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Everything posted by jnroche

  1. Ill try to exhaust first all my efforts to at least help this company better their security in terms of IT infrastructure. but i need some help with my documentation and our proposal, before hunting for other companies that are not run by @$*&! lolsawkward this is the only company i know that does not have a routing capability. The number of computers are increasing by each month... :)thanks for the englightenment guys! never expected 4 people would reply to this .. lolsgod bless!PS would you know other softwares online that offer a sort of like a hack-scan to PCs?? im thinking if that software can tell how vulnerable our network is then i guess that would become enough for our boss to convince a router with firewall capability....lols!!! i tried the symantec thing but it basically just passed! lols
  2. Hi Guys!Are there any ready made documentations for a router that states its importance, significance and has a blow by blow account of disadvantages(not so much of the disadvantage) and advantages online?Our boss is not satisfied having a router for his network when his IT personel (us) is convinced he needs to have a router setup. I can only know so much about routers and how important they are in a company with networked computers. But just for formality reasons and so we can have a full documentation, not just a couple of pages, to give to our boss and let him understand the risk of not having routers.I was having a hard time compiling resources over the net at such a limited amount of time.please help.thanks
  3. thanks so much for all who posted. appreciate it so much. maybe the client can't do anything about it besides paying some services for this. glad client just resume without having to bother about the other states from other countries.thanks again.
  4. Hi Guys!Is there a way I can get a code or something that already furnishes all the state for a given country say US or UK? this is for HTML/PHP coding...In my form I have this portion with fields to fill-out:...Country: (combobox here)State: (combobox here)...I can manually look up the list of states for each country(google, if applicable) and then hard code them to php or html... however it would be a tedious job going site to site just to find the list of states for a specific country.. what if all countries around the world have their own states!?Hope there is an answer to this...
  5. okay now im trying to query a string datatype from a db table the field is: payperiod (varchar(20)), in php i do this :$tblovertimes = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblovertimes WHERE payperiod='".$period."', $db); <--- that is single quote followed by double quote then vice versa$fetch = mysql_fetch_array($tblovertimes);that line does not produce any results at all!but THIS:$tblovertimes = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblovertimes WHERE payperiod='1 (16 - 31) 2007', $db);$fetch = mysql_fetch_array($tblovertimes); DOESOR THIS:$period = '1 (16 - 31) 2007';$tblovertimes = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblovertimes WHERE payperiod='".$period."', $db);$fetch = mysql_fetch_array($tblovertimes);ALSO PRODUCES RESULTSBUT THIS:$period = $month." (".$from." - ".$to.") ".$yearnow; //echoes 1 (16 -31) 2007 with the right spacing.. assuming variables are in the right order of values$tblovertimes = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM tblovertimes WHERE payperiod='".$period."', $db);$fetch = mysql_fetch_array($tblovertimes);DOES NOT PRODUCE ANY RESULTS AT ALL! WHY WHY WHY OH WHY!!!!
  6. thanks justsomeguy!would this cause some serious security issues? i feel you can loop through objects in the database while connection is open and leave hackers scouting for real items/objects within your database? is this advisable?
  7. Hi gurus!here is my sample code excerpt:on the index.php file: $MENUS = new config;$MENUS->dbconnect("localhost", "root", "", "customd_db");$fieldcapture = array("menuid", "txmenu", "groupid", "txgroupdesc");$menusarr = $MENUS->querydb("*", "tblmenus", '', $fieldcapture);...what is important is the following two lines$_SESSION['objMenus'] = serialize($MENUS);$test = unserialize($_SESSION['objMenus']);echo $test->dbname;if you run this code the name customd_db will show up.okay, now, when i redirect to another page (second page) and get the name of the database:hence on secondfile.php:include "class.Config.php";...$test2 = unserialize($_SESSION['objMenus']);echo $test2->dbname;the second page generates 1anything wrong with the code?
  8. I agree! you should make sure you delete objects you used in your program when you find no more reason to use it at any point especially when the entire program exits. memory leaks occur because objects were not freed up explicitly (in c++) from memory..as far as programming OOP for the web (using php), my question was more of getting persistent values across refreshed pages (especiall the index page - coz this is where everything in php is initialized), passing objects using either GET or POST or SESSION... and i have tried session and error occurs saying something about serializing the object first..I have yet to try serialize() function in php and see how it goes..thanks heaps
  9. Hi guys!just curious if PHP (4 & up) can handle classes/class objects that persist in memory even if the page was destroyed or reloaded fully??? as i understand it, classes (OOP in general) stays in memory unless explicitly (i know in c++ there is a delete built-in function) destroyed.... thanks
  10. hi guys!is there a way to create a file using PHP dynamically?? all i know is copy() function where you can copy an 'existing' file to another directory/filename...thanks
  11. I want to customize the interface for File Upload process. HTML Object uses the form objects to produce a textbox, a browse button, and an upload image button. But I want to remove the textbox and leave just one button named browse.the javascript code for IE implementation is: function browse() { var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); //codes here...}*this will produce a pop up window for browsing files. *I dont know how to implement this for mozilla compatibility, tried digging from sources but seems hard to reach area...
  12. thanks so much for all your help. i finally got it to work with mozilla. thanks guys!for reference purposes here is a code that works- courtesy of the guys here on this thread- for mozilla when using IFRAME contentDocument for rich-text editing:when extracting the innerHTML for whatever purposes - function getFramecontent(aID) { var rv = null; if (document.getElementById(aID).contentDocument){ rv = document.getElementById(aID).contentDocument; // - this line captured by mozilla } else { // IE rv = document.frames[aID].document; }alert(rv.body.innerHTML); }always glad
  13. i tried it but i get (in mozilla browser) document.frames has no properties. this is a sample code relevant to the issue:<iframe id="iframeidx" name="iframeid"></iframe> <form> <input type="text" id="word"/><a onMouseDown="testframe()">Submit</a> <input type="button" value="iframe" onClick="document.getElementById('iframeidx').contentDocument.designMode='On'" > <input type="button" value="alert" onClick="testframe()" > </form>anything wrong???
  14. I used iframe for rich-text editing, for my forums site. If the user wants to create a new post, i want to simply capture whatever the user writes within the iframe object and be able to save it to the database.there was no problem with getting the iframe to work or to make it editable. the problem starts when i want to capture whatever the value is written to it????help needed
  15. right on! aspnetguy! thanks much for the help. i got it started goin for mozilla issue! sorry for the punctuations yet i know smart people can read deeper than punctuations.one follow up question though, i cant seem to use:<OBJECT ID=dlgHelper CLASSID="clsid:3050f819-98b5-11cf-bb82-00aa00bdce0b" WIDTH="0px" HEIGHT="0px"></OBJECT>to implement the color picker (font forecolor and font bg color), everytime i make a reference call to this object (using mozilla browser) i get "dlgHelper.ChooseColorDlg()" is not a function error. But when using IE, again, color picker is showing up.. sorry about not knowing these stuffs, i guess i have made enough research for this article but they wont show any code unless you pay for it. others encrypted the codes...
  16. i can use div contenteditable in IE but i got no idea in mozilla. anyone who has links for references ???
  17. i got a problem with my ajax code not working when i change the method to POST!i followed the very consistent solution on how to implement a POST method to no avail. Please help!!!function xmlhttprequest(id, url, method, keyvalue) { var xmlhttp = getxmlhttpobject(); if (!xmlhttp) { alert('Your browser does not support xmlhttp object.'); return; } xmlhttp.open(method, url, true); alert('method: '+method+' keyvalue: '+keyvalue); if (method=='POST') { xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-urlencoded"); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-Length", keyvalue.length); xmlhttp.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close"); xmlhttp.send(keyvalue); } else { xmlhttp.send(null); } xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = stateChanged; return 1;}the middle of the code is where i placed the changes. the POSTED variables does not seem to contain any values at all!!
  18. love it :)i placed an onmouseout event on the table and onmouseover event on the span<span .. onmouseover=..visible..<table.. onmouseout=..hidden..there has to be consistency between my codes and the way these tags are ordered, that is, the span enclosing the table, mouseover it to visible the table first and mouseout from the table to hide everything!!i understand now thanks heaps
  19. whats the best way to onmouseout an html table using javascript?it seems that everytime i use a table say,<span id="thisspan" style="visibility:hidden"><table onmouseout="document.getElementById('thisspan').style.visibility = 'hidden'> <tr><td>Row one</td></tr> <tr><td>Row two</td></tr></table></span>something makes this span pop up then i want to hide it when user 'mouse-outs' from the table. but the problem is html seems not to be cooperating! when i move out from the first row towards the second row using the mouse pointer, it already disappears! can't seem to control it.
  20. my form is<form> <select name="slctreasons"> <option id="<?" value="<?php echo $reasonID; ?>" ><?php echo $myrows['reason']; ?></option> </form>the entire list of reasons is captured in that option tag, in a loop ofcourse, to list down all the reason inside the database table.my problem is i want to get both reasonID and reason text itself in javascript. my initial javascript code is:document.getElementById('slctreasons').value this line only gets whatever the value in the selected option is, which is the reasonID! I also wanted the text itself....i dont know much about javascriptany help thanks
  21. Hi guys!im trying to display a sub-menu popup from within a 'parent' menu that is also a popup. both of these objects are each inside a span tag. the problem is when selecting one parent menu item the sub menu appears limitedly contained within the size of the parent span tag (parent menu) in other words the child menu that is supposed to display 10 sub items now only shows its upper-left corner as opposed to showing the entire sub span tag(the child span contains table by the way)i achieved best reults using mozilla but IE6, nah!!!$*#%what the?
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