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Everything posted by jesh

  1. Not according to this: The atom can be made up of any of the above-mentioned characters except for the period (.). So this too should be a valid email address:$$$@somedomain.comOr even (eek):`'`@somedomain.com
  2. Could it be because you are trying to get the query string from a URL for an XML file rather than an HTML one?EDIT: Are you using IE? Have you tried it in Firefox? I bet you are using this in IE and you are running locally. For some reason, location.search doesn't return the query string in IE 6 locally for me, but it does in Firefox. If you ran a webserver at http://localhost or uploaded it to another web server, it might start working. Here's a link to a forum where someone is having a similar problem: http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN/ShowPost....54&SiteID=1
  3. So, too, would be ____________________________________@a.a.Thanks everyone for your help. I was just having the hardest time figuring out how to word my search.@pulpfiction - I had even tried wikipedia, I guess I just didn't think of searching for something as freakishly simple as "Email Address". All the links helped, but I think this one helped the most: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-mail_address
  4. That worked for me in Firefox.
  5. Hmm, I managed to find a few links:http://www.cs.tut.fi/~jkorpela/rfc/822addr.htmlhttp://www.freesoft.org/CIE/RFC/822/index.htmhttp://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2822.htmlBasically, what I am beginning to understand is, there isn't a standard. And So, this means that "jesh$7____23^! bring it!"@somedomain.com is a valid email address if somedomain.com accepts it as such? Thanks! I'll continue reading.
  6. I think I was adding my edit while you were replying. I want to know if there is a standard regarding the format of the local-part (i.e. "jesh" in jesh@somedomain.com).
  7. Does anyone know what organizing body manages the standards for the format of an email address? I checked the W3C but wasn't able to find the information there. Is there even such a body or is it ruled by anarchy? :)I'm not having any luck with Google because just about every website on the Internet has "email address" on it somewhere.EDIT: To clarify, I want to be able to validate an email address using regular expressions. I don't need to know how to write the regular expression - I can do that on my own. What I'm looking for is a definition of what, exactly, constitutes a valid email address. For example, is jesh_@somedomain.com a valid email address or not? What about jesh___________________@somedomain.com? Is there a standard out there?
  8. I'm also pretty new to this, but if you are using Visual Studio it's relatively simple.First, add a new Web Service to your project/website. It creates something like this: using System.Web.Services[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")][WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]public class HelloWorldService : WebService{ public HelloWorldService() {} [WebMethod] public string HelloWorld() { return "Hello World"; }} Then, right-click on your project/website in the Solution Explorer and add a new Web Reference - call it MyHelloService. Once that reference has been added, you can call it in your code like so: MyHelloSerivce.HelloWorldService service = new MyHelloService.HelloWorldService();string hello = service.HelloWorld(); If you aren't using Visual Studio and cannot do the steps above, I'm, unfortunately, too new to offer you any further direction. Also, I've only done this across websites residing on the same web server.
  9. jesh

    When to use sessions?

    @Skemcin - I'm working for a website which has multiple web servers for hosting. If a user is on one web server, the next request will most likely continue on the same server so typical session tracking may work. However, depending on load, the next request may fall over to another server. In this situation, typical session tracking will fail because all of the session information will be on the original server. To get around this, yes, we have to cluster the servers and use a third party software solution to keep track of the session data.I just want to add that, like Skemcin said, we use session data before login, during login, and after login - through the entire user experience.
  10. jesh

    help with IE

    Another </div> is floating around in your code: </html></div><!-- Dynamic Page Served (once) in 0.194 seconds --> And I also noticed this (dunno if this could cause anything): <p><p>Finally! We have come up with a new design.... </p><p>So now it is getting it all to work properly....</p><p> </p></p> Neither of these will probably solve your issues, but it always helps to have clean markup.I would suggest looking into all the floats and large negative positions that you are using in your CSS. Since your navigation is way at the top of the page in IE, I might suggest looking here first: #nav {position: relative;top: -561px;float: none;display: block;height: 40px;list-style: none;overflow: hidden;}
  11. I used to use a editor called UltraEdit. It came with these wordfiles that would tell the application what the keywords, attributes, comments, etc. were for a specific language and then highlight them accordingly depending on what language you had selected for the syntax highlighting.Here's an example of one of the wordfiles that I just found:http://sclogic.vo.llnwd.net/o2/downloads/wordfile.txt
  12. jesh

    Foiled again!

    It can open you up to SQL Injection attacks, but I believe you're looking for something like this: sql = "INSERT INTO mfvfd (author,title,story) Values ('";sql += placeAuthor + "','" + placeTitle + "','" + placeStory + "');"
  13. If you are using SQL Server, you can use DATEPART.Something like this: SELECT * FROM MyTable WHERE DATEPART(dw, OperationDate) = 1
  14. jesh


    Interesting. I would have guessed it was more like "dirty" data where the user had modified one or more fields in a form and it would tell the server which fields needed to be updated in the database - or something along those lines.So as of Navigator 4.0, this concept no longer exists in the browsers?I just found this: Funny that they'd come up with "taint":
  15. Also, as a web developer, you may have to fix/modify existing websites that use CGI rather than spend the extra time and money to completely rebuild the site in a newer technology. I don't personally use PERL or Python, but I could see the need for it.
  16. jesh

    Help needed

    Besides the method to help capture child abductors and to return missing children, what are amber alerts?
  17. Since I haven't touched PHP in a while I may be totally off-base here but according to the PHP manual, define is used to define constants (as opposed to variables/pointers/references). Maybe the problem is that you can't assign a database connection to a constant. If I'm totally wrong, just ignore this post.
  18. jesh


    Can someone help me understand what this is/was supposed to do?http://www.w3schools.com/htmldom/met_nav_taintenabled.aspWhat exactly is "data tainting"?
  19. I think the problem is in this chunk of code: for(var i=0;i<pairs.length;i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split('='); Request.QueryString[pair[0]] = (pair == null) ? pair[1] : ""; } The last line assigns pair[1] to Request.QueryString[pair[0]] if pair == null and "" otherwise. Try changing it to this: for(var i=0;i<pairs.length;i++) { var pair = pairs[i].split('='); Request.QueryString[pair[0]] = (pair == null) ? "" : pair[1]; }
  20. jesh


    Do you panic, like my wife's family, whenever the weather forecast calls for showers?
  21. jesh


    LOL, my wife is from Pheonix. I laugh all the time at what she considers cold.
  22. I'm pretty sure you need three forward slashes if you are using the file protocol rather than http:file:///p:\webpages\OfficeLoc.html?address1=blah&state=blah&city=blah&zip=blahBut you have the parameters (query string) listed correctly.
  23. jesh


    Jeez, that's how I feel right now. Commuting by bicycle in the snow makes for a cold ride!
  24. If you expect people to return to your site regularly, or to make multiple purchases, you might consider saving the value of the selected currency type to a cookie on the users' computers. This way, once someone, say, chooses Yen, that selection choice is saved to the cookie. Then, on each page that you display prices, you could load up the value of the cookie to determine which currency to display, then adjust all of the display prices accordingly.
  25. I once was asked to build a control that would load a random flash movie from a list of about 6 movies whenever someone visited a certain page. Not knowing anything about shockwave or flash, I went the javascript route.What I discovered is that I had to wrap the movie in a div with an id and then use the innerHTML property to write out all the <object><param /><param /><embed></embed></object> markup with javascript.Something along these lines: var div = document.getElementById("MovieDiv");var content = "<embed src=\"othervideo.wmv\" id=\"media\">";div.innerHTML = content;
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