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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Um... no... at least to me it doesn't. I don't grasp the idea here. I saw it earlier today and thought is has to do with the W3Schools' forum template, but then again, there's already a topic (or two?) on that.So if it's not that.... what is it?If I have understood correctly, you mean a cooperational work of W3Schools' members to dilever a big application in the end that is in it's core, an Open Source project (there isn't any way around this if it's going to be developed by many parties) made by this whole community.If that is correct, then I agree with justsomeguy that there shouldn't be any kind of deadline. Every person's contribution must be synced with others' so there isn't a way this can be done with the same speed/quality ratio as with a single party and by party I mean few people that see themselves and can test everything on-the-fly.And what exactly is the idea of this topic? To decide what "the big application" is? Well, if so, I have many ideas, but considering my lack of skills in C languages and/or JAVA, as well as the fact I don't know the skill set each of you has, I wouldn't make much suggestions.One thing that can be done with OOP languages is Firefox extensions for the stuff in the "Working Draft" topic as well as other rendering enhancements I personally could suggest (you too could... in that topic that is).Another thing may be some sort of plug-in or GUI for technologies that don't have such otherwise. What would you say for an RDF generator? There are RSS ones, some of which support exporting in RSS 1.0 which is RDF based, but there isn't an application that uses RDF's full potencial or at least I don't know of such.Or maybe even some plug-ins for popular editors. I would really like to see Dreamwaver 8 being able to eliminate line breaks on save and arrange the XML and HTML documents as a tree on opening. I know that StyleMaster can do this with CSS files, but Dreamwaver can't... neither with CSS nor markup files.If it mustn't include OOP programming, then I guess a template for W3Schools' forum or mods for it might be the first good step, but then again, there's a need for the admins' approval for this. Another thing could be some sort of libraries with common issues to be loaded. For example, a whole zip file containing *.js files that when loaded fix certain IE6 CSS bugs, and/or XSLT templates for common needs (leave that part to me ), and/or CSS layouts, etc.
  2. You seriously need to read the CSS tutorial
  3. Uhhh... I'm talking about CSS here...<td width="77" style="background: url(rightbg.gif) repeat-y;">
  4. Are we talking about a background image? If so, then: background-repeat: repeat-y; should do the trick.
  5. That happens with IE7 and Opera 9 as well, so it might be IE6's fault (why am I not surprised?).Perhaps giving the fixed background "background-attachment: fixed;"?
  6. boen_robot

    XML Problem

    WTF? You seem to have deleted your Internet Explorer. Try to open the file with another browser... such as the one you're using right now, whichever it is.
  7. Um... have you read the XSLT tutorial? The xsl:if part to be more precise.
  8. The floor() function can be used to remove roundings. Or to be more precise: It returns the largest integer that is not greater than the number argument.Where should you place it is another question though...either <xsl:variable name="minutes" select="floor($milliseconds div 60000)"/> or <xsl:variable name="seconds" select="floor(($milliseconds mod (1000*60)) div 1000)"/> or maybe both.[edit]Funny. When I posted my post, your second one wasn't there.[/edit]
  9. boen_robot

    PHP5 on IIS6

    Didn't the manual said that you have to add the PHP folder to the PATH, not the path to the php.ini file? In your case, this should be "C:\php5".Also, is IIS configured to launch the php.ini file or does PHP start as a server module, thus trying to find the configuration on it's own? I mean, for Apache, there was a special PHPIniDir directive, but for IIS... I don't know.Is phpinfo() showing that MySQL is enabled? If it shows, yet you keep seeing that error, it might be a problem in the PHP file itself. If it doesn't, I suggest you refer to it for tests, rather then your own test file, until you see that MySQL is enabled.A side note: You should install PHP on a non-system partition(D: for example). That way, when you need to reinstall windows, you won't have to redo your PHP.ini file. At the same time, if you have added PHP's folder to the PATH, you can just re-add it after reinstalling windows and that's it. No need for copying php5ts.dll anywhere or anything. For Apache, I even have a special configuration file which I include in the main configuration. That way, I don't need to go to some weird site if I forget the directives. I just include the configuration file in Apache, and it has PHP support already. I guess IIS might have such feature too.If I have convinced you and you have Apache, then extract PHP in D:\PHP, create a .conf file and add this in it: ScriptAlias /php/ "d:/php/"AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php5Action application/x-httpd-php "/php/php-cgi.exe"SetEnv PHPRC "d:/php"LoadModule php5_module "d:/php/php5apache2_2.dll"PHPIniDir "d:/php" I wish I could have provided the IIS equivalent.
  10. If I have understood correctly, all you need to do is remove the margins: p {margin: 0;}
  11. If any of theese has any chances of being used, it's Desert. It is simply most similar to W3Schools' site. It's a good skin btw. I don't like Internet center nor IPB evolution that much. Then again, I might use IPB evolution if I had a site with a theme as dark as that.As for the skin choco is making, he's probably going to give a link to the admins as you're doing right now .
  12. You do realize mods can't do this, right?
  13. I can think of one very rush solution which you should try out, but only for testing purposes... in the file http://www.notjustcricket.com/styles-site.css add this: body, html{ background-image: none; background-color: #e2e2e2;} Scince this is your "master" CSS file, everything below the import declarations should have higher priority then in the imported stylesheets themselves.If this works, then it's not a code problem, but a priority one. If this works, try to add it at the bottom of the file http://www.notjustcricket.com/mt-static/th...e-stevenson.css instead. If that then works, attempt edits in that file somewhere up.
  14. Maybe because there's no @radiogroup attribute in your XML, but only a radiogroup element. Also, I see the form element is not translated in any way. I would try something like this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"><xsl:template match="/"><html><body><xsl:apply-templates/></body></html></xsl:template><xsl:template match="form"><form><xsl:apply-templates/><input type="submit" name="submit" value="submit"/></form></xsl:template><xsl:template match="radiogroup"><ul><xsl:for-each select="item"><li><input type="radio" name="{../@group}" value="{@value}" ><xsl:value-of select="."/></input></li></xsl:for-each></ul></xsl:template></xsl:stylesheet>
  15. boen_robot

    Blank screen

    I was actually able to at one point by the way. At home to be exact. I used Apache 2.2.2 and PHP 5.2.0-dev (the latest stable version at that time) and I just added the extension=php_mysqli.dll thing. The fine line is that I used the SQLi connector that was bundled with PHP, not the one offered at MySQL's site and also that the extension dir was explicitly set to the exact path where the extensions were ("D:\PHP\ext" in my case).
  16. Try using this script to launch your transformation. Also, ensure that the larger XML is still well formed. Try with other XSLT processors too. Something on the server side I mean... if you can that is.
  17. I can see Reg Edit's sarcasm here and I almost agree with it (the sarcasm). If you know XML to begin with, you would think the answer yourself in just a few minutes of thinking.Ampersand is not an allowed symbol in XML based documents, unless it's actually escaped. Try escaping yours by using the "&" entity instead, like this: href='http://wwwdev.mysite.com/portal/server.pt?space=TopBarAS&parentname=Login&parentid=0&in_hi_userid=2&control=TopBarControl'
  18. I must say I prefer the second solution. After all, it's portable, unlike the first example.But I've gotta ask... what is !='comp' used for? How does your XML look like? Maybe it will show the bigger picture.I would like to understand how you did that. It's a whole workaround for the non-widely-supported-yet distinct-values() function.
  19. boen_robot

    XML Encryption Demo

    There's no such thing yet. XML Encryption is still in development at W3C and it's in a really early state, so a live (even drafted) demo is impossible.
  20. Well, the first and most important thing you must understand is that POST /InStock HTTP/1.1Host: www.example.orgContent-Type: application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8Content-Length: nnn Is not part of the SOAP message. It's the HTTP header that is sent. Therefore, it's not written, only generated.Also, SOAP is not placed in static documents. It's used for communication across domains, but reading static files across domains doesn't requre SOAP. So it seems you get the idea wrong.It's really hard to explain. You need to posses higher PHP or ASP content to grasp it. I myself don't grasp it completely yet, but I'm sure of what I'm saying above.
  21. Hm... could it be because you go one level further... try:../Parameter[Name=../Dependency]/ParameterEnumor should I say../Parameter[Name=string(../Dependency)]/ParameterEnum?
  22. Yup. And the only missing thing in creating it is exactly including the common stuff without frames.
  23. How about boolean(number(@value)) Note: Without != 'NaN' and any of this.
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