix that. (VERY small issue so it's priority is low ;P) 2) I'll fix that right now, didn't even notice it. 3) That is do to the fact I am using width not margin. It was just easier that way. But I can switch to margin if you really want ;) --------------- EDIT:Do you see the button that isn't working that DD pointed out? I have no idea.
  4. -.- I hate these browsers but I gotta fix this problem.Here is my website link: Http://www.codekrewe.com/testing In Firefox and Chrome everything looks peachy.But in Opera and IE my navigation is messed up! The contact link is pushed down out of the area it is suppose to be.I have no idea why, there is plenty of space to hold the contact link, I even did the inspect element to make sure.The problem can be fixed in IE if you do the compatibility view however I would like it to be fixed without that. Here is my css and html, if anyone can help I'd appreciate it. HTML:

    <div id="menu"><div id="nav"><div id="logo"><a href="index.php"><Code Krewe ⁄></a></div><div id="links"><ul><li class="home"><a href="index.php" class="home">Home</a></li><li class="about"><a href="about.php" class="about">About</a></li><li class="portfolio"><a href="portfolio.php" class="portfolio">Portfolio</a><ul><li style="float:none;"><a href="portfolio.php#websites">Websites</a></li><li style="float:none;"><a href="portfolio.php#graphics">Graphics</a></li></ul></li><li class="services"><a href="index.php" class="services">Services</a><ul><li style="float:none;"><a href="development.php">Web Development</a></li><li style="float:none;"><a href="design.php">Web Design</a></li><li style="float:none;"><a href="hosting.php">Web Hosting</a></li></ul></li><li class="blog"><a href="index.php" class="blog">Blog</a></li><li class="contact"><a href="index.php" class="contact">Contact</a></li></ul></div></div></div>


    html,body{height:100%;margin:0px;padding:0px;}body{background-color:#EAECEA;font-family: 'Happy Monkey', cursive;background-image:url('../images/whiteTexture.png');color:#222;}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{margin:0px;padding:0px;color:#fea40f;font-family: 'Permanent Marker', cursive;font-weight:400;text-shadow:1px 1px 1px #111;}p{margin:0px;padding:0px;text-shadow:0px -1px 1px #000;line-height:150%;}#container{min-height:100%;width:100%;margin-bottom:-250px;position:relative;}a img{border:0px;}a:link,a:visited{color:#fea40f;text-decoration:none;}a:hover,a:active{text-decoration:underline;}#banner{width:600px;height:150px;margin-left:300px;}/***************Nav**************/#menu{height:50px;width:100%;min-width:900px;background-color:#111111;font-size:23px;font-family: 'Permanent Marker', cursive;font-weight:500;background-image:url('../images/blackTexture.png');}#nav{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:900px;height:50px;}#logo{float:left;margin-top:7px;}#logo a:link,#logo a:visited{color:#EAECEA;text-decoration:none;}#logo a:hover,#logo a:active{color:#fea40f;text-decoration:none;}#links{float:right;margin-top:7px;width:590px;}#links a{display:block;}#links a:link,#links a:visited{color:#EAECEA;text-decoration:none;}#links a:hover,#links a:active{color:#fea40f;text-decoration:none;}#links ul{display:inline;list-style-type:none;}#links li{list-style-type:none;float:left;}#links li ul {position: absolute;width: 195px;left: -999em;clear:left;background-image:url('../images/blackTexture.png');font-size:17px;padding:0px;margin:0px;margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;padding-left:5px;padding-bottom:5px;-moz-border-radius-topleft: 0px;-moz-border-radius-topright: 0px;-moz-border-radius-bottomright: 25%;-moz-border-radius-bottomleft: 25%;-webkit-border-top-left-radius: 0px;-webkit-border-top-right-radius: 0px;-webkit-border-bottom-right-radius: 25%;-webkit-border-bottom-left-radius: 25%;-webkit-box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px black;-moz-box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px black;box-shadow: 0 8px 6px -6px black;}#nav li:hover ul {left: auto;}li.home,a.home{width:85px;}li.about,a.about{width:90px;}li.portfolio,a.portfolio{width:130px;}li.services,a.services{width:110px;}li.blog,a.blog{width:80px;}li.contact,a.contact{width:95px;}

    Appreciate it!Krewe

  5. Alright... The one feature I need to learn.How do you create a CSS Hover over drop down menu for a horizontal navigation bar?I do not expect anyone to walk me through it. I was just wondering if anyone had a link that explains it well.My nav is set up in a <ul> just so y'all know. Appreciate it.Krewe

  6. 2) Avoid Frames. The whole site is just an iframe. I think that is specific enough.

    Frames and iframes are different! Frames with frameset are really, really, really, REALLY bad! worse than using tables for layout. It would be better to use a server script such as php with include("navmenu.php"); to place navigation menu on all pages rather than use frames EVER!

    My bad. Thanks Dsone. Have never used frameset so never knew it existed... And after some research I'm glad I never used em ;)
  7. ... I'll be more specific for him. 1) By never use images to display blocks of text he means do not create an image of just text... Almost 90% (If not more) of the text on your page should be highlight-able. If the text is an image, you can't highlight.2) Avoid Frames. The whole site is just an iframe. I think that is specific enough.

  8. Instead of telling them what language you will use to fix the site you should go in depth and tell them what elements you will change. What attributes will you apply in the CSS files? Etc. Any applicant can say "HTML + CSS". But if you want to be the odd man out who stands out, wow them by walking them through a step by step "Dummies Guide" to fixing the problems. Also, go indepth with what you don't like about the websites. Like dsone said, there are many things wrong with the code itself. I am certain this is what your employers are looking for, the design aspects are a lure to stop you from looking at the real problems. EDIT: Did any of you look at "Go Shopping USA LLC.'s" website?... It seriously made me mad using it.

  9. I found out what made the problem go away. I added Java script to the page (I don't really know how to use javascript, but I just found some javascript code from a page on the web and added it to my page). After I did this the problem completely went away. I am not sure why this helped, but at least for my PC and browser it worked. Any ideas?
    For some reason I highly doubt it was the javascript fixing it... If no one else here is getting that problem it could just be your internet connection when trying to connect to your server. If the html loads before the css renders you're gonna see the problem your having.
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