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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. I believe you should be able to edit the title of the topic by editing your first post.
  2. Set different timeout times then... like var win = [];function openWindow(i) { win[i] = window.open(some link+i);}for (i=1;i<name.length-1;i++){ setTimeout(openWindow, 1000+(i*100), i);}
  3. I'm pretty sure everyone has had at least one case of an unpleasant test in school. It's especially traumatizing when one doesn't understand the subject even today.But this is where the difference with school is - in school, when you fail a test, you get a bad grade, and you move on to the next subject without having grasped the one you failed the test at. The trauma in fact comes because you feel incomplete by not grasping the earlier stuff. Here, we can keep correcting stuff until you get it, and move on only then. No bad grade to "stamp" you with for the rest of the learning process. There's just two possibilities per subject - you either got it, or you haven't (yet) got it.The test serves as proof that you grasped the fundamentals, allowing us to move on.Whenever you're ready...For your convenience, here are the questions again:
  4. Simple - place the loop in the timeout: var delay = Math.floor((Math.random()*5000)+1000);setTimeout(function() { for (; { //Executing something heavy }}, delay);//Executing something light
  5. The problem is IE re-parses the XSLT output as HTML. What other browsers do instead is use the XSLT result directly.This behavior of IE is the cause of a few issues, and this is one of them.The only way to make IE understand is that you use <xsl:output method="html" />, and rewrite the rest of your XSLT accordingly, with <br/>'s and everything.
  6. I also mean the same thing when I say "we". "we" all mean the same thing when "we" say "we". The people who help you are "we". Whenever "we" want to include you in the "we", "we" will say "you and we" or something similar, or "we" will explicitly clarify that you are included in the "we". Which is one more reason we get to have some demands - it's in your interest that you learn, not anyone else's, and it is therefore in your interest to go over some checks. Do you mean "you can't" as in "you shouldn't" or "you're unable to"? Why? Oh, is that the problem? Sure, you'll get a lot of critiques... but weren't you more often than not getting just that before now? Where's the difference?Who's going to judge [the accuracy of your answers]? Me! I was the one to give you the questions, so I'll be the judge of how accurate the answers are. Others will write corrections too, and you can feel free to incorporate their critiques into your later attempts or not.The very idea is for us to critique your (probably incorrect) idea of the "technical terms", so that we can help you better later on. We can't do that unless you present them in your terms, so that we can use your terms in our corrections. We may go over a few "answer/critiques" iterations over the course of a few days... or we can go in circles for another year or more, until you get the balls to face some (well intentioned) critique. So, which one is it going to be?
  7. Remove the version="1.0" part.It seems most browsers simply fail to read the processing instruction properly if it includes anything unrecognized.
  8. At best, this shows you knew your stuff at some point in the past, but this says nothing of the "now", which is the thing we're dealing with. And do you follow? No! Or at least it doesn't look like it. If you do follow, there is a very simple way you can prove that - by answering. Why can't we? You are constantly checking our knowledge, so why shouldn't we be able to check yours? Besides, it's not like I'm giving you an SAT test. It's a simple question that I would ask you even if we were in a pub, trying to talk about HTML while drinking beer (or whatever) and pissing on politicians (or whatever "non programming" topic we may find in common)...
  9. A forum of w3schools... plus, like in any programming forum, people are supposed to ask questions and learn from the answers. You don't seem to be doing that... or maybe you are, but aren't showing it. I don't usually ask people to tell me back the stuff I tell them, because their code, and their next questions serve as evidence that they've understood what they were told. And the few times that I have been forced to ask people to tell me stuff back, it was about more complicated matters than the simple questions I just asked you.The questions are not hard to answer if you understand them. In fact, if you understand them well enough, feel free to give additional details about them I didn't ask for, thus illustrating my poor judgment. I'll be delighted if you do that. Heck, I'm pretty sure everyone will be delighted if you do that.If you don't understand them, that's fine too. Answer the questions anyway. Give me wrong answers. The point is for me to see what do you think when you read words like "element" and "attribute", so that we can fix any misconceptions you have about them. You simply can't go on without those. What are you afraid of? That a client is going to find these posts and think you're incompetent? Is that it? Let's address that...Hey! Future client of Eduard... read this please:Just like once upon a time you didn't knew what you were doing, there was once a time that Eduard didn't know what he was doing. Hopefully, by the time you read this, he'll be an even better programmer and/or designer than any one of us is. Please judge him by his latest works, not his first works. Thank you.OK... done... any other fear that we need to address before you can answer (whether correctly or incorrectly... again, I don't care)?
  10. Shhhh!!! Later... he wouldn't be able to answer those without the fundamentals.
  11. Please answer me the above questions anyway... it's VITAL that we have some foundation to step on. And I ask of others to not try and help before we establish this foundation.
  12. OK, back to your issue... you were already told how to solve it, but since you can't seem to grasp the explanation, let's try to see what you're missing...Tell me what does "element" mean? In particular, give me a few real examples of an element (the explanation I once gave you features a pseudo explame; I want a real one to confirm you got it).What does "attribute" mean? Again, give me real examples.What can the value of "id" be? More importantly, do you decide it, or can it only be something that HTML asks of you?(I have personally explained those things to you, and you claimed to understand them... prove it!)
  13. Damn it, you're too quick!!!The topic had accumulated lots of replies... I had to move them in two batches... plus, somehow, I messed up the ID of the new topic, and had to move the second batch of posts again. This topic should now be full of all posts that were made between your post starting with "And now?" and thescientist's latest post that starts with "honestly, I don't think".
  14. << Video player discussion moved to a separate topic >>Please continue there, and leave this topic about validator issues. Eduard, I remind you that if you want to receive new posts made in that topic, you'll have to click the "Follow this topic" at the top right corner, while in that topic.
  15. It can't be that. FTP works without involving DNS in any way.There is only one possible problem I can think of - active vs. passive mode. But trying to solve this without knowing it's the cause can render your server fully inaccessible, so let's first be sure about that:From the server itself, can you access the FTP on the server? That is, from its command prompt, if you type ftp localhost and then enter the username and password, do you connect successfully, or does that message occur even at that point?
  16. Finally...Now, on the page you have there now, the first error the validator says is OK, let's interpret this message, shall we?- "document type" - that's the thing you have at the first line. The full term is "Document Type Definition", but that is often shortened to "Document type", "doctype" or "DTD". The DTD is what tells the validator the rules that your code should fit.So... When the validator says "document type does not allow X here", it means X is not valid in the way you wrote it, although it may be present in another place at the document.Analogy time: If I tell you "The EU law does not allow smoking in the pub", this means a certain set of rules (in the analogy, that's "The EU law"; in HTML, that's the DTD) does not allow something ("smoking" in the analogy; 'element "BODY"') in certain contexts ("the pub" in the analogy; In your document, that's anything between "</head>" and "</html>").So... just as smokers have a choice, so do you - change the context to one that the rules allow, or change the rules.In the case of smokers, that means either going outside the pub, or moving to another country (sure, they could lobby politicians, but that's "advanced", as is the case with DTDs).In your case, this means you can either research the rules of the "frameset" DTD and follow them, or (as Ingolme already suggested), use the "transitional" or "strict" HTML DTD instead. In transitional, your document should validate. If you want to use "strict", you'll have to remove your iframe. You mean "similar"?In the computer world (not just web development/design... in general) things that sound similar, or even the same, can be very different depending on context. Terms are only to be used as guidelines within the context, not as absolutes. The term "tag" means one thing in HTML, and a very different thing in MP3 or in social networks. The term "table" is used to denote a presentation in HTML, and a structure in SQL.
  17. Also make sure that user has privileges on the file system itself.Go to the home folder's properties, and check the "Security" tab. Add full permissions to this user if you want to be sure.
  18. Check your "FTP Authorization" rules. Perhaps you haven't added your username (or group) to the list of allowed usernames.
  19. Like I said The error message suggests that's the problem.
  20. Maybe there's some sort of old Apache or PHP vulnerability regarding this, and they're testing for it alongside with the test for WordPress. Like maybe a variant of this issue.What I do with regards to any file path is to resolve it "manually" with realpath(), and then check if the result is within the expected base folder, and return 404 if not (or if realpath() fails because the file doesn't exist). This gives you maximum fault tolerance, while still eliminating attempts for access outside the web root. If I had WordPress anywhere, this approach wouldn't stop people from accessing it though.
  21. Did he also write the onchange part? Do you know what that's about? No? Remove it!
  22. Once you're ready to go at it again...Look at the part <form method="post" name="nav" action="insert.php"><name="lang" onChange="document.location.href=document.nav.lang.options[document.nav.lang.selectedIndex].value"><option value="portfolio.html" selected >English </option><option value="portfolio.html">EspaƱol </option><option value="portfolio.html">German </option><option value="portfolio.html">Dutch </option><option value="portfolio.html">French </option></form> And have a look at this example from the HTML tutorial. Tell me what's the key difference you notice. Hint: It's not the DOCTYPE, it's not the head either.
  23. If you have static methods accessing (non public!) static properties, it's like you're accessing your own variables that you can be sure no one would touch. This is different from a function that imports globals, since the globals could be modified outside the function.
  24. Give a URL to your page.(i.e. upload your code to a host, open it in a browser, copy&paste the thing in the address bar - the term for which is URL)
  25. Read the beginning of the error message again, especially the part I've boldened: In this context, "instance" is used as a synonym for "example". So "for example...". Everything following that is just an example. It has nothing to do with your code. The validator is trying to help you understand the reason this message would ever appear, rather than why is it happening in your code. The validator is not intelligent enough to tell you how to fix your error, so instead it tells you why it says what it says, so you can check for yourself if what is says is right, or if something else is causing the message to appear.
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