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Everything posted by jesh

  1. ======Here's the link: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=6523758. If you listen to it, it occurs within the first 45 seconds or so.
  2. Omg, I just heard on NPR today an analogy between Bush and some Roman emperor during the zenith of the Holy Roman Empire. It spoke about "Either you're with us or you are against us". I'll try to find the link, but when Bush said it, it was practically a direct quote from the emperor.Also, I found this in the Art of War:
  3. jesh

    Centering a Table

    Ah, in that case, you might try margin. <table style="margin: auto;"><tr><td>hello</td></tr></table> Check out this Google search.
  4. jesh

    OT: Humans

    I don't know, if you go by the definition of the words as they appear in the dictionaries...natural: Produced by nature; not artificial or manmade.artificial: Made by humans; produced rather than natural.
  5. jesh

    OT: Humans

    I don't want it to appear that I'm antagonizing you, because it seems we are saying the same thing, but doesn't "they are believed to hold up under all circumstances" imply faith?
  6. Bush said fairly recently that "[t]here is no honor in retreat" (regarding Iraq). Now, maybe I'm taking this out of context, but I've read the Art of War and various other books regarding military strategy and I've read about great battles that have occurred in the world, and sometimes you just can't win unless you back off. I would say there is no honor in sticking out a course of action out of pride or ego. But again, perhaps I read that out of context. Well put.
  7. jesh

    OT: Humans

    Yeah, I probably should have written "philosophy and/or religion" which is more in line with what I believe. Yes, I have. My personal beliefs are an amalgam of ideas presented by science, many philosophers, and various religions. I in no way subscribe to any particular set of beliefs, I try to come up with my own answers. Even in ideas in which I believe very strongly, I recognize inherent flaws. I agree pretty much with everything you said. I would only add that science, itself, relies on faith. The laws of physics (i.e. gravity, inertia, conservation of energy), for example, are theories that we've tested and verified over and over and over, but it doesn't necessarily mean that the next time we test them they will behave as expected. Since we can't know for sure if the laws hold up in all situations, we have to have faith that they will. They are, after all, simply models of what we have experienced. We have to have faith that the models apply in all situations.
  8. jesh

    Centering a Table

    text-align works for aligning text horizontally.vertical-align works for aligning images.
  9. Hmm, I don't have Safari so I can't test this, but it may be because of the spaces. When you run this code in Safari, does the subject become "Website:" rather than "Website: Please Send Me...."?If so, you might try adding this script in the head section: <html><head><script type="text/javascript">function encodeAction(obj){ var action = obj.action; obj.action = encodeURI(action);}</script></head><body> And then, in your form, add an onsubmit like this: <form action="MAILTO:info@hoodriver.org?subject=Website: Please Send Me a Visitors Information Packet"method="post" enctype="text/plain" onsubmit="encodeAction(this);"> I hope this helps.===================================================After more thought, it may be because of the way you are using the MAILTO.Check out this link: http://www.ianr.unl.edu/internet/mailto.htmlIt explains that in order to get the data in the form into the body of the email, you should specify the body in the mailto link like so:mailto:my@emailaddress.com?subject=This%20is%20the%20subject&body=This%20is%20the%20bodyThe %20 is a url-encoded space.
  10. This is a good article too:http://alistapart.com/articles/qtag
  11. jesh

    OT: Humans

    Yeah. I saw Brian Greene speak at a local bookstore a few months ago and a member from the audience asked him some question regarding something metaphysical and slightly religious in nature and his response was basically that if science can't answer it, he doesn't want to think about it. If it can't be answered by science (i.e. hypothesized, tested, verified, etc) then it shouldn't be asked by science. This from a guy who acknowleges that his theories, because of the nature of "strings", may never be able to be tested.I once held science in the highest esteem; it provided the end all answers to all my questions, until I starting asking different questions. Now I recognize it for what it is: a decent take on explaining experience. But, like every idea that humans come up with, it's not exactly truth. Because we have to experience the world through the filters of our minds, we can never fully experience (let alone explain) what's going on outside of our minds. So theories, like the Big Bang Theory or the Theory of Evolution or (dare I say...) Christianity, may come pretty close to acurately explaining the world around us, but they can really only explain the world as we experience it - not as it actually is.
  12. jesh

    Help me!

    I believe they are called "Watermarks". This link might help:http://www.sitepoint.com/article/watermark-images-php
  13. If your HTML was like this: <input type="radio" name="race" value="race1" onclick="showSubRace(this);" /><br /><input type="radio" name="race" value="race2" onclick="showSubRace(this);" /><br /><input type="radio" name="race" value="race3" onclick="showSubRace(this);" /><br /><div id="race1SubRace" style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race1sub1" /><br /><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race1sub2" /><br /><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race1sub3" /><br /><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race1sub4" /><br /></div><div id="race2SubRace" style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race2sub1" /><br /><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race2sub2" /><br /></div><div id="race3SubRace" style="display: none;"><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race3sub1" /><br /><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race3sub2" /><br /><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race3sub3" /><br /><input type="radio" name="subrace" value="race3sub4" /><br /></div> Your Javascript could look like this: var race1SubRace;var race2SubRace;var race3SubRace;function showSubRace(this){ // First, we'll get the objects from the DOM so we can hide/display them if(!race1SubRace) race1SubRace = document.getElementById("race1SubRace"); if(!race2SubRace) race2SubRace = document.getElementById("race2SubRace"); if(!race3SubRace) race3SubRace = document.getElementById("race3SubRace"); // Next, we'll hide them all. race1SubRace.style.display = "none"; race2SubRace.style.display = "none"; race3SubRace.style.display = "none"; // Then we'll figure out which one to display. if(obj.value == "race1") { race1SubRace.style.display = "block"; } else if (obj.value == "race2") { race2SubRace.style.display = "block"; } else { race3SubRace.style.display = "block"; }} All you would need to do is change the values of your race options from "race1", "race2" to whatever you want those values to be. Say you replaced "race1" with "halfMile" ( ), then, wherever you see "race1" in the HTML or Javascript, replace it with "halfMile".I hope this helps!
  14. jesh


    Hah, you too?! I've been building web applications for people for 5 years and I don't have a website either.
  15. jesh

    OT: Humans

    I once got totally put off by science for this. I think it was Steven Hawking who said in one of his books that it doesn't make any sense to question what happened before the Big Bang because that is when time itself was created. So, by definition, nothing could have happened or existed before that/then.I've since come back to science, but I don't look to it for answers to the question "Why?". For that, you need philosophy and religion. And, like you said, faith.
  16. Nice art!For learning PHP and MySQL, the only thing I can recommend is to come up with a project and start working on it. When you come across something that you don't understand, send a question to the PHP forum. There are some highly skilled developers in there that are constantly answering people's questions. Then, once you have a couple of projects under your belt, you'll begin to have an idea how it all works.Perhaps you could start with a form that a visitor would use to enter in some information. When the visitor submitted the form, it would be submitted to a PHP page that stored the data in a database table in MySQL.
  17. Great job on the site. I better not let my wife see it or she'll put me to work!I read above that you are beginning to learn CSS. The only thing that I would suggest is to change the style for the main navigation menu. Something about the way it is styled currently makes it seem to me like it doesn't belong with the rest of the text on the site. For example, on the home page, maybe the text could be styled more like the text next to the images for the different categories. Perhaps, if they are using the same font-family, you might try making the navigation menu's font-size a touch smaller and make the font-weight be bold.Anyhow, great job.
  18. Nero is the name of the emperor. However, I remember reading in school that there is some debate as to the actual value of the number - whether it was 666 or 616.
  19. You might also be able to use the sort method of the array class. Check this link:http://www.w3schools.com/jsref/jsref_sort.asp
  20. You might try something like this: <html><head><script type="text/javascript">var maleSubForm;var femaleSubForm;function showSub(obj){ if(!maleSubForm) maleSubForm = document.getElementById("MaleSubForm"); if(!femaleSubForm) femaleSubForm = document.getElementById("FemaleSubForm"); if(obj.value == "Male") { maleSubForm.style.display = "block"; femaleSubForm.style.display = "none"; } else { maleSubForm.style.display = "none"; femaleSubForm.style.display = "block"; }}</script><style type="text/css">#MaleSubForm, #FemaleSubForm { display: none; }</style></head><body><input type="radio" name="gender" value="Male" onclick="showSub(this);" /><br /><input type="radio" name="gender" value="Female" onclick="showSub(this);" /><br /><div id="MaleSubForm">Male Sub-Form<input type="text" name="maletest" value="" /></div><div id="FemaleSubForm">Female Sub-Form<input type="text" name="femaletest" value="" /></div></body></html> The only problem, I believe, would be that both the "maletest" and "femaletest" inputs would be submitted to the server. It would then be up to your form processing code to determine which set of inputs to use based on the value of "gender".
  21. jesh

    Installing a Database

    But you could always dynamically generate the name of the new file. You could also save it in different directories - perhaps based on a user id or some other data.
  22. jesh

    OT: Humans

    I mean no offense, but if you are not commenting on the "very religious" person's religion, why mention that they are "very religious"? From the way your post is presented, I read that you were saying that very religious people think that humans are separate from nature. But anyhow, I think we're animals and we're made of matter so we are therefore part of nature. If you look at the first three definitions of nature in the American Heritage dictionary, I would say that we are definitely part of nature: The material world and its phenomena. The forces and processes that produce and control all the phenomena of the material world: the laws of nature. The world of living things and the outdoors: the beauties of nature.
  23. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
  24. jesh

    OT: Humans

    I think it would be good to keep in mind that "religious" does not necessariy mean Christian (or even Judeo-Christian-Islamic). It is the Western religions that place emphasis on human ownership of and separation from nature. Other religious traditions do not see it this way.
  25. You might first make sure that your closing tags match your opening tags: <iframe src="http://www.freewebs.com/twshaw/deskswitch/top.htm" width="875" height="100" frameborder="0" name="top" /></t></tr> Where'd that </t> come from?
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