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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Glad to help - let me know how it goes.
  2. Found a resolution: <cfhttp url="http://www12.porsche.com/usa/rss/default.ashx" method="GET" timeout="15"><cfhttpparam type="Header" name="Accept-Encoding" value="deflate;q=0"><cfhttpparam type="Header" name="TE" value="deflate;q=0"></cfhttp> Turns out that there is a server setting that compresses the request in a way that Cold Fusion cannot parse when calling information throught the <CFHTTP> unless you deflate it . . . interesting.
  3. Skemcin

    need help.

    First, you'll have to find the flags, I suggest you google them.Then, you'll just need to save them to your local machine and add them to your site using the <img> tag.
  4. I agree. I've also asked kaijim to add a section for Cold Fusion since it, too, is a server side scripting language.
  5. First, I've combined the four posts you had into one - you can use the "EDIT" button to append previous posts. This will save some space and make it easier for folks to read.Second, all the whitespaces that you put in your post get trimmed(removed) when the page is displayed. So its not possible for people to see what you're really trying to accomplish. However, since I have the ability to edit posts, I looked at your post in edit mode and understand what you are trying to do . . . .You want to put an <iframe> in the middle (or wherever) on your page. Here is some information on that:http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.aspPlay with that and let me know if that helps any.
  6. ISSUE 2The reason why the form doesn't reset is because it isnot posting to the window in which it is loaded. As you said, it posts to a <iframe> so the parent window has no reason to reset it.So, you'll have to write a little javascript that is called from the "onclick" attribute (which you will need to add) of the submit button. The script will set the value of the two field in your form to "".(you'll have to give your form a name)Kind of like this:onclick="document.formname.formfield.value='';"P.S. Your site doesn't render well in Firefox.
  7. ISSUE 1:In the popup for ID=7 your form tag carries the ID=7 into your action attribute. When the page with ID=12 requests the popup, it send the ID=12 into the page as a URL parameter but the action attribute in your form this time looks like this:<form method="post" action="komentari.asp?komentID="><input name="komentID" value="" size="20" type="hidden">Both are Its missing the ID.I hacked in 12 and my comments appear.Check your code an investigate why the URL string is not being picked up - I can't help any more on that one without seeing the actual code.
  8. Has this tutorial helped you:http://www.w3schools.com/html/Can you create some code, give it a shot and let us see?
  9. Hi and welcome to the forum.I cannot specifically help you with the code that you will to get teh first three items form your XML file - dunno off the top of my head.However, I can tell you that you will not be able to manipulate the XML file with only using javascript or HTML. This is because javascript is a client-side scripting language and therefore as no means of connected to the XMl on your server - let alone manipulate it. All it can do is play with what ever id downloaded on the client's machine. HTML is not a scripting language and therefore does not have the capability of manipulating the XML document.You will have to use a server-side scripting language to manipulate the XML file. I personally prefer/use Cold Fusion - but ASP or PHP can also do that manipulation you desire.
  10. repeat after me . . . I you can see it, you can steal it!:)any work you do to "protect" and image may slow the individual down, but most often increases their resolve to steal it. (not that I would know):(We started talking about logos and shifted to pictures. So lets get a couple things straight here:a.) if you don't want anything to be copied/stolen from your website, then get used to the fact that you can't stop itb.) instead, get to know your rights - learn how to get a copyright and police itNow, instead of working on a way to "protect" and image from being stolen, work on a way to let the perpitrator know that you have a copyright, that you police your copyright, and that you have tools in place to track suspicious activities that could be related to infringing your copyright.
  12. Yes, this can be done very easily. The left navigation would simply run a show/hid script that changes the display:visible; setting of a <div>. On the page you would have ALL the <div>'s load with display:none;. This is very easy to do. However, those links are all javascript and therefore are quite often ignored by search engines - as would any "invisible" content. Thus, making your site invisible (lol) to search engines - but if thats a sacrafice one is willing to make - then its a cool effect.I've done this in an intranet site I launched this past spring. Since it was an intranet site, I didn;t have to worry about search engines so I jumped on the opportunity to implement this code.
  13. Google it:http://www.google.com/search?q=my+own+blog
  14. << side note >>search engines struggle with frame pages and javascript navigation - choose wisely
  15. I'm not quite following your remark.If you are suggesting that Intense wants to change the content inside that div, then I could see your point. The <iframe> would allow one page to be loaded as the parent and then have the <iframe> be the target for all the links. But since Intense seemed to be more interested in the CSS route and didn't clarify any other functionality.From a design perspective, the scrollable <div> is no different from an well coded <iframe>. But they differ in functionality.On one side, if you use the <div> you don't have to worry about making sure you use the "target" attribute with all your links. You also don't have to worry about search engine issues since all your content is on that page. In fact, the scrollable <div> would be more advantagous to use for search engine due to the amount of content that would not be "visible" until you scroll but would no doubt physically be there - which is what the search engine would pick up.On the other hand, if you use <iframes> you have one page that acts as a parent which could make applying a redesign very easy. But you will have to take three things into consideration. One, search engines can't spider your frame page as easily. Two when a search engine finds you target pages, they will not be wrapped in you parent window when linked to. Which means , three, every page will need a reloader script to solve this.There ya have it . . .
  16. So you basically want to query an excel spreadsheet . . . a.) excel is not a database - and therefore should not be used as oneb.) if you are thinking about using excel as a database, then you need to think about using a databasec.) you should build something to upload/parse/insert the spreadsheet into a database and query it from there (much more flexibility)d.) but if you choose to ignore the previous three points, then this is what you do . . . Google the concept:"parse spreadsheet cold fusion"or"parse spreadsheet php"or"parse spreadsheet asp "Use a scripting language (cold fusion, php, asp) to build a page that will parse through the excel spreadsheet. Since a spreadsheet is nothing more than a CSV file, your code will be set up to look at each line and look for each comma. For each segment it pulls out, it places it in a structure. Then you have your data in a tabular format - which (ironically) looks and acts a lot like a database (hint hint).
  17. Skemcin

    no right click

    Please read this post for more information on this topic:http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=779
  18. jonas illustrates the best way to go about doing this. But to respond to boen_robot response regarding tables, here is how a left nav page would be set up in a table: <table><tr><td valign="top" colspan="2">HEADER<br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top">LEFT NAVIGATION<br />some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br />some menu thing<br /></td><td valign="top"><br /><br />BODY/CONTENT AREA<br /><br /><br /></td></tr><tr><td valign="top" colspan="2">FOOTER<br /></td></tr></table> My point here is if you are going to stack a left nav with each element on its own line, there is NO reason to waste code making a table where each row has only one column - again - unless you plan on giving a special treatment to the <td>. Then again, what ever you would want to "specially" to the <td> could be done via CSS - even if it included javascript.Case in Point:www.deepcreeklakebreezmotel.com
  19. Ok, so I have set up several RSS feeds - both reading and writing - so this isn't new to me. However, I have come across a situation with a new feed that I cannot figure out . . .Feed url:http://www12.porsche.com/usa/rss/default.ashxorhttp://www.porsche.com/usa/rss/default.ashxMy Code: <cfhttp url="http://www12.porsche.com/usa/rss/default.ashx" method="GET" timeout="15" /><cfdump var"#cfhttp.filecontent#">. . . Weird Note:When I load the feed url in my web browser, it loads perfectly - I can see the XML in its structured format. Even bookmarks fine in Firefox. But, when I load my coded page, I get a "Connection Failure" response.So can anyone try this in their native tongue - php or asp - and let me know the results?Thanks in advance.
  20. with there being very little difference between XHTML and HTML, I'd be tempted to suggest:XHTML, CSS, javascript and then a server side scripting language like cold fusion, php, or asp.I have to disagree with Chocolate570 regarding Dreamweaver. I'd go along with suggesting to use Notepad to begin your learning, but Dreamweaver is a very powerful tool - but I would ONLY recommend using it inn CODE MODE - never in Design Mode.Any WYSIWYG is nothing more than fast food to web development - it may satisfy a short term craving, but you'll only end up out of shape and overweight in the long run.
  21. does this post help any?http://w3schools.invisionzone.com/index.php?showtopic=856
  22. Skemcin

    SQL On A Web Page

    Welcome to the forums, glad to see another new member.Are you saying that you would like to create a page that uploads a comma delimited text file that contains all your product information to the server. Then parses the text file and inserts the data into your database?
  23. what do you want to do with the information - do you want to database it? Do you want to convert it to XML and read it that way?You can use any scripting language to convert the spreadsheet into an array that you can loop through and parse . . . is that all you want to do - parse through it to reformat it?
  24. lmfaoso you are still having the problem? I'm almost done for the day here at work, but I'll be online later on tonight - I'll come back to this post to see if you have an update.Keep up the good work. :)P.S. My signature is more directed to the people who come in and say:"how do I make a javascript slide show of pictures"When all you have to do is google "javascript slide show" and you'll two days of scripts to choose from.You, have obviously put some effort into your code - especially since you have live working examples - so I wouldn't say you fall into that category. However, I am happy to see that it got some creative juices flowing and sparked off another round of troubleshoot - just don't kill yourself over it - someone will help you find a solution.
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