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Everything posted by boen_robot

  1. I have just a slightly better idea. I already have the paging XML with the help of andreathedove, ported to "stand alone XML with JS", PHP5, PHP4, ASP, probably ASP.NET, and if Skemcin just looks at it (hehe)- Cold Fusion.However, it still lacks a few major impovements:1. Admin panel for editing and adding entries to the XML.2. Some sort of interface for creating new catalogs, using new XMLs as data sources, and editing existing catalogues parameters, such as turning controls off, setting the default records per page, etc.3. Some styling. Currently it looks very plain. I'm not the one that can bring "life" to this application.4. Some usability work. Like ideas as to how the interface should be designed for what types of catalogues/galleries. What part of the settings should the user be able to manipulate? I already have a dropdown menu to change the records per page in an application I made recently, but I feel there's more.I can already see work for everyone:1. Unexperienced users can help with the usability features and (if applicable) the accessability ones.2. People that don't know any sort of scripting can help with the styling of the application. Styling for a variety of devices can also be included in the agenda if there's time left.3. People that know JavaScript can help the realization of the usability parts. I won't give examples, or I might get script for that on-the-fly.4. The server side scripting users could help with the creation of a GUI to manipulate the catalog. A close work with the styling people is invaluable, because the styling should be preserved there too.Note: The admin GUI musn't use MySQL. The whole point of XML based catalog/gallery is not to use MySQL and if possible, the admin GUI should be made as portable as the catalog itself, instead of being written in a single server side scripting language. If desired, I can design this panel, but someone else (the whole rest of W3Schools?) should still make the functionality.
  2. The Web primer tutorial is written exactly for complete begineers. It shows you where you should start and end, along with what each of the pieces is usefull for.
  3. Well, you can locate all the sources manually and save each of them. That's what I usually do. Besides, you're asking for a browser feature here.If you mean you want to see the source code of the output, then you need to use another XSLT processor, and not a browser one either. If you have PHP5, you can use libxslt, for PHP4- Salbotron and if you want to use MSXML (IE's processor) then you must use ASP or maybe another language that can handle MSXML.
  4. Well, you need to buy a third party load balancer or a whole traffic manager (does balancing and more...).One that are made for Apache are the ZXTM products. They also work on ZWS, but that's understandable, considering the fact that it's the same company's product.
  5. I think a fine addition to the PHP tutorial that would be good, without going too much spoonfeeding on the user, if it includes the regular expression functions.Now that theese functions are used in the Secure Mail script, such explanation is more requred then before. Not to mention regular expression functions are used in a lot of other scripts, such as the above mentioned BBCode for example.
  6. I'm no expert with PHP, but the first thing that comes to my mind is a regular expression: ereg("([0-9]*) (Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec)", "10 Oct", $ArrayThatWillContainEachPart); or perhaps the token-get-all() function: $tokens = token_get_all('10 Oct');
  7. Yes. PHP or any server side scripting language (which you probably don't have at your disposal) can be use to connect to the MySQL database.If you host your site on your computer, you could set an ODBC connection with the MDB.You can use a tool like MDB2MySQL to convert your MDB file to MySQL compatable one, but your host must still allow you to import databases. Otherwise... change your host or host your site on your computer.
  8. I use IE for most of my browsing, but I wouldn't say it's a regular use, because there are also sites for which I exclusively use Firefox or Opera too.And yes, I know, IE is not the best . To the people that are to post in this topic: please don't curse on IE. Use the browser discussion topic for that.
  9. By the way, it's suppose to be: body {background-color: #C0C0C0}
  10. You mean this TBB is your own forum system? You own creation? WOW. It looks really nice. Then again, it's using tables for layout, making it not much different then existing forum systems like this one.
  11. boen_robot

    Help me please

    I don't think Swedenboy is talking about SEO here.He is talking about having additional information in every result from his site, no matter where in the list it appears. For example, look at gamershell. It's a really famous site for games and as you can see, it has those "Download", "Demo Versions", etc.I also wonder how could one get those btw.
  12. I suggest you place one of the images as a background. Turn the markup from: <div class="logo"><img src="images/logo.jpg" height="90" width="100%" alt="logo" /></div><div><img src="images/tang_logo.gif" alt="Yellow tang logo" width="100" height="100" /></div> to <div class="logo"><img src="images/tang_logo.gif" alt="Yellow tang logo" /></div> and in the stylesheet add: .logo {background-image: url(images/logo.jpg); height: 90px; width: 100%;}.logo img {width: 100px; height: 100px;}
  13. It's called "attribute value template" or AVT in short. Every attribute's value in the output or part of it can have parenthesis, which enclose an XPath expression. The value from that expression is outputted as a string and that's it. XSLT elements' attributes which return a string in the output can also use AVT. Such examples include <xsl:attribute> (another way with which you could do your thing here) and <xsl:element>.
  14. As far as I'm aware, no. It streams the content by default, meaning that it will play it as it loads. The only requrement for the user to hear the sound smoothly is to have at least the speed of the bitrate. For example, an MP3 file with a compression of 128Kbit/s means the client needs to have at least 16KB/s. Dial-up users of course don't have that much. They only have 56Kbit/s which is equal to 7KB/s. So in other words, if the compression of your music file is not larger then 56Kbit/s, it will play fine on dial-up modems. You can check it's compression rate in almost any sound editor or (I think) even when you click on it with the right mouse button and select "properties".
  15. boen_robot


    I guess not. It depends on whether the Schema's namespace is S or XS.
  16. Once I read a very disturbing limitation of Cold Fusion in Dreamwaver's manual of it... or at least I think I read correctly (I need to find it again...). It said that Cold Fusion doesn't support the GET method. There are a lot of scenarios when this can make the things hard.
  17. The only other way is to write elements in the XML itself and use the <xsl:copy-of/> element. However, note that the targeted element's text should be the thing copyed, along with all childs of the targeted element. Otherwise, the targeted element itself will also have a copy.For example, an XML of: <description>This text also has a <strong>strong part</strong></description> and an XSLT of <xsl:copy-of select="description/text()|description/*" /> will produce exactly: This text also has a <strong>strong part</strong> unlike the <xsl:copy-of select="description"/> which will produce: <description>This text also has a <strong>strong part</strong></description>
  18. Why don't you include all of this stuff in the pure output? I mean, why do you need a script for that?Just write <a href="display?{SOMETHING}" target="_blank"><xsl:value-of select="SOMETHING"/></a>
  19. Don't be afraid to write direct entity codes. The board transforms the ampersant into an entity, causing the result to be exactly what you have written. See: >Anyhow, one way that I know of is to use the disable-output-escaping attribute of the value-of element, but that's not working in Transformiix (used by Firefox).I think I may be able to device some complex workaround for this, but if you have server side scripting language at your hands, use it's XSLT processor instead. Most processors support this attribute. <xsl:value-of select="description" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
  20. Sounds good but how are CVS files generated? I wouldn't like to learn a whole new language just to make a small change in some of the files.And how is the editor going to use the CVS files to release a working application, using all of the contributions?
  21. What he means (I think) is for you to specify a version number and a changelog for it in a text file. Every contributor will do that so that the editor in the end could combine all the stuff properly.So for example we will end up with an FTP server where you can only write, but not append files and everyone will add files like: where the log file has for example The end contains the contributor because two might end up with editing a single version, thus incrementing it once. If you edit a previously supplied verision, you would increase it's number by 1.If two versions with the same number from different contributors arrive, it should be the editor's duty to combine those two versions properly and announce an "official" version for others to develop on. If some changes overlap, the editor should decide which implementation is better (I'm starting to sound like someone from W3C here) and implement it in the final file.And before you ask. Yes, of course. The editor should be the admin of the FTP server.
  22. I guess so, but then again, there are many existing projects from which people can learn and they haven't. This project won't be much different, because it will still requre people to dig into the code.That's why I'm trying to suggest something that hasn't been done before. It makes it more exciting .
  23. How about an XForms generator? A person will enter a code in a form as to what form (s)he wants, what type of validation for each field, etc. and the generator is going to return XHTML 1.1 code + the desired XForm.I already feel it will be complicated, eventhough as you can see, it can be summarized in one sentence .
  24. I have to agree that building a CMS is a really tough work. It can never be done in 3 weeks without major security flaws or a lack of a variety of frequently used features, unless of course you actually use the code from an existing CMS.Aim for something smaller... please. As Dan pointed out, that way more inexperienced developers may also contribute, though of course their contribution won't be that big. I would also add that a simpler application will impove the speed/quality ratio scince there will be less things to confuse us all.
  25. It returns "Error 403: Forbidden" to me...
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