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Everything posted by divinedesigns1

  1. sadly not all browsers, well up to date browsers support it
  2. did not know that part, but which browsers support vw/vh?
  3. i normally put my font-size in percentages, you can try that and see if it works for you, also if im using a image i make the image tag width 100%
  4. i am having some trouble displaying my sub link inline block, i got the main links to be displayed inline-block but not the sublink can someone take a look and see if i have made an error along the way testing/index.html the link above is where you can find the css codes and html lay out, thanks in advance for all the necessarily help
  5. yoo stop spamming the forum with the same topic over and over its annoyinggggg and stay out my inbox please, one inbox message is enough i dont need two to three of the same crap in my inbox
  6. it doesnt look spamming, but it needs a better layout for it, the template at the moment is all grouped up together theres not much breathing place for the columns so i would say view a template similar to the one your doing to see what they did and how they lay it out
  7. its plain, i like the colours but its too plain, it doesnt excite me as at all, probably because im a flashy kind of person
  8. updated, thanks very much for the help, i really appreciate it now i can go onto the next step wooot
  9. when positioning the ul the li doesnt follow but ill try doing it by positioning the li
  10. yeah but im trying to do that with the ul li tag, so that i can early add or substract tags as i wish
  11. is the images coming from a database?
  12. i have a ul tag that is a curve which is about 90 degree or a little bit more, my problem is getting the li tag to be in the same position as the ul tag which should fall in that 90 degree curve also. is there a way for me to do this? im using the border-top-left-radius function to make the curve, how can i get the li to be in that curve along side this is what i have so far http://www.divinedesigns1.com/testing/circle.html
  13. yeah im sure, i even call them to find out whats all that about and the said its for protection purpose
  14. is there a way to add a php file or code within a javascript file? i believe you can do this with ajax but is it possible to be done in javascript? why i am asking is because i was to popular my javascript list with information within a database, both php and js are within a file. is there a way to do this without placing the code exactly onto the main page?
  15. those files was remove from customer reach, only thing in those files are basic stuff, no information for you to actually edit the max uploaded size etc
  16. width:40%;height:300px;border:1px solid #000; /* to display the div */border-top-left-radius:900px; /* goes for webkit, moz, mo, o */ the above code is what i use, my first try i use the transform to rotate the div with the combination of the border-radius
  17. yeah i am, but its not getting there when i try adding the li tags to it
  18. hello i have been trying to create this rounded div but i have not been so successful, so i decided to ask for advice or help, the image below is what i have been trying to create so far i have manage to get just a little piece of the div to curved but no luck so far, anyone have any advice on how to go about doing this? this includes the menu also
  19. i couldnt change my setting since it was set as a fixed size of 20mb which is kind of pointless to me, but thank very much guys
  20. so it appears that it only happening on my local host, thanks dsone
  21. imma have to check again, havent check since i did the image uploader
  22. i have been trying to create a mp3 and ogg, but i have run into some problems where the uploader only upload a certain size file, but does not say why the file has not been uploaded, i can upload a mp3 of a certain megabytes and any size ogg file, my problem is not figuring out what is causing the mp3 file not to upload when it hits around 8.8 and higher megabytes. the below code is what i have put together comparing it to the simpler to my images uploader <?phpif(isset($_POST['submit'])){ include_once "php/config.php"; // define value $audio = $_FILES['upload']['name']; $size = $_FILES['upload']['size']; $type = $_FILES['upload']['type']; $tmp = $_FILES['upload']['tmp_name']; // allow and max format $format = array('mp3', 'ogg'); // max size of file $max = 50331648; // extension $ext = end(explode(".", $audio)); var_dump($audio); // filter the variable $audio = strip_tags($audio); $audio = stripslashes($audio); // check if empty then check if its the same format and size if(empty($audio)){ echo "This file is empty"; }elseif(($size > $max || $size < 0)){ echo "This file is too small or too large, max size is 28MB"; }elseif(($type == $format)){ echo "MP3 and OGG are allow"; }elseif($audio == $an && $type == $ex){ echo "This file have been upload already"; }else{ // santize the variable $audio = mysqli_real_escape_string($con, $audio); // remove the spaces $audio = str_replace(' ', '_', $audio); $audio = str_replace('.'.$ext, '', $audio); // insert the variable $aquery = mysqli_query($con, "INSERT INTO music VALUES('', '1', '$ext', '$audio', '6')") or die('Error: ' . mysqli_error($con)); if($aquery){ echo "success"; }else{ echo "failure"; } }}?>
  23. have you try using it and running it in different browsers? that might answer your question, just try and see what happen
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