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Everything posted by divinedesigns1

  1. hey afish, this is what i do for the sticky footerfor the html and body i do this html, body {height:100%;} for the container/wrapper i do this wrapper/container {min-height:100%;width:1024px;margin:0 auto;etc} for the contain or the part where the next and so on goes or w.e is holding the content in place i do this content {overflow:auto;padding-bottom:43px;width: 1024px;padding-right:10px;etc etc} and for the footer which is placed outside of the wrapper i do this footer {position:relative;margin:-43px auto 0px auto;clear:both;width:1024px;etc etc} and by doing this the footer gets stuck to the bottom of the screen regardless of the resolution.also w.e the content padding at the bottom is the footer is negative to that number so since i have a padding to the bottom as 43px, the margin to the top of the footer is -43px hope that help. P.S: THE FOOTER HAVE TO BE OUTSIDE OF THE WRAPPER or it wouldnt work, i had this problem before lol later
  2. what is your favorite "free" cms? mines is joomla "i would like to create my own someday"
  3. i should post more useful question or w3s should make an debate section, that be hella cool, so if someone post a question like this one, everyone can share their opinion then again no need for the extra section since theres already a general but when i think about another useful question ill post it or when my curiousity kicks in ill post it. thanks for all the useful replies guys
  4. divinedesigns1

    width of forum

    oh then that explains it, because my screen is a 1366 resolution
  5. if you do home>about>art>contact then there should be a X amount of different kind of art, considering not everyone would be into the same kind of arts, unless your targeting one kind of people, lets say your also trying to target younger people whos into art, then you need art that would catch the youth eyes. feel me? so you would have a menu something like this <ul><li><a href="#">Home</a></li><li><a href="#">about</a></li><li><a href="#">art</a><ul><li><a href="#">Tributes/w.e its call</a></li><li><a href="#">graffiti</a></li><li><a href="#">etc</a></li><li><a href="#">etc</a></li></ul></li><li><a href="#">contact</a></li></ul> just incase your planning on targeting everyone, you need to have different kind of art for different kind of people,
  6. divinedesigns1

    width of forum

    post the css code, but this forum wide is 1240px
  7. sp pretty your stacking boxes in boxes to make the layout of the template?
  8. ok, but positioning stuff doesnt take that much divs, i can pretty much position those stuff with less gives
  9. yeah, but why use so many divs, just to get the divs to go left or right?
  10. hello, i would like to start making websites like this http://misr4all.com/kasaby3/ instead of making them like this www.divinedesigns1.com i would like to upper my level in this field, but i still dont get why people use all those divs whats the point using so many divs?is that the new way of creating websites?if someone can explain this to me, it would be very appreciated "not too technical please" dumby version then technical please i know the person used a few divs for the background including the body, then used another few for the main container, then he used a few wrappers for the left, right, content, nav, and something else. but why so many divs?
  11. oh you guys already told him, sorry niche, was dealing with another problem im having, but yea that was the problem, i just moved the other else down and it worked
  12. can someone help me understand this error, i made sure all the braces are matched up but im still getting that error this is the error and this is the code<?phpinclude_once(news/MyConnect.php);$query = "SELECT title DATE_FORMAT(date, '%M %d') as sd FROM news ORDER BY date DESC";$result = mysqli_query($con, $query);if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $id = $_GET['id'];}else{ if($result){ while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result, MYSQLI_ASSOC)){ echo '<div class="in_news"><div class="tie">' . $row['title'] . '<a href="news.php?$id=id">..more</div>' . '</div>' . '<div class="sd">' . $row['sd'] . '</div></div>' . '<br />'; }else{ echo 'no post'; } }}?> btw the <a href="news.php?$id=id">..more</div> is a test, im trying to use to get something by the id in the mysql anyway, i each google and it said the braces are unmatched so i rewrote the script and make sure i ended each brace when i open it but still im getting this error.
  13. heeeeeeey so i decided to ignore the edit page for now, and work on the main stuff, which is working fine for me anyway, i would like to know how how i can make each news that is posted to have their own link when you click on the "more" link, yes i created the index page and it works perfect buttt, it shows all the time news that is posted any tip? i know you do something like <a href=news.php?id=$id>..more</a> but im not 100% sure about that, since it did not work lol yeah i had to try it before i ask my questions ya know
  14. yeah, i know, thats why i cant figured it out, since the correct information is in there, im even using the same include file for other stuff and it working just fine, i think its somewhere along the line where the script get that post to edit it, but ill keep working at it, thanks again jsg
  15. ok, ill try doing it over, since i have all the source at hand, thanks again foxy, and sorry about the late reply
  16. the database information, the variable $con and function mysqli_connect()
  17. .........the path is correct, since i have it in an include file on the admin, etc which work fine
  18. thanks again guys, well i hope these questions helps other 0.o
  19. ok ill try that dsone actually its in an include file, i took it out because it wasnt reading the include file for some reason, thats how i got the news.php file to work, not sure why but yeah thats how i got ti fix, but thanks for the advice tho
  20. ok thanks, ill compress my images then n creative sure but skype would be better for that
  21. i did that but it didnt work, umm do i have to have the button outside of the movieclip "mymovie" for it to work?
  22. im suppose to have a query here right $dbhost = ''; // These have a value i just remove it so i can display it on the forum$dbuser = '';$dbpass = '';$dbname = '';$con = mysqli_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname); <-- after this im suppose to have a query right?if((isset($_GET['id'])) && (is_numeric($_POST['id']))){$id = $_GET['id'];}elseif ((isset($_POST['id'])) && (is_numeric($_POST['id']))){$id = $_POST['id'];}else{echo 'Please choose a news post to edit';exit();}
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