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  1. Farsue

    url icon

    I was wondering how you get a browser to display an icon next to the url of the webpage. ~Farsue
  2. If someone could explain what exactly this code is doing, I'd really appreciate it. I know it's scaling and moving the image I just don't understand what the point of all the math is and why you wouldn't just pass the value you wanted. confused... thanks for any help :)function moveAndScale(instanceName, targetWidth, targetHeight, targetX, targetY, factor) { instanceName._x += (targetX-instanceName._x)/factor; instanceName._y += (targetY-instanceName._y)/factor; instanceName._width += (targetWidth-instanceName._width)/factor; instanceName._height += (targetHeight-instanceName._height)/factor;
  3. Yea that does look a little sketchy, if the camera did have a cache how would I know and what would you do? Thanks a lot for the help.~Farsue
  4. Thanks for the reply Then this wouldn't be of any use, http://www.datarescue.com/photorescue/ ? Sorry to keep bothering it had my prom pictures on it
  5. I was a complete idiot and deleted my pictures off of the digital camera. I was wondering if there was a way to retrieve this data. I believe you can use a program for this kind of situation on a hard disk, but can it be done with an card? If you could help me out, I'd really appreciate it.Thanks for your time :)and if this post doesn't belong in this section or even in this forum I apologize, don't mean to spam.
  6. http://home.comcast.net/~farsue/dance3.htmlif that doesn't show anything then comcast hates me for using a ton of bandwidth, but thought you'd want to see the fruits of your labor
  7. The remainder then chooses the element in the array?
  8. so I think I'm a re re or something and sorry to take up your time, but in the code document.b1.src = arr[i++%arr.length]; wouldn't "i" eventually equal an amount that was greater than 3 (think there's three in the array) because it's an endless loop? What's stopping it from becoming 4 and then giving an answer of 4/3 or 5/3, you'd get a decimal greater than 1 then and no value for an image.appreciating the help~farsue
  9. so if I had 4 images it would limit the amount of source files to 4? That way you wouldn't get a non-existent file? Why couldn't you have something greater than the array length?
  10. It still says error on the page, don't know. I checked my images they're alright. Just out of curiosity what are you doing with the array and why is i being divided by it? sorry I'm a complete newbie.EDIT:never mind you're a genius it works thanks. I'd still like to know what the array does if you don't mind.
  11. I don't know if it's possible to do, but can you using javascript tell it to replace the current image by a new one every 2 seconds or any amount of time? Almost like a side show or frames for a movie. The code I have so far is listed below. Any help would be greatly appreciated, kind of new. <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function timedImage(){var t1=setTimeout("document.b1.src ="novas(base)web.jpg",2000)var t2=setTimeout("document.b1.src ="novas(secondframe)web.jpg",4000)var t3=setTimeout("document.b1.src ="novas(thirdframe)web.jpg",6000)}</script></head><body><form><input type="button" value="dance" onClick="timedImage()"><img border="0" alt="Visit W3Schools!" src="novas(base)web.jpg" name="b1" width="800" height="800" /></form></body></html> ~Farsue
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