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  1. Skemcin

    Rate my site!

    Please only post the same thing once:Go here now:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=7597
  2. I think this a point far too often overlooked. You have to have your site design complete before you can even think about graphics. Now many noobs are say "what? your design is your graphics" and that is not true. Your site design is the structure of your content and applications - similar to your house. The design of your house starts with the size and dimensions of the rooms you want to build. Only after that are you able to erect the exterior walls and then choose your wall covers, siding, and paint. The web works the same way, make sure you have a good structure, it will help build your graphic design - it dictates what kind of navigation systems you will be able to use (for instance).Once all that is in place, my graphic design starts from two places - one the client's brand and its history and second from a quick look at its competitor sites to see how they are presenting information and picking good ideas from that. Then, its right to Photoshop.After a graphic design is settled on (typically at least a top level or homepage design, then a second and third tier template design ar made. Again, once those are done, then code my templates all on one page. When they are signed off on, then I move them into my development area. Here I begin to extract all my CSS and javascript into external files. I also begin to pull my SSI files out as well so that I am left with barely any code and two comments on the page, it looks like this:<!--- template = template_interior.cfmauthor = DTVdate created = 11/24/2004date last modified = 03/29/2005use/purpose = ---><title>CompanyName - PageTitle</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /><meta name="author" content="xxxxx x. xxxxxxxxxx" /><meta name="keywords" content="" /><meta name="description" content="" /><meta name="robots" content="follow" /><meta http-equiv="expires" content="0" /><meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache" /><!--- set page specfic defaults ---><cfset sectiontitle=""><cfset pagetitle=""><cfinclude template="/_includes/header_interior.cfm"><!--- begin page applications below this comment ---><!--- end page applications above this comment ---><cfinclude template="/_includes/footer_interior.cfm"> Then I have any help I have or myself code all my applications in white space (stand alone) files. Once they are tested and running fine, then are copied and pasted into the template as instructed (begin/end page application below/above this comment). Once in the template, final touches are made to make the application work with the flow of the site (variables added or used, etc.) and then its saved as its own file.Then I have beer and some dark chocolate M&Ms before I start the next page.
  3. There are also software user groups too. There is an Adobe(Macromedia) MX Studio user group that meets in Chicago (for instance) and I know these are regionally organized. Regardless of you programming preference (cold fusion , php, asp) a software group is nice to visit from time to time to learn how to be more productive with your development tools.Here are some links to help you figure out what you might find:http://www.mmugchicago.org/http://www.cccfug.orghttp://www.cfugtoronto.orghttp://www.cnug.orghttp://chiphpug.php.net
  4. so many ways and it depends on your code - can you post the code you currently have wirtten?
  5. is this a wireframe or a designed template?
  6. Well, here is what I can do:http://www.iribbit.net/i/_files/cfhttp-klaymonster.cfmNow, I can sniff the results of the submission and email you (prefereable your cell phone maybe) and let you know when the results do not contain "No additional Office Assistant test dates are available at this time." Or you can just use this page as you active desktop window.Hope that helps. Here is the source code if you care to know:http://www.iribbit.net/i/_files/cfhttp-klaymonster.txt
  7. Correct me, but it seems that you chief concern is just the initial log in. So if every log inform you have posts to the same authentication page/process, then you should be able to figure something out there without too much effort.Peicing through what you have outlined, I am thinking that its just a matter of setting a series of variables as defaults, then as each variable condition is passed or fail, you'd increment a cooresponding session variable. At teh top of the page, your conditions for handling these thresholds would be check first - catching any one that was maxed out.So, let say you have these thresholds:a.) uname and pword not match = 3 toleranceb.) uname and pword ok, but client id not match = 2 tolerancec.) uname, pword, cID ok but wrong IP = 1 toleranceLets say you have a log-authentcation page that performs the task of loggin someone in. At the top of the page, set a default session variable for each tolerance (i'm gonna talk Cold Fusion here as an example): <cfparam name="session.up_threshold" default="3"><cfparam name="session.cid_threshold" default="1"><cfparam name="session.ip_threshold" default="0"><cfparam name="session.up_badmatch" default="0"><cfparam name="session.cid_badmatch" default="0"><cfparam name="session.ip_badmatch" default="0"> (in Cold Fusion cfparam sets a value of a variable if it doesn't already exist)Then, you do your query and determine which scenario has occured. If you find that its a bad client id: <cfset session.cid_badmatch=session.cid_badmatch+1> and then redirect to the login page explaining what went wrong.If the next attempt was a bad password, then you do the same for that variable: <cfset session.up_badmatch=session.up_badmatch+1> Then build conditions to catch the times when the the badmatches equal the thresholds <cfif session.up_badmatch=session.up_threshold>You've entered your uname and pwrd incorrectly too many times . . . </cfif><cfif session.cid_badmatch=session.cid_threshold>You've client ID doesn't match for the uname and pword submitted . . . </cfif><cfif session.ip_badmatch=session.ip_threshold>You do not have authority to access this account from that PC . . . </cfif> (all these at the top of the page)I'm, of course, hoping this makes some sense or maybe is of some help. In any respect, good luck with you application. Let me know if I you need anything else or want to run some logic by me.
  8. Well, this all depends on the server side language you choose to use. I use Cold Fusion so my process is very easy.a.) login-form.cfm = form for user to submit username password for authenticationb.) login-authenticate.cfm = takes the username and passes the password through encryption algorythm and queries the database. NOTE, when I create a user record, I run the password they submit through the encryption algorythm and save that in the DB - so I never know their password. If the query returns one value that matches, then I do this:<cfset session.username=form.uname><cfset session.epassword=encrypt(form.pword, AES, HEX);>That makes them available on any page during that user session.Like I said, each language is different, so you'll have to determine that first.
  9. I'm a cold fusion programmer so I am not sure the way I am able to handle things is applicable to other programming languages. But for flood control, I can base triggers off of session IDs (unique temproary IDs establish when a visitor connects to the website and only last as long as they are there). Since I use a consistant naming convention for my pages and have them organized a certain way, I know that the only pages that "do" anything are my xxxxxx-action.cfm pages - where xxxxxx is the prefix that denotes the application - myaccount-action.cfm or search-action.cfm (for instance). On these action pages I am able to literally stop the execution of the script based on the combination of looking at the session ID and the last time I timestamped the session.lastaction variable. So a little function I call at the top of every action page basically looks up the sesison id, takes the current timestamp, subtracts the threshold I've determined, and then compares that to the session.lastaction variable. If the variable is less than the calculated number, then I allow the rest of the action page to be processed, and if not, then I abort the process and redirect to a flood message. Of course, this technique allows me to incorporate a default (not logged in) threshold as well as dynamic threshold based on the user ID or user group once logged in (overriding the default threshold value). Again, with Cold Fusion, my global application files (the one that runs before everything else and one that runs after everything else) have sniffers that determine if the filename that is being processed contains "-action.cfm" so I can perform the checks based on that condition - centralizing the maintenance of this feature.Does this make any sense?
  10. The controls you might be looking for would have to be embedded in the flash movie - there are no flash player controls (other than on the context menu) that flash player uses.
  11. Skemcin

    parse xml?

    What are you using?php, asp, cold fusion, xslt, sql?We need a little more information in order to provide any sort of assistance.
  12. Hi and welcome to the site.Although it is possible, conceptually) to track that information, it is not something that is commnicate to the web server when a page is requested. The window size of a browser can only be determined by javasript once the page is loaded and therefore is not returned to the server unless programmed to. Again, its possible to do it, its just that every website would need to be programmed to send the results.In the 10+ years I've been developing sites, I've also almost always used a higher resolution than what seemed acceptible to design for. having said that, I've come to determine that checking with the latest news on various useability sites tends to be a good guage. I always trip my designs by 25 to 50 pixels top, bottum, and on each side to accommodate user installed tool bars. So, currently, I design to 975x715 with liquid layouts.hope that helps.
  13. if you are using a server side scripting language like Cold Fusion, it is as easy as this: <cfoutput><img src="_images/imagenumber_#randrange("10","19")#.gif" width="xxx" height="xxx" alt="xxxxxxxx" oncontextmenu="return(false);" /><br /></cfoutput> Where you would you have imagenumber_10.gif, imagenumber_11.gif, imagenumber_12.gif . . . in the _images folder.and probably similar in ASP and PHP.If you do not have access to server side technologies, then you will need to good the javascript way to do it.
  14. Two additional points to make:a.) when/if ever deciding to use one image and then have the HTML dictate the size to display, keep in mind that only JPG images can be successfully reporportioned without loosing quality. GIF images do not retain enough color information so they end up looking pixelated when they are reproportioned as smaller images.b.) depending on the site and what you want to get out of it, using thumbnails and a good naming convention can help you in search engine rankings, especially in image searches.
  15. Sorry, the content on the site is not available for off line use. I'd suggest going else where - maybe google - to find questions to ask or be asked during an SQL interview.
  16. Ask the experts:http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewforum.php?f=38
  17. use google and search for "javasacript form validation"we do not supply out right answers here. post evidence that you have tried to do something and members can help you resolve your issues.
  18. Skemcin


    yeah, the obvious answer to both the questions you pose is to read and use w3schools.com.to be a little more specific and helpful, I always asked students I taught to create a small web site project. Pick something you know - so you don't have to research the ocntent or figure out what you are going to do. And make sure the project topic is small - don't create a site about your family, create one about your dog (for instance). A home page - Ruffus. A page that describes what he likes to do (play catch, roll in the dirt, bit water coming out of the hose), then create a page that describes the breed, and then finally dedicate a page to his/her friends (in the animal kingdom - neighbors pets).Create a small site on your computer at home (no one else can see it, but you can). Use your basic HTML skills learned from the tutorials here and create pages that link back to each other.If you are brave, sign up for some free hosting or check your internet provider at home to see if they give you space as part of your cost - most likely its not used so you might as well go at it.Hope this helps.
  19. err, I hate it when I fail to mention the obvious . . . I've never taken a course for networking and have set up several local business networks. I guess I was just thinking of the bigger picture - great point aspnetguy.
  20. I do not appreciate the rude, insensitive nature of the first few replies here - can we try to be a little more accommodating and polite? I can understand if there were a conversation already started and wasn't going anywhere, but these replies are just blind side this person. Come on, we are nicer than that.As for a more appropriate answer . . .Having already earned your bachelors there are a few routes to go. The two more common are to either go back to school to earn a degree (bachelor or masters) in Computer Science - specializations vary with each school so you'll have to speak with a counselor to figure that out. The second is to simply take a slew of certification classes. Companies like Cisco and Microsoft (for example) offer courses that certify you in the use of their software. These certifications are what the majortity of companies look for (as a minimum) to be certain that you know what you are doing.Let me know if you need any more information.
  21. If this is going to be done correctly, one would have to reengineer the context boxes for each browser since each has its own way of defining the contents. This, of course, would require that you build something that stiffs the browser to generate the appropriate code.Although this is not impossible, I really question its worth. I had this exact challenge from a client 2 years ago. Since I am not offering a solution outright, I guess you can imagine who's argument was more convincing.In any respect, many folks would find this a very useful snippet of code.In fact, I think this might even be a worthy "community project" to consider next go 'round. Assign a team to write teh javascript to sniff and generate the right code. Another team to create the container <div> for each browser. The last team could do the documentation/implementation instructions. Of course, one must also consider the fact that various littel plugins and addons to browsers extend the context box and that has to be considered.
  22. I think it is important to point out that it is not at all possible to change the Operating System Context Box through any web page technology. The examples that you will find here and anywhere online are going to be suedo menus. That is they are <div> layered on top of the default menu. So, to specifically respond to your question, you will not be able to add a row to the existing Back, Forward, Reload . . . functions.
  23. Skemcin

    Ruby on Rails

    Hi and welcome to the fourms.I am the native Cold Fusion guru and can help answer most of your questions. I'll start with this:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=6706You will find all the links you need there to get started with Cold Fusion. Honestly, I'd suggest running through these before going out and getting a book. When you do go that route, any book by Ben Forta as one of the authors is going to be the better choice.As for tutorials, you see in the post I gave you that w3schools is not likely to offer any Cold Fusion Tutorials due to the server-side requirements - which is the same reason why Ruby / Ruby on Rails is, too, not likely to be offered here any time soon.If you have any questions, please feel free to use the Cold Fusion forum.
  24. Skemcin


    Try this - its all in the response headers:http://www.smackthemouse.com/xhtmlxml
  25. what you are looking for is called a change log - and you would like to see this for the entire website. as far as doing one, its not that hard, its just a matter of adding that process to the update routine. However, it is more labor and not very many websites really have a need for this. But, I can see how the change log could be helpful for a site like this - being aware of what gets changed or added to a tutorial may drive one to modify their conding conventions.
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