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Everything posted by Shadowing

  1. Shadowing

    browser issues

    alright i narrowed it down where javascript isnt causing the problem, so the problem is being caused by the CSS. atm im trying out targeting the img tag in the css to see if it causes it. but i have to wait to see if my friend is having the problem since i cant trip the bug my self
  2. Shadowing

    browser issues

    I'm having a problem with people viewing my homepage with a mobile phone and older browsers. I cant reinact the problem so im having problems fixing it. I'm guessing its a CSS issue. hopefully someone will know whats going on. Really dont want to advertise my site until i fix this. the rds is getting put on a new line and the stargate isnt stacking on top of the unactivated stargate. www.stargatesystemlords.com A picture from a cell phone using this css .stargate {margin: 0 auto; display:none;position:absolute;margin-top:23px;margin-left:-30px;} this is the javascript code i made to display each pic at a time on top of each other. i use this same function for other things too. function word_fadein(start,tag,count,speed,fadein) { tag = $('.'+tag); var index = 0; tag.hide(0); var start_delay = function() { var showHide = function() { tag.eq(index).fadeIn(fadein,function(){ }); index++; if (index < count) { setTimeout(showHide,speed); } }; // slowly make each word appearshowHide();}setTimeout(start_delay,start);}
  3. Hey thats pretty kewl. what did you use to do that with? should book mark my site and keep checking back. signing up for beta will be possible later this week in theory... trying to make the hyperspace window look better atm
  4. dsonesuk thats amazing thanks alot. I didnt even know that parameter existed loland now i see there is even a plugin for that to extend it even more. course i think i only really have use for is linear and swing
  5. Hey guys im having a problem while moving a object accross the screen and trying to make it hide() while its still moving. if you look at my page below it will get you a some what idea of what im doing.the problem is im wanting to blow something up while its moving and im having problems doing this. one problem is while using jquery animation i cant tell a element what to do until the animation is done with that element. another thing i hate how jquery animation slows down right before stoping. Im assuming thats jquery doing that? because im trying to blow up a fast moving ship i cant have it be slowing down to a stop then blow up. My home page isnt showing the faster ships im working on atm but will still give you an idea what im doing. would really appreciate some help im at a halt now. http://www.stargatesystemlords.com $('.'+tag)[effect](0,function(){ $(this).animate({'margin-left': '+='+left ,'margin-top': '+='+top , 'width': '+='+width ,'height': '+='+height}, +speed); });
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