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Posts posted by jlhaslip

  1. Try a set of <p></p> tags. The label and input tags need to be in some sort of a containing block.And you still need an action="filename.ext" and a method=("post" or "get") or else the form won't go anywhere or have any data once you get there.

  2. $pictureURL = explode("/",$display['praisePic']);	str_replace('src="images','src="../images',$pictureURL);	$picture = '';	for($i = 0; $i <= count($pictureURL) - 1; $i++)	  {	   	  $picture .= $pictureURL[$i];		   if ( $i < 2 )  {  $picture .= '/';}	  }	echo $picture;

    Might work. The ".=" is the concatenation operator.

  3. If you Float the #nav div to the left, place it first in the source code.

     <div style="height:485px; border-bottom:solid #000000 1px; border-left:solid #000000 1px; border-right:solid #000000 1px"> <div id="nav"> <img src="test/background_1/bottomE.jpg" alt="e" width="120" height="131" /> </div>   <div id="content"></div>  </div>

  4. NO, the <h1>, <h2>, etc tags are for defining levels within the "content" of the document. A document generally only has a single h1 tag set, followed by an h2, h3's etc according to the Author's wishes for the layout of the "content". If you have a math text called Algebra:101, that might be the h1 for the index page. A Review section might be the h2 tag followed by a series of h3's for the seperate chapters within the Review section. The next major section would be an h2 followed by more h3's , and on and on.The h# tags have attributes like size, font, font-weight, and these can be defined in the css file for each seperate tag.Selecting elements for styling is usually done by specifying the styles according to :1) the generic tag (ie: <p>), or 2) by specifying an "id'd" tag set, like <p id="this_one">. Id's allowed only once per page, or 3) for tags which may appear more than once on each page, classes. <p class="i_got_some_class_here">In the CSS file, examples for the <p>tag selection follow:p { attribute:value;}#this_one p { attribute:value;}.i_got_some_class_here p { attribute:value;}This is a somewhat simplified example of selectors, but you should know the difference between tag selectors, id-selectors and class selectors. To answer your concerns about how to seperate different areas of text, this is usually done by placing them inside "containers", like <div> tags. The div may,or may not, be id'd or classed.Here is a sample of a CSS file which uses all three selector types:

    #footer {	margin-left:auto;	margin-right:auto;	text-align:center;	clear:both;	border: 1px dotted #999;}h1  {	font-size: 2em;}.content_main {	margin: 1em;	border: 1px dotted red;}.image {	margin: 0;	padding: 1em;	float:left;}

    The footer is selected by id, the content_main and image are classes, and the h1 is a generic heading tag.Hope this helps. Of course, you might also want to check out the w3schools tutorial on all this stuff. :)

  5. Well, that Try-it page pretty much describes the method for building the two column page using Floats and Margins, so all you need to do is set the widths to suit and you should be good to go.For placing of the "external" Menu code into the left-hand div, I would suggest a Server Side Include (ASP or PHP) to have the code written into the div at run time. Easy enough to do. Do you have the code already for the menu? Oodles of Tutorials about Includes if you Google on it.

  6. Looks to me like a "docking station" for the Laptop. Plug the keyboard, printer, routers, etc into the "docking station" and the cables stay attached. Then "dock" the laptop and all the connections are made without touching the cables. Saves a whole whack of grief.

  7. $host="localhost";$user="root";$password=" ";

    Check and see if there is a 'space' in the password variable, because it may be that the 'space' is different than 'null' or empty, so double-check the actual passord value for this user.Also, it is a really bad idea to use 'root' as the database user. I hope you understand the risks and change the user for this application.


    Might have had a backup done.And there is a LIMIT feature in which restricts the number of rows affected, too. Might want to check that one out, too. Especially for deletes.

  8. In your html page you have two div'd with the same id="one". That is just about enough to force IE into Quirks mode and trash-can any concept of predictable behaviour. Remove the second id= "one" div (or rename it) and see what happens.

  9. i wonder if li:hover in the line #menu ul li:hover ul table {display: block;} valid ?? itn't that :hover can only be used associated with the <a> tag only ?
    Real Browsers can handle it. Must be an IE user.
    I new to HTML and by script I mean the coding for the menu... And I don't know how to get the whole source-code thingy either :)
    Elevator, Go to the link the original poster has up there and click on it. You will see the page in question. Depending on the exact Browser you have, there is a label right up at the top of your Browser window, typically called "view". Hover on that or click it maybe. Then select "Page source" or something like that. A new window will open with the source code. Cntl-A to select all, Cntl-c to copy. Open a text editor and Cntl-v to paste it in there, then view the file in your Browser, after saving the file by its own name on your computer.Voila. The code is yours. BUT, it is best to request permission from the page creator before you do that. MOST people don't mind and in fact, it is debatable whether you are required to do that, but it is polite to do so, especially if there may be copyright issues in the future.
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