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Posts posted by eTianbun

  1. What do you mean by

    "I can't read the install instructions on my Mac!
    ? Is it not a WYSIWYG web design software? Is it that different from other softwares you install?
  2. So Called Was just trying to make you understand that the title of a post, should reflect the post... Well i dont realy care about the title of a post, as long as the post is readable/understandable, no prob.

  3. Are you through with this site? If yes, i would not pay for it, as it is, because i make sites too (just like ingolme said), but also note that so may people will pay as it is, because they dont know how to make one.

  4. Let me give you just one advise. If you realy believe that what you want to do, ll generate profit, then GO ahead, start the business with the little you have. after you start it, and people see that you are realy serious, then you dont have to beg for partners, they just beg to join you.

  5. Create containers (<div>s) float one left and the other one right (making it two <div>s).EX:CSS:



    <div id="left"></div><div id="right"><img src='image.gif'/></div>

  6. can you tell me about flash please. it that for raster or is that something totally different? when i had to reformat i couldnt view pages unless i installed flashed
    It's a vector/raster animation software, used to create animations. It manipulates vector/raster graphics, to create an animation (Like moveable images).
  7. You need to start with just text editor (like Notepad), so you can grab the basis... For graphics, emmmmmm... photoshop is ok for Raster (?), while corelDraw is good for Vector (?)...I dont know about gimp, but its also a Raster graphics software (just like photoshop), but photoshop is better (My own opinion).

  8. If I would increase the <div> container, the background would repeat; the original size of the background is 340 x 284 px...
    I dont realy GET you! As said before, there must be extra space inside the <div>, for the <iframe> to be centered. If you dont want the background-image to reapeat (if thats what you meant), add:

    to the <div> CSS.

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