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Everything posted by Skemcin

  1. Many organizations, especially ones that cater to the general public (i.e. library), will implement very strict firewall settings for many reasons - mainly bandwidth conservation and attack defense. The organization I currently work for (for example) has all streaming media ports blocked to cut down on bandwidth consumption.So, as I am assuming in my previous post, a particular location that Chocolate570 might be trying to connect to the Control Panel seems to be blocked. The hosting provider would have decided to have all the hosted control panel run off a particular port for a laundry list of reasons.I've seen this plenty of times before, particularly with mail domains where they use www.mydomain.com:8383 instead of mail.mydomain.com - so this problem doesn't surprise me too much.
  2. Skemcin

    Protecting CSS files

    Either way, I would still be able to directly call the CSS by viewing the source and typing the absolute path into my browser. Then I'd just need to copy and past the contents.To my knowledge, there is no way you will truely be able to protect your CSS. Scripting language code is different since it is processed - CSS files are just referenced.
  3. Lets not all get so giddy about the recent changes to the forum environment. Lets just keep doing what we have been doing - helping each other.@Chocolate570 - it seems Dan didn't catch on to your sarcasm.@Dan - You are obviously an asset to the forums and I feel I can safely say that no offense was intended by Chocolate570's remarks. In the future, I would hesitate to openly criticise a moderator or administrator. Please note the next remark.@Everyone:a.) Understand that this form of communication can very easily be misinterpreted.b.) If a report has not been established with someone you are replying to and you're not sure if the person will "get" your sarcasm or humor - don't post it - just stick to the point.c.) Please make an effort to read posts from more than one perspective.d.) Please communicate any disagreements via Private Message to the individual in question and/or directly to any/all of the moderators.Respectfully,Skemcin
  4. I doubt it's Firefox - I would suspect that you have accumulated some spyware on your PC.Download, install, these two applications:AVG Antivirus (free)http://free.grisoft.com/freeweb.php/doc/2/Spy Bot Search & Destroyhttp://www.safer-networking.org/en/download/index.htmlRun your system through them a couple of times to get a good cleaning and let me know if you still have issues. Next would be memory . . .
  5. Due to recent assignments made by kaijim, I've closed this topic.
  6. I think what he is saying is that his websites are hosted in a shared environment and when he logs into the Control Panel from, say the local library, the firewall prohibits access to certain ports. Among the ports the library is blocking is the one that his hosting provider uses for the control panel. Therefore, how does one go about bypassing the firewall?You can't - hence firewall. BUT what I have done in the past is set up VNC (a free light weight equivilant to PCAnywhere) on my development server at home. I connect remotely through the standard web port (80) and then make open the web browser remotely from my box at home. Since I would have the port open in my firewall, I'll never have as problem.Is this too long of a road around the problem Chocolate570?
  7. Ok, I'm not sure how much help I can be but I will try.a.) I did realize that it wasn't your code and that you were basing it off of the W3 site/tutorials - what I was (and still am) after is a link to what you are building so others can review the code and even play with it to help you out. Are you saying that up to this point you are only trying this in the "Tryit Editor" offered by the tutorial/link you refer to?b.) attempt to blindly help : have you tried adding padding:0px; to any of the divs that do not have that already defined?c.) it IE that is not likely rendering the CSS properly. I use Firefox with the Web Developer extension (among others) which is an immense help. Using the inline CSS editor and the Outline functions might help you track down your issues.Hope this helps.
  8. Since the "onclick" attribute is only processed by the javascript engine of the browser, it's use (by it's sole nature) is already implying that javascript is going to be used. It is a javascript only attribute - HTML (for lack of a better term) ignores the attribute. Therefore there is no need to specify that you are using javascript in the attribute - the same would go for onmouseover, onmouseout, onfocus, onblur, etc.If you wan to include the function in the "href", then you will have to specifty the intent to use "javascript"<a href="#" onclick="javascript: alert('Hello World');">A</a><br /><a href="#" onclick="alert('Hello World');">B</a><br /><a href="javascript: alert('Hello World');">C</a><br /> all do the same thing. I have no idea what is the "appropriate" method for coding the attribute.
  9. looks like we have a leak!!!I'll get to that as soon as kaijim mods me
  10. Well, this shows that the extra space is caused by the browser's interpretation of the carriage return in the code and that it has nothing to do with the <span> tag itself: <html><body><span>a</span>1<span>b</span>2<span>c</span>3<span>d</span>4<br><span>a</span>1<span>b</span>2<span>c</span>3<span>d</span>4<br><br>1234<br>1234</body></html> Every browser interprets a return carriage in the code as a space. On a related note, that is why (in coding conventions I have specified in other posts) that I ALWAYS use a <br /> when I am done with a line. The infamous white space illustrated above is most commonwhen someone codes a page like this: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><img src="xxxxxx.xxx"></td><td><img src="xxxxxx.xxx"></td></tr></table> where a white space would seperate these images and annoy people to no ends.versus, this: <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><img src="xxxxxx.xxx"><br /></td><td><img src="xxxxxx.xxx"><br /></td></tr></table> which will not produce a white space because the carriage return is removed and a <br /> is inserted to communicate to the browser that the line is all done.
  11. lmfao I figured that'd get a laugh - although it is a tight race for second with Jonas on my tail!
  12. I have found myself alwys asking folks to submit a link or post their code - I feel that we need to write a good statement that explains what the minimum type of information is recommended to expedite assistance - this would be specific to each category of course.Any thoughts?P.S. A "sticky" is a post that stays at the top of a category and never goes away - for those who didn't know.
  13. Welcome to the forums. Please post a link to your work in progress so someone can look at it online.Thanks
  14. If you are looking for a really simple solution, try using the <iframe> tag:exampleOr, you could look into Server Side Includes (SSI) - if a scripting language is installed on your server, you most likely have the ability to take advantage of them:example
  15. To elaborate a little on F-Man's response, the non-breaking space element ( ) also serves (and is sometimes abused) as a way to insert extra spaces into your content.If you type "Hello World" and put 7 spaced between "Hello" and "World the web browser will still only display "Hello World". However, if (for what ever reason) you need those seven space, you would type:"Hello World"or"Hello World"or obviously any combination that bproduces seven spaces without two "real" spaces next to each other. Please note that " " are NOT to be used as design elements - if you are using more than 3 side-by-side, then you might need to reconsider how you are coding the page.If you research the topic, you might find a reference to <nobr> which is not an official tag for HTML - although it does appear in the DTD for IE 3.0 - another attempt by Microsoft to abuse their monopoly (at the time) to push tags that they "wanted". Thankfully they did not win with this one - they did win with <iframe> though.
  16. sorry, thats where I have to back out - I'm not the resident ASP expert. I'm sure someone will be able to help. I just figured you were caught up on the SQL statement - sorry I can't help with the ASP.
  17. Chocolate answers the question in the second post here - do you have a different issue that you are trying to resolve?
  18. The techniques Jonas and Vamsy mention do indeed work (sorry for not offering them at first) - it was my inpression that the requirement was for an actual link that was labeled according to each of the previously visited page. <a href="javascript: void();" onclick="history.go(-1)">title of one page ago</a><br /><a href="javascript: void();" onclick="history.go(-2)">title of two pages ago</a><br /><a href="javascript: void();" onclick="history.go(-3)">title of three pages ago</a><br /> BTW, there is no need to include the call "javascript" in the "onclick" attribute as the attribute is already reserved for javascript and therefore the action is implied by the browser. Is it technically supposed to be there?
  19. without a scripting language, you will not be able to do that - and even then, (unless they are pages within your domain) you will only be able to track the last one (the referrer).A web browser can only remember on step at a time. Therefore your web site application can only remember what the browser can. There is no way (that I can even fathom) that you could make links on your site that were the last three page someone visited before they came to your site.Your web site/server only knows from where you can (one step back)
  20. SELECT TOP 10 *FROM shoutsORDER BY time DESCIf you are using an auto-number as your primary key, you could always do this too:SELECT TOP 10 *FROM shoutsORDER BY ID DESC
  21. Well, I'm out - I do not claim to know much about MySQL Monitor. I do wonder if the database is on a shared hosting environment or running on a LAN web server. If it is the former, I am not sure that most providers allow you to create users - but like I said, I'm too new to MySQL to help on this one (unless is was code related).Sorry.
  22. Skemcin


    I here ya - and I'm in a very similar situation. I am working with some legacy code that had over 500 inline queries. For the same reasons you mention it is advantagous to move them into an SP, I'm doing also to increase server efficiency. Running the SQL statements on the DB server is much more efficient and less taxing on the web server.Forums, especially this one, are definitely a win-win situation for everyone.
  23. You're welcome. If you get a chance, post a link when you get it worked out.Good luck.
  24. Skemcin

    Naming Conventions

    yummy - conventions - i love them . . . here are some of mine - specific to DB:Databases have no ceonvention other than to be labeled in some respect to the application to which they are designed for.Tables have a two letter prefix followed by an underscore:ac_ = accounting (i.e. ac_gl_account, ac_invoice, ac_payment)co_ = customer (i.e. co_individual, co_address)ec_ = ecommerce (i.e. ec_order, ec_order_detail, ec_shipping)whenever I have a lookup table always uses the table names seperated by an _x_ (i.e. co_individual_x_address)Columns have a three letter prefix (abbreviating the table) followed by an underscore:- co_individual- - ind_id, ind_firstname, ind_lastname, ind_date_of_birth- co_address- - add_key, add_street_one, add_street_two, add_cityall databases, table names, and columns are in single tense - no "s" on the end. The fact that it is a table/database implies that there is more than one record. What you are actually doing is defining information one at a time (just all stored together) - so you're really just looking at one thing.Record 103 is a record in the co_individual table not a record in the co_individuals table - you;re only talking about one record being stored at a time (hence singular tense). The is especially true when looking at the name of the columns - you don;t see firstnames, you see firstname.Stored Procedures again nothing to specific but again each are related to the application that they are associated with. Some three letter prefix with an underscore. "SP" is reserved by the system so we stay away from using it as a prefix.
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