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Everything posted by divinedesigns1

  1. well you have time to put together a quick tutorial for me?
  2. so i downloaded the person flash file to see if ill get the same errors not one single error
  3. yeah i think thats what it should of been, but the person put ifFrameLoaded http://www.entheosweb.com/Flash/preloader2.asp thats the link to it, and thanks for the code, ill placed it in my file of codes
  4. hey i keep getting this error, when i try to make a simple pre-loader /* this is from a tutorial, since i did not know how to make one */ anyway when i try to use the ifFrameLoaded function it gived me this error this is after i insert the semicolon from the first error and this is the original code for the pre-loader to work ifFrameLoaded("s1"){ x = 1; play();} and this is the edited code, where the error asked to insert a semicolon before the leftbrace on line 1, frame1 ifFrameLoaded("s1");{ x = 1; play();} am i the only one used this section?
  5. ok i been trying to get this which is weird because it just combine 2 things together, so what does .= really do and what does it really mean? i mean wouldnt it be easy to just use an = and call it a day? a brief detail would do, im still gonna be reading about it on google
  6. ok im having a problem with getting the information being pulled to display on the edit page, i keep checking for any problems (not getting any errors) and also im checking for misspelled words and unclose tags but nothing so far, everything seems to be close and spelled correctly this is the code <?phpinclude_once("scripts/config.php");// Has album been updated?if($_POST['edit']){ if(empty($_POST['album_name']) || empty($_POST['album_desc'])){ $msg = "Please complete all required fields!<br /><a href='new_album.php'>Back</a>"; displayPage($msg, "Error Updating Album!"); die(); } db_connect(); // Insert update record into database $sql = "UPDATE album SET album_name = '" . addslashes($_POST['album_name']) . "', album_desc = '" . addslashes($_POST['album_desc']) . "' WHERE album_id = '" . addslashes($_POST['album_id']); $result = @mysql_query($sql) or die("Error inserting record: " . mysql_error()); if($result){ $msg = "Album updated successfully! <br/><a href='index.php'>Admin Menu</a>"; displayPage($msg, "Album Updated Successfully!"); die(); }}else if(!$_POST['edit'] && !empty($_GET['album_id'])){ db_connect(); // Retrieve album data $sql = "SELECT album_id, album_name, album_desc FROM album WHERE album_id = " . addslashes($_GET['album_id']); $result = @mysql_query($sql) or die("Error retrieve data: " . mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ // Display edit page $msg .= "<form action=\"edit_albums.php\" method=\"post\">\n"; $msg .= "<table width=\"60%\" border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"0\">\n"; $msg .= "<tr>\n<td>Album Name:</td>\n<td><input name=\"album_name\" type=\"text\" id=\"album_name\" size=\"40\" value\"" . $row['album_name'] . "\"></td>\n</tr>\n"; $msg .= "<tr>\n<td>Album Description: </td>\n<td><textarea name=\"album_desc\" cols=\"30\" row=\"4\" id=\"album_desc\">" . $row['album_desc'] . "</textarea></td>\n</tr>\n"; $msg .= "<tr>\n<td><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"edit\" value=\"1\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"album_id\" value=\"" . $_GET['album_id'] . "\"></td>\n"; $msg .= "<td><input name=\"submit\" type=\"submit\" id=\"submit\" value=\"Continue\">"; $msg .= "<a href=\"del_albums.php?album_id=" . addslashes($_GET['album_id']) . "\">Delete</a>"; $msg .= "</td>\n</tr>\n</table>\n</form>"; $album_name = $row['album_name']; } displayPage($msg, " Editing Album " . $album_name . ": "); // Display Album Summaies}elseif(!$_GET['album_id']){ db_connect(); // Retrieve all album information $sql = "SELECT album_id, album_name FROM album"; $result = @mysql_query($sql) or die("Error retrieving records: " . mysql_error()); $i = 0; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ if(($i % 2) == 0 && ($i = 0)){ $msg .= ("</tr>\n<tr>"); } $msg .= ("<td>" . ($i + 1) . "<a href='edit_albums.php?album_id=" . $row['album_id'] . "'>" . $row['album_name'] . "</td>\n"); $i++; } displayPage($msg, " Edit Albums ", flase);}?> what is suppose to do is, pull the information by its id, name and description but nothing is being displayed, but its showing
  7. currently im redesigning the company websites im working for, and also working on some new php application to implement on those websites, some simple stuff, like news system, gallery, etc.
  8. kindly lock this topic, no need to carry on about foolishness
  9. you guys are fussing over a title? what next? my username? come on get over it, it was a quick question, i got the answer on the first response from birbal, richie added his suggestion, then i asked another question which i got a answer on the first response again, and i also ended up getting a few reference. what is that a problem on this forum now? not to be harsh or disrespectful or anything, but if you do not like my titles kindly do not bother to comment, im not here to fuss over the smallest thing such as a title, if you ever notice, majority of my topics, the title if off, but i always back it up with a tag, please, your old enough to ignore certain things kindly act accordingly. we here to learn and get help, not fuss over stuff such as a title
  10. i understand value is never off topic, but sometimes its better to answer the question first then add the value and i wouldnt pay for the site, even if i didnt know how to make one, i would more look for something catchy
  11. oh thats sup, so you have your own cms or your just doing it manually by php? and i get my ideas of how to go about making professional websites from cssfreetemplates, thats where i was able to learn how to make better websites and a lot of errors and toturials lol
  12. oooo i didnt notice that at all, thanks ingo
  13. he wants to know if you would pay for it, why you always going away from the topic?
  14. you can remove the border around the image links, by adding a border="0" on the img tag, and no i would not pay for it, its nice but its not my style, also your buttons are broken for the facebook and so on, what you can do is link it manually, like say on your host you have the image file in another folder then you do src="theotherfolder/images/facebook.png/w.e it is" alt="" border="0" /> but its a nice simple site
  15. so i got that one fix but then i ended up with this one i checked with the database table which is i can have a key and a primary key right?
  16. lol i got it fixed birbal, what was missing was indeed a quote, what i forgot to do was to add the single quotes outside the double quotesthis is what i had before and this is the new quote which works
  17. this is what its looking like mhmm i think ill try changing the single quotes to double quotes, even tho it shouldnt matter about the quotes
  18. hey sup, ok i was just testing this code, piece by piece by uploading a certain amount of lines to my host and everything was working until i fill in the forms and it give me this output the problem isnt on line 1, because line 1 have the opening php tag <?php, the error is on line 10, which is $sql = "INSERT INTO albums VALUES(0," . addslashes($_POST['p_name']) . ", " . addslashes($_POST['p_desc']) . ", 0, '', '')"; and what this does is insert the name and description into the database under the name and description table, this is pretty much the only error i have ran into for the day. i look it up and from what i read, they said to make sure your host is running php5 or later, which it is. so if anyone can say how to fix this kindly let me know or point me in the right direction thanks
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