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Posts posted by LifeInBinary

  1. First you must give your frames in the frameset a name <frame noresize="noresize" src="navbartop.html" name="top"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="indexbody.html" name="bottom">Then when you want to change a frame you must target it like so:<a href="index.html" target="top">change top</a><a href="index.html" target="bottom">change bottom</a>http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tryit.asp?fi...rame_navigation
    Thanks so much scott100. When I read your reply I thought, "Awesome! This fixes everything."Unfortunately, I suppose that I'm not quite advanced enough yet to completely solve my problem with your information. I have named and targetted all frames, but I'm not quite sure that I have done so correctly. I have gotten rid of the problem with the "additional" navigation bars - but now every button brings up the linked page in a new window! Would you mind by any chance looking over the canges I have made and pointing out what I have done wrong and how to fix it? Again, your help is GREATLY appreciated!THESE ARE THE CHANGES I HAVE MADE:--------------------index.html<html><head><title>Welcome</title></head><frameset rows="13%,87%"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="navbartop.html" name="navbartop"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="indexbody.html" name="indexbody"></frameset></html>--------------------indexbody.html<html><head><title>indexbody.html</title></head><body background="carmella_decesare.jpg" bgproperties=fixed style="color:#ffffff">This is the index body.</body></html>--------------------navbartop.html<html><head><title>navbartop.html</title></head><body bgcolor="#000000"><center><img src="navbartop.png" alt="THIS IS A TEST" width="857" height="41" border="0" usemap="#navbartop"><map id="navbartop" name="navbartop"><area shape="rect" coords="15,5,152,36" alt="Home" a href="index.html" target="indexbody"><area shape="rect" coords="154,5,290,36" alt="Images" a href="images.html" target="imagesbody"><area shape="rect" coords="292,5,428,36" alt="Websites" a href="websites.html" target="websitesbody"><area shape="rect" coords="430,5,566,36" alt="Downloads" a href="downloads.html" target="downloadsbody"><area shape="rect" coords="568,5,704,36" alt="Lists" a href="lists.html" target="listsbody"><area shape="rect" coords="706,5,843,36" alt="Contact" a href="contact.html" target="contactbody"></map></center></body></html>--------------------websites.html<html><head><title>Websites</title></head><frameset rows="13%,87%"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="navbartop.html" name="navbartop"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="websitesbody.html" name="websitesbody"></frameset></html>--------------------websitesbody.html<html><head><title>websitesbody.html</title></head><body background="carmella_decesare.jpg" bgproperties=fixed style="color:#ffffff">This is the websites body.</body></html>--------------------
  2. RESOLVEDHey guys, I've been using w3schools.com for a month or two to learn HTML - but I'm brand new to forums, and this is my first post. I'm having this crazy issue with some HTML I'm writing for my own personal website. I haven't hosted it yet - I'm just doing it all in a folder on my desktop first to get it all working together how I want it. I believe this is an simple problem with an easy solution that I haven't come to yet, but I'm having a pretty hard time getting past this so any help would be greatly appreciated.THIS IS THE PROBLEM: First off - I'm using Internet Explorer 6. I have an image that I made, intending for it to be the top navigation bar. I have divided my index page into two nonresizable frames - with the navigation bar in the top frame, and the body of the page in the bottom frame. I'm trying to make it so that when a button is clicked on the navigation bar (I sectioned the buttons off by creating an image map), it links to the body text of the corresponding page in the bottom frame - while retaining the navigation bar in the top frame. I've almost got it, but there is a bit of a bug. When I open my index page it looks fine - with the navigation bar on the top, and the body text of the page below it. When I click on the "Websites" button on the navigation bar, it brings up the correct page - and it even retains the navigation bar in the top frame - but it's in a new window! I don't want the link to pop up in a new window, I want everything to remain in the same window throughout my entire website. What confuses me, is that when I click on the "Home" button in my navigation bar (which links back to the index page), it follows the link and displays everything correctly, it stays in the same window instead of bringing up a new window again, and it makes an additional frame so that I have two navigation bars at the top of the page. Then when I click on the "Websites" button again, it brings up the correct page again - but also in the same window, and also with an additional navigation bar! So why is it that when I click on "Websites" in the index page it brings it up in a new window, but when I click buttons from that point foreward everything stays in the same window like I want it to except for the additional navigation bar? How can I get it to stay in the same window when I click on buttons in the navigation bar - without adding an additional frame?Somebody PLEASE give me a hand with this, I would appreciate it sooo much! Thanks for all your time!By the way, if anyone needs to see my work - here are the contents of each HTML document.If you need the images, ask me and I'll email them to you.If you need to contact me, my email address is: "xlifeinbinaryx@yahoo.com"If you really want to spend your time helping me, I reccomend you save all of this in a folder on your own desktop so that you can see what the exact problem is and how best to fix it.-------------------------index.html<html><head><title>Welcome</title></head><frameset rows="13%,87%"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="navbartop.html"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="indexbody.html"></frameset></html>-------------------------navbartop.html<html><head><title>navbartop.html</title></head><body bgcolor="#000000"><center><img src="navbartop.png" alt="THIS IS A TEST" width="857" height="41" border="0" usemap="#navbartop"><map id="navbartop" name="navbartop"><area shape="rect" coords="15,5,152,36" alt="Home" a href="index.html" target="showframe" target="_top"><area shape="rect" coords="154,5,290,36" alt="Images" a href="images.html" target="showframe" target="_top"><area shape="rect" coords="292,5,428,36" alt="Websites" a href="websites.html" target="showframe" target="_top"><area shape="rect" coords="430,5,566,36" alt="Downloads" a href="downloads.html" target="showframe" target="_top"><area shape="rect" coords="568,5,704,36" alt="Lists" a href="lists.html" target="showframe" target="_top"><area shape="rect" coords="706,5,843,36" alt="Contact" a href="contact.html" target="showframe" target="_top"></map></center></body></html>-------------------------indexbody.html<html><head><title>indexbody.html</title></head><body background="carmella_decesare.jpg" bgproperties=fixed style="color:#ffffff">This is the index body.</body></html>-------------------------websites.html<html><head><title>Websites</title></head><frameset rows="13%,87%"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="navbartop.html"> <frame noresize="noresize" src="websitesbody.html" name="showframe"></frameset></html>-------------------------websitesbody.html<html><head><title>websitesbody.html</title></head><body background="carmella_decesare.jpg" bgproperties=fixed style="color:#ffffff">This is the websites body.</body></html>-------------------------

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