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Everything posted by Snubby

  1. _currentframe can do the trick. ////////// NEXT BUTTON //////////on (press){ _root.gotoAndStop (_root._currentframe + 1);}////////// BACK BUTTON //////////on (press){ _root.gotoAndStop (_root._currentframe - 1);} Or, you can use a less efficient but easier method, prevFrame() and nextFrame(). ////////// NEXT BUTTON //////////on (press){ _root.nextFrame ();}////////// BACK BUTTON //////////on (press){ _root.prevFrame ();} Shi Sha!
  2. Snubby

    PNG Images

    WOW! I had no idea CSS was so usefull!
  3. Thanks for the help. The weird thing is, when I try doing <embed /> it works fine for me in both firefox and IE. proof.Much thanks for the top about second question, too.
  4. Snubby

    hit counter

    I think that would require PHP, or loadVars or something. It's difficult.
  5. Snubby

    Yay 4 Me

    Oh, sorry about that.
  6. Snubby

    Yay 4 Me

    My Notepad coded websiteAfter about a week of learning HTML, I have recoded my website in Notepad. This is a really big achievement for me, so I thought I'd share. BTW here is my code (that I wrote every line of)...<html><head><title>Snubby Land Creative Media</title><style>/* ////////// LINKS ////////// */a{ font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; color:#FF8800; text-decoration:none;}a:hover{ font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; color:#FFEF00; text-decoration:none;}a:active{ font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-weight:bold; font-size:13px; color:#FFFFF4; text-decoration:none;}/* ////////// OTHER ////////// */p{ font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px;}body{ background-color:#FFFFF5;}</style></head><body><div align = "center"> <table width = "704" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0"> <!-- ////////// TITLE AND IMAGES ////////// --> <tr> <td align = "right" width = "140" height = "100" colspan = "2"> <img src = "otherpics/logo.gif" /> </td> <td align = "center" valign = "bottom" width = "424" height = "100"> <p> <b>Snubby Land Creative Media</b> by Stevie Critoph <br /> This site requires Adobe Flash Player. Download it for free, <a href = "http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" target = "_blank">here</a>.<br> </p> <p> </p> </td> <td align = "left" width = "140" height = "100" colspan = "2"> <img src = "otherpics/logo_flip.gif" /> </td> </tr> <tr> <td align = "right" width = "120" valign = "top"> <!-- ////////// GOOGLE TEXT ADD #1 ////////// --> <script language="JavaScript"><!--function SymError(){ return true;}window.onerror = SymError;var SymRealWinOpen = window.open;function SymWinOpen(url, name, attributes){ return (new Object());}window.open = SymWinOpen;//--></script><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-1972389624645566"; google_ad_width = 120; google_ad_height = 600; google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "FFD5AA"; google_color_bg = "FFF3DA"; google_color_link = "FFCC66"; google_color_text = "FFCC66"; google_color_url = "DB9902"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </td> <td width = "20"> </td> <td align = "center" valign = "top" width = "424"> <!-- //////////////////// MAIN CONTENT //////////////////// --> <table width = "424" align = "center" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0"> <tr> <td align = "center" valign = "top" width = "424" height = "367"> <!-- ////////// PORTFOLIO ////////// --> <p> <object width = "424" height = "367"> <param name = "movie" value = "portfolio.swf" /> <embed src = "portfolio.swf" width = "424" height = "367" /> </object> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <!-- ////////// SL_images ////////// --> <table width = "382" height = "31" cellpadding = "0" cellspacing = "0" align = "center"> <tr> <td width = "88" height = "31" align = "center"> <a href = "http://www.snubbyland.com/" target = "_blank"> <img src = "affiliates/SL_images/affiliate-1.png" border = "0" /> </a> </td> <td width = "10" height = "31" align = "center"> </td> <td width = "88" height = "31" align = "center"> <a href = "http://www.snubbyland.com/" target = "_blank"> <img src = "affiliates/SL_images/affiliate-2.png" border = "0" /> </a> </td> <td width = "10" height = "31" align = "center"> </td> <td width = "88" height = "31" align = "center"> <a href = "http://www.snubbyland.com/" target = "_blank"> <img src = "affiliates/SL_images/affiliate-3.png" border = "0" /> </a> </td> <td width = "10" height = "31" align = "center"> </td> <td width = "88" height = "31" align = "center"> <a href = "http://www.snubbyland.com/" target = "_blank"> <img src = "affiliates/SL_images/affiliate-4.gif" border = "0" /> </a> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <a href = "affiliates/affiliates.html"> Snubby Land Affiliates </a> <!-- ////////// SEARCH BAR ////////// --> <br /> <br /> <table width = "424" align = "center" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0"> <tr> <td width = "424" align = "center"> <!-- Search Google --> <center> <form method="get" action="http://www.google.com/custom" target="_top"> <table bgcolor="#FFFFF5"> <tr> <td nowrap="nowrap" valign="top" align="left" height="32"> <input type="text" name="q" size="31" maxlength="255" value=""> </input> <input name="sa" type="submit" value="Google Search"> </input> <input type="hidden" name="client" value="pub-1972389624645566"> </input> <input type="hidden" name="forid" value="1"> </input> <input type="hidden" name="ie" value="ISO-8859-1"> </input> <input type="hidden" name="oe" value="ISO-8859-1"> </input> <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="GALT:#DB9902;GL:1;DIV:#FFF3DA;VLC:DB9902;AH:center;BGC:FFFFF4;LBGC:FFFFF4;ALC:6F3C1B;LC:6F3C1B;T:B47B10;GFNT:DB9902;GIMP:DB9902;LH:50;LW:60;L:http://www.snubbyland.com/otherpics/logo.gif;S:http://www.snubbyland.com/;FORID:1"> </input> <input type="hidden" name="hl" value="en"> </input> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </center> <!-- Search Google --> </td> </tr> </table> <table width = "380" height = "60" align = "center" cellspacing = "0" cellpadding = "0"> <tr> <!-- ////////// BOTTOM GOOGLE ADD #1 ////////// --> <td width = "180" height = "60" align = "center"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-1972389624645566"; google_ad_width = 180; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "180x60_as_rimg"; google_cpa_choice = "CAAQqeyWhAIaCLr54RZUBO6cKL3D93M"; google_ad_channel = ""; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </td> <td width = "20" height = "60" align = "center"> </td> <!-- ////////// BOTTOM GOOGLE ADD #2 ////////// --> <td width = "180" height = "60" align = "center"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-1972389624645566"; google_ad_width = 180; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "180x60_as_rimg"; google_cpa_choice = "CAAQyaj8zwEaCIwcWMzeycafKMu293M"; google_ad_channel = ""; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </td> </tr> </table> <!-- ////////// CREDIT ////////// --> <p> This page was programmed completely in Notepad. Boo-ya! </p> </td> <td width = "20"> </td> <td align = "left" width = "120" valign = "top"> <!-- ////////// GOOGLE TEXT ADD #2 ////////// --> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "pub-1972389624645566"; google_ad_width = 120; google_ad_height = 600; google_ad_format = "120x600_as"; google_ad_type = "text_image"; google_ad_channel =""; google_color_border = "FFD5AA"; google_color_bg = "FFF3DA"; google_color_link = "FFCC66"; google_color_text = "FFCC66"; google_color_url = "DB9902"; //--></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script> </td> </tr> </table></div></body></html><script language="JavaScript"><!--var SymRealOnLoad;var SymRealOnUnload;function SymOnUnload(){ window.open = SymWinOpen; if(SymRealOnUnload != null) SymRealOnUnload();}function SymOnLoad(){ if(SymRealOnLoad != null) SymRealOnLoad(); window.open = SymRealWinOpen; SymRealOnUnload = window.onunload; window.onunload = SymOnUnload;}SymRealOnLoad = window.onload;window.onload = SymOnLoad;//--></script>
  7. Also, what does the 'name' property in the param tagg do?
  8. one more quick question,<embed src="somefilename.swf" width="550" height="400"></embed>the emved tagg has nothing nested in it, so why not just...<embed src="somefilename.swf" width="550" height="400" />
  9. Snubby

    Check it!

    Thanks guys, and sorry about the double topic. I was going through the forums I belonged to and posting this in each one for more exposure, ya know, all at once... I must have accidently posted it here twice.
  10. Sorry guys, I'm new here and am used to my forums so I didn't realize that I wasn't allowed to use animated gifs. What is IE?
  11. Snubby

    Check it!

    My Flash StuffI was wondering what you people thought of the stuff I make. Post comments here.
  12. Snubby

    Rate my site!

    http://www.snubbyland.com/ : : Snubby Land!Please rate my site and tell me things you would change, etc.
  13. I read this (http://www.w3schools.com/flash/flash_inhtml.asp) and I wasn't satisfied with how they 'explained' the taggs. Can some kind person please explain the taggs to me so that I can understand what they do better? Much thanks in advance. First Post
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