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Everything posted by MinusMyThoughts

  1. hopefully, i'm asking a simple question:...i'm building a background for a myspace profile that has a tiled background, which i'm implementing with the following: <style>body { background-image: url('wallpaper_tiled.gif'); }</style> ...now what i want to do is place an additional image in the bottom-right-hand corner of the page that will function as a part of the background that DOESN'T tile......am i being crazy, or am i right in thinking i've seen this somewhere before?...thanks so much!love,jason>>EDITholy crap! sorry about the multiple posts!love,jason
  2. i just solved my own problem!i added the following into my <style> elements... .div { width: 440px; height: 400px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify; position:relative; left:10px; top:10px; } love,jason
  3. i've got a quick and (hopefully) easy question: i want to put 10px of blank space between the top- and left-edges of my <td> and the edge of my <div>. here's a dummy of my code: <html><head><style>body { background-image: url('images/background.gif'); background-repeat: repeat-y }.div { width: 440px; height: 400px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify; }p { font: 12px arial narrow }</style><body><table width="1011" height="734" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="3" align="justified" valign="top" background="images/image.gif" width="502" weight="526"> <div class="div" name="content"> <p>Content...</p> </div></td> </tr></table></body></html> obviously, the rest of the table has been omitted, resulting in the colspan that doesn't make sense and the size of the table not adding up, but i wanted to make sure that all the tags that could affect my <td> were there......i tried messy stuff like adding breaks and spaces before the <div>, but that all got weird, and nothing worked to add space to the left edge. i tried to add a cellpadding="10px" and that didn't work either......any ideas are greatly appreciated. thanks!love,jason
  4. does this work in Firefox? i'm having trouble, and i'm not sure if i have some minor error i can't see or if Firefox just doesn't support it...love,jasondoes this work in Firefox? i'm having trouble, and i'm not sure if i have some minor error i can't see or if Firefox just doesn't support it...love,jason
  5. I think I love you. You've bailed me out yet again...Jason
  6. One more quick question: how do I implement the "else if" condition? I have to be doing something wrong, because my code breaks as soon as I put the extra "if" in there. I'm looking to select between each value of "val" with a different display. Would I be better off with a "switch" statement?Thanks!Jason
  7. I just tried echo StripSlashes(nl2br($text)); and it worked great. Is that bad practice?Jason
  8. Thanks!I'll check into safeguarding against the quotes. You've been a great help!Jason
  9. Thanks very much! I thought there might be an attribute I was unaware of, but I guess not.Jason
  10. I feel like a prize idiot. \" I would have pounded my head against the wall all day over that one...Thanks again! I'll probably do it your way. There aren't enough options to affect the load too negatively.You're a hero, sir. Thanks!Jason
  11. That worked wonderfully! Thanks so much for helping me!However, when I went to add the real content, the code broke. I'm trying to add a form into the change_pages() function. The uncondensed code that I know works is this: <form action=/"updatenews.php/" method=post><table border=/"0/" class=/"w600/"><tr><td colspan=/"2/" align=/"center/"><h2>News</h2></td></tr><tr><td align=/"right/" class=/"w100/"><b>Headline:</b></td><td align=/"center/" class=/"w500/"><input type=/"text/" name=/"newsHeadline/" class=/"w500/"><br/></td></tr><tr><td align=/"right/" class=/"w100/"><b>Body:</b></td><td align=/"center/" class=/"w500/"><textarea rows=/"15/" cols=/"20/" name=/"newsBody/" class=/"w500/"></textarea></td></tr><tr><td colspan=/"2/" align=/"right/"><input type=/"submit/" value=/"Update News/"></table></form> This didn't work for me either. Also, I changed the <h2> to a <p> for the sake of keeping text small. Is there a trick I haven't learned yet?Jason
  12. Maybe it's my browser. I'm using Firefox, and it automatically selects whatever the first item is unless I indicate another option.Jason
  13. I just read through the other innerHTML post, but I'm still stumped. I'm pretty much brand new to everything but HTML, so I'm flailing a little.What I'm trying to do is get my dropdown box to populate an update page using innerHTML. What I'm attempting is to call the value of each option in as a variable that will determine (so far, using an if...else if...else statement) which innerHTML command to use. Here's where I've gotten. Forgive me if it's hideously wrong. Also, I don't know where to place the function call (either in the option or the select tag), so no call has been made. I've tried both with no luck, and come to the conclusion that I should figure out if my code works before I worry where I'm calling my function from. <html><head><script type="text/javascript"> <!-- var val = document.getElementById("pages").value; function buildPage(val); { if (val = "home") {document.getElementById("updater").innerHTML = "<h2>You selected home.</h2>"; } else if (val = "about") {document.getElementById("updater").innerHTML = "<h2>You selected about.</h2>" } else if (val = "services") {document.getElementById("updater").innerHTML = "<h2>You selected services.</h2>" } else if (val = "mediacredits") {document.getElementById("updater").innerHTML = "<h2>You selected media credits.</h2>" } else if (val = "testimonials") {document.getElementById("updater").innerHTML = "<h2>You selected testimonials.</h2>" } else if (val = "links") {document.getElementById("updater").innerHTML = "<h2>You selected links.</h2>" } else {document.getElementById("updater").innerHTML = "<h2>Please select which page you would like to edit.</h2>" } } //--></script></head><body><form><select name="pages"><option value="home">Home</option><option value="about">About</option><option value="services">Services</option><option value="mediacredits">Media Credits</option><option value="testimonials">Testimonials</option><option value="links">Links</option></select></form><div id="updater"></div></body></html> Am I even close? Any and all help is greatly appreciated...Jason
  14. Another question:If I want to create a dropdown box that has no pre-selected value, how would I go about telling it to remain blank? i don't want to create a blank option if i can help it.Here's the dropdown i'm working with currently: <select name="pages"><option value="home">Home</option><option value="about">About</option><option value="services">Services</option><option value="mediacredits">Media Credits</option><option value="testimonials">Testimonials</option><option value="links">Links</option></select> Thanks!Jason
  15. Sorry. Let me clarify:Say the user inputs text as:"Hello,This is my text. I hope you like it.Sincerely,User"When I go to retrieve that information and display it somewhere else (I'll be using PHP for this portion of things), it displays as:"Hello, This is my text. I hope you like it. Sincerely, User"How can I get all my line breaks to include themselves when I submit the text in my text area?Hopefully this makes a little more sense...Jason
  16. If I want to take the input from a form, such as this: <textarea rows="15" cols="20" name="newsBody"></textarea> and keep the input formatted in a manner determined by the user (i.e. keeping line breaks), what are my steps?Is there a simple HTML answer, or am I getting into something a little more advanced?Thanks so much!love,JasonAlso, sorry about the "<textarea>" in the title. I thought I needed that. Apparently I'm a worrier.
  17. you guys have been a great help. i'll definitely try to run it all off one DB and set of code. when i get there, i'm just guessing i'll be back for some pointers. ...thanks again, guys!jason
  18. thanks so much for all your help, guys!any recommendations for content management systems? ultimately i'd like to build one, just so i'll understand exactly what's happening, but for my current project the smart thing is probably to get it up and running, rather than sitting on it another few weeks while i hack away at a new programming language...thanks again!jason
  19. i've seen them, but i work as a part-time web designer. if i use a free content management system and then charge someone for it, isn't that illegal?Jason
  20. so this is my first post on this forum, and also my first attempt at programming with PHP, so go easy on me. :)i have a compound problem: 1) i'm looking for tips or a tutorial on building a news or blog posting code, and 2) i want to have a dynamic update page for the site that i'm building where the user will see a drop down box containing the names of all the pages (news, about, services, etc.). when the user selects news, i want to create the title and text box for the news entry with a submit button, and when they select services, i want it to create a text box, image link box, and a title box.i looked around for a while and only found tutorials on drop boxes populating drop boxes, so any help will be HUGELY appreciated...thanks!jason
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