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About Johnmitchell

  • Birthday 01/16/1989

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  • Location
    Cornwall, UK
  • Interests
    Web Development, Music, Judo, Swiming, Cycling, Guitar, Girls

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Newbie (1/7)



  1. i haven't read these posts because there are too many and at a glance it looks like a flame fest.all i'd say is, it really isn't much different / unique from anything else - if you can make it a brand new idea then great.p.s. if the first post you see is one that sais it's boring and uneventfull then you can count it as bitchy. if the next 5 posts say the same thing then maybe you should start taking on the criticism positively and thinking how you can make it better rather than fighting a lost battle.
  2. Doh!!cheers scott - great help! :)way to go to get me feeling depressed at my coding skillz though
  3. okay, before you say it i want this to work in I.E more than firefox, it's easy to get it to work in firefox but IE is a ****.at the moment, i have a text area with a default text of 'Type the entry here'. when they first load the page and click on the text box the text dissapears, and they can type whatever they want in the box. however when the user clicks away and clicks back on the text box all theire input vanishes!i want it so that when i click on the text area the default text dissapears, but the input from the user after the click stay there even when they click off the text area and back on.script: <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function blankcontent (){ if (document.getElementById("txtContent").innerHTML = "Type the entry here...") document.getElementById("txtContent").innerHTML = "";} text box script: <form id="blogentry" action="createblog.asp?Message=update" method="get"><textarea id="txtContent" cols="80" name="txtContent" onfocus="blankcontent()" rows="10">Type the entry here...</textarea><br /></form> any ideas? driving me nutzcheers
  4. Cheers for that, someguy's solution was easiest to understand, and easiest to implement and thus easier. w00t bloggeh here i come!
  5. i have following code: <textarea rows="10" cols="30" ID="Textarea1" NAME="Textarea1">Type the text here</textarea> my question is, when a user clicks on the text area, how do i get the text to dissapear?
  6. I need to elicit the ip adress of the users visiting my page to decide which link to show them, i.e. if they are internal, it will post one link, if they are external it will post anouther.how do i elicit theire ip address?#CheersJ
  7. TABLES!!!!!!nah just messin
  8. you want to be able to personalize you veiwing of someone elses webpage? for example, in the orriginal CSS the text is one colour but you want it to be a different colour on your screenerm why? i dont think thats possible.
  9. shall try that now, but i've got multiple ideas which is nice if you do get time to help out any time then feel free :)cheerS:
  10. ive taken the example off for the time being. i'll have to figure it out... :s
  11. http://www.nextstep-cds.org.uk/new_folder/index.htmlthere ya go, it won't stay there for long, as i said it isn't public facing :)also, youll have to view in IE
  12. i am looking at a box ontop of a blank white page.inside this box i have a header running across the top of the box, completely from left to right filled in with a background colour. i Want to have a side bar (running down the left hand side with links in it filled with a blue colour) with <p>'d text going to the right. i want the blue side bar to go from the bottom of the header to the bottom of the box, the bottom of the box is judged by the size of the paragraphs of text to the right.so far i have the blue side bar at the right width etc with links inside it running partialy down the left hand side, but finished when the links finish, like with text. the links are in <UL>.this is the html <div id="wrapper"> <div id="welcome"> <h1>This is a header</h1> </div> <div id="left"> <ul> <li> <a href="">Link</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Link</a> </li> <li> <a href="">Link</a> </li> </ul> </div> <div id="right"> <h3> This is some text in a h3 </h3> <P> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc ultrices, justo at convallis sollicitudin, nisi nisi rutrum metus, at aliquet nisi mi vel lectus. Donec orci sapien, facilisis non, blandit eu, hendrerit sed, purus. Nullam erat sem, consectetuer nec, interdum lacinia, eleifend eu, tellus. Nullam nisi nunc, tincidunt quis, consequat ut, pellentesque in, felis. Mauris molestie dictum magna. Nullam tempor, tortor auctor porta laoreet, justo pede molestie tortor, sed tincidunt nunc nibh ut turpis. Nunc vitae leo vel magna pellentesque tempus. Quisque aliquet nibh id erat. Suspendisse pulvinar scelerisque sem. Phasellus fringilla, massa sit amet mattis vulputate, felis risus lacinia erat, ac lacinia velit erat vitae nisi. Donec magna libero, porta ut, nonummy in, gravida a, ipsum. Cras vel erat ac tellus vestibulum cursus. Sed ut dui. Vivamus sit amet magna. Cras ac dui in mi ultrices iaculis. Aenean sagittis condimentum nulla. Curabitur dolor. Suspendisse potenti. Sed augue nibh, malesuada a, rhoncus vitae, scelerisque at, ligula. Aliquam sit amet lorem id elit tincidunt cursus. </P> </div></div> and this is the styles #wrapper{ font-family: Century Gothic; width: 600px; border: 2px #9966cc; border-style: window-inset; background: #fff; position: static; margin-bottom: 10;}#welcome { margin:0px; padding:0px; background-color: fc9;}#left{ margin:0px; padding:0px; background-color: #ccccff; width:125px;}#right{ float: right;} it wont work, and is totaly borked in FF but i'm aiming for IE compliant more than FF as it isn't public facing. any ideas?
  13. Works a beutie! Thanks alot! P.S. i think i should go take my GCSE's again - my spelling is rubbish
  14. Yo, just wandering if i could get some help from you'se experts.a basic example of what i need to do is have two bits of text/links which, when hoverd over, some text/image(s) in anouther div appearso:Text1|Text2when hover over Text1HiWhen no longer hover over Text1 nothingWhen hover over Text2Hi2When no longer hover over Text2 nothing.with me? here is what i have so far: <div> <a href="#" onmouseover="javascript:Iamhere.innerHTML='Hi';" onmouseout="javascript:Iamhere.innerHTML='';">text 1</a> | <a href="#" onmouseover="javascript:Iamhere.innerHTML='Bye';" onmouseout="javascript:Iamhere.innerHTML='';">text 2</a> <div id="Iamhere"> </div></div> Thanks in advance for any help - also if my explaination was as crap as i imagine, just say
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