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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. Pitch, step, octave... using XML to store Musical data, are we? Cool . Anyway.This... um... query of yours. I can only say "OMG" as in "Oh My God!". WTF (as in... please tell me you know as in what) are you trying to do here?I don't know much PHP either (it's not my type) and XQuery is not exactly my friend yet (we're just getting to know each other... not like my loved one XPath and her even more beatiful sister XSLT).
  2. Well, I think the key might be the way you get your $total variable. <xsl:variable name="total" select="round(count(*[name() = $element]) div 5) + 1"/> I seem to be unable to figure out why are you making it more complex then it is... how about simplifying it a bit: <xsl:variable name="total" select="count(//*[name() = $element]) div $recordsPerPage"/> I'm not exactly sure what your $element variable is holding, but if I hope it holds the name of the elements you're counting. And that element should be... item. Correct? Unless you're trying to make some sort of recursive template, you could always put the exact XPath right there: <xsl:variable name="total" select="count(/dataset/item) div $recordsPerPage"/>
  3. lol. Careful with all the caps there.As for your problem. It seems to me as if MySQL is going to be of much better use to you and is going to cause you less strugle.Normally I would advise on using XML, but you're exactly describing MySQL's purpose. Relational type catalouge database.
  4. distinct-values is an XPath 2.0 function, where as IE6 only has full XPath 1.0 support. There isn't exactly a fix, but there is something that might be of help to you in this topic.
  5. What are you talking about? Outlook Express is built into Windows, so practically everyone has a mail client. Do you have a POP3 mail is another question though.[edit] My point was that there aren't "users who don't have a mail program or access to it". But I agree with you still [/edit]
  6. H#ll, no. I meantpreceding-sibling::current() instead of preceding-sibling::.
  7. I can see it, but honestly said, few days ago, when the forum was opened I was able to see it too. I wasn't able to see if I could open it earlier today though.
  8. Hmm... maybe using current() instead of a dot.
  9. Strange... in my opinion, neither of those queries should work. Perhaps that's just the risk of using a working draft specification...variables should contain only strings, or at least XSLT ones. If it's a PHP variable, then yes. I guess it can carry anything, but still, neither of those queries seems valid.And what do you mean by "works"? Selects something or returning an error?If it's returning an error, that's probably because of the element content.If it's just not selecting anything, then I guess the node set is converted to a string after all. So then the problem is what are you actually trying to select?The first "working" expression selects all element "A"s located inside tag2 located at element tag located anywhere inside document blabla.xml. The second expression selects all tag2 elements which contain an "A" element and are located inside element tag located somewhere inside document blabla.xml.Note the difference: In the first case, you select "A" childs of tag2 and in the second case you select tag2's themselves.
  10. It's kind of hard to judge, scince ASP plays so important role in making the application work smoothly, but how about changing all of the preceding-sibling::* to preceding-sibling::. I mean, the count is different. When the 5th element is processed, the count of the precending siblings is 1+2+3+4 not simply 4. Maybe that's causing the problem.
  11. @aspnetguy I just tryed installing PHP5 on Apache 2.2 and it worked! At first I was lost too, but with the guidance from tanguay.at I was able to do it. The information there is just like for dummies like myself . While writting this, I'm actually more exited then ever, because it seems the site also contains info as to how to add XSLT to PHP!!!! My all time mystery question is coming to an end... or at least, hopefully .[edit] OK. It seems my mystery question has come to an end. I was actually able to run XSLT with PHP. The feeling is quite odd. It turned out to be easier then I ever thought. [/edit]
  12. You are missing that the :hover pseudo class only works with links in IE6. It should work everywhere as with Opera, but IE6 just doesn't support this as it should.
  13. Sounds cool, but wait. Aren't files that are supposed to be processed by PHP always use the PHP extension? I mean, shouldn't we have an XML file called for example cdcat.php which is actually XML file and in it have a reference such as this <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="cdcatalog.php?<?PHPif($_GET['name'] != null) print '$_GET["name"]' . $_GET['name'];?>"?>
  14. Yes. There are special applications known as RSS readers to read those things. Modern browsers have built in RSS readers, but for the sake of IE6, there are many third party applications that do this, sometimes also called RSS aggregators.
  15. I haven't tryed installing it yet, but hopefully, it wouldn't be much of a problem. I'm not expecting to need it though, so I probably won't be trying soon.@zanfranceschi I tryed it on my computer with Apache 2.0 (later today I'll try with Apache 2.2 again) and it works!!! Thanks a lot .
  16. You mean in linux you just create a shortcut? Damn, I wish it was that easy with Windows too.I don't need WAMP. I already have Apache up 'n' runnin', and I don't need PHP nor MySQL (yet?) and even if I did, the problem still remains... how to do such mapping on Windows? I know it's some Apache configuration, but what?By the way, note what actually happens with what I have added. The error is not 404: not found, but 403: forbidden. For security reasons, Apache needs to ensure this folder has to be avaiable to the public, not just mapped with the Alias directive. So the true question is how to give full reading permissions to that folder and everything in it.
  17. That's just it... I can't.The XSLT file itself would look as it would any other way, but with the ASP code applyed, for example: <xsl:for-each select="<% asp code here %>"> but how it's going to be processed is a whole other question I can't answer freely, scince I haven't done anything with ASP.
  18. Well, um... that's exactly the point in this topic... how to create such links?If I have Apache's root directory located at for exampleC:/Program Files/Apache Software Foundation/Apache2.2/htdocsAnd I have another direcoty atE:/wallpapershow can I make it so that when I typehttp://localhostit shows the root directory, but when I typehttp://localhost/wallpapersit would behave as if the content ofE:/wallpaperswas inside the htdocs folder? Is some sort of .htaccess requred inside htdocs (or a subfolder in it) and if so, what it should contain? If not, what to change in the main configuration file to achieve this behaviour?
  19. Well, technically speaking, you can, but you'll have to find a way to process that code when you call the file. Also, note that XSLT files can be viewed by the client, so unless you process the ASP code in every request, your ASP code in the XSLT files will be viewable if the person knows the correct URL.
  20. According to the specification I gave in my first post, there isn't an equal sign. Just a space. I'm using Apache 2.2.2.chmoding? What's that? And no, I'm using Windows XP on that machine.@zanfranceschi what is that suppose to mean? Aren't "links" something you create in an (X)HTML file with the <a> tag? We are talking about a server configuration here after all.
  21. I'm trying to set up a personal server to a friend of mine, but he has this whole bunch of files he needs to share that is located on different disk partitions. What I need to have is one root folder for the server (it's currently Apache's default htdocs) and map certain URLs to specific file paths.I've found the Alias directive which is suppose to do exactly this, but for some reason, when I type an Aliased URL, it returns error 403: Forbidden. How can I enable directory listing in this folder, it's subfolders and enable resources from it to be accessed too?Example of what I have: Alias /wallpapers "E:/wallpapers"<Directory "E:/wallpapers">Order allow,denyAllow from all</Directory> Where the stuff under the <Directory> directive was suppose to grant those permissions, yet the error still occurs.Note: I'm writting those in the main server configuration file.
  22. boen_robot


    1. PCDATA stands for Parsed Character DATA. Elements that carry PCDATA are supposed to be parsed as their type's name implies. Because they are parsed, all XML rules apply to them, they are accessable and so on. CDATA stands for Character DATA. Opposed to elements with PCDATA, elements with CDATA or CDATA sections are not parsed by the parser and therefore XML rules don't apply to them and they are not acessable. You can only grab the whole CDATA element's content, but not part of it as with the PCDATA elements.2. We use DTD to define what could be wriiten in what spot of an XML document. Or in other words- we specify rules for the XML document's syntax. The most typical example is XHTML. It's DTD only allows elements that the browser knows how to render and only allows them at spots where the browser knows what to do. Any other things are not allowed.3. The same as with DTD.4. The main difference is that XML Schema is based on XML, or in other words- it uses XML syntax and it's rules. DTD on the other hand is more SGML based or text based.... or something wierd, I don't know.
  23. Please try to speak in code. You're really consfusing by speaking with dots. As for your problem, you might want to try the linear to tabular data code.
  24. No. W3Schools don't have a feed and I don't think they intend on making one.By the way, I looked at your signature and... do you know Opera has WML support?
  25. It would be, but to me, it sounds in violation of the CSS syntax. And proposing such a change would be a too big hit . I mean, I know we're making extensions, but let's try to keep it on a level that someone might be interested in .A more possible thing that I start to think about would be for example @filter rule which contains gradient definitions and those rules are later reffered with an argument, much like the SVG <defs> solution. Something like this: @filter gradient1 {gradient-type: linear;gradient-color: #000000 #FFFFFF;gradient-offset-x: 0 0;gradient-offset-y: 0 100%;}.specialA {background-color: filter(#gradient1);} If I had to stick up to my old shorthand solution however, I would instead turn it to just something like: background-color: linear-gradient(#000000 0 0, #FFFFFF 0 100%); making it almost identical to LG's original idea anyway .It's up to aspnetguy to decide though. If anyone is going to implement this, it would be he .
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