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Posts posted by Kristian_C

  1. <?if($_POST['login'] && $_POST['username'] && $_POST['password']){$username=$_POST['username'];$password=$_POST['password'];$check=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='$username'");$checkuser=mysql_num_rows($check);$checkpass=mysql_fetch_object($check);if($checkuser == 0){echo"That user is not in our db.";exit();}if($checkpass->password != $password){echo"Wrong password";exit();}else{session_register('username'); header("Location: home.php");}}

    buttons and other things i supose you can create yourself.Dident test it but think it should do it..if not, tell me and ill try it and fix errors...->Kristian_C.

  2. Before i used to use overlib to get the mouseover function to display the text++ .But now i want to use the alt="text">, but i cant make it work for some reason.So maybe i should go over to ol again? ->Kristian_C

  3. Im not so verry into css and the use of divs yet, but if i use divs for images whould i be useing background then? and if i then use background then the images whould go nuts when etc a topic post gets bigger then the normal table size? if not how whould i do it, meen like get them to be background/or the other :) ->Kristian_C.

  4. To get a notice when an session is beeing started? And etc get the name/thing that is beeing started? like i login to msn then a session is beeing started and passed thru a type of db so my contacts can see this...how can i make sort of the same thing?..->Kristian_C.

  5. Think this is what you are looking for :

    <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">function popUp(URL) {day = new Date();id = day.getTime();eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=0,width=600,height=500,left = 250,top = 200');");}</script>Then :if you want to use etc :echo"<script>java script:popUp('yourpage.php');</script>";

  6. I really dont know, but if im right you must have :{{<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">]]and not just <script><!--var step=1function slideit(){if (!document.images)returndocument.images.slide.src=eval("image"+step+".src")if (step<3)step++elsestep=1setTimeout("slideit()",2500)}slideit()//--></script>


  7. I have about 100-200 forms on my website :) or more :) and i really aint so good to secure things :) Dont know how i can make it safer.. But this is more like forums/message systems/profiles/contacts +++ So its nothing a user can insert what ever he wants here and there... ->Kristian_C.

  8. this is something ill remember for a loong while now that i have learnd abit about it :lol, tried to remove foreach , and guess what i think someone is messing with me.. foreach dident need to be there hehe.. But still wont delete?removed foreach and set "if" there insted.. is that correct?:) ----------good reminder about us all beeing "noobs" back in the times :) hehe.. pretty funny :) ->Kristian_C.

  9. have no idea of what this function is named at all so ill just call it moveing things :) here's the thing, i want to use java script do move etc images and use a countdown function to deside when a new image needs to come up.If you dident understand : Just like an animation picture, you make a image fade up, fade down, fade to the side ++my question :What do i need to read/learn? I've heard that js is the only thing that can do it? true? well if not, i just have to say, i want it as easy as possible :)...Links to sites that explains well and how to create a function like that is taken with many thanks :)->Kristian_C.

  10. <?php ?>goes inside the content page.If you have pages that needs security protection and you are the only one that goes into the pages then use : <?$ip = $REMOTE_ADDR;$me="yourip";if($ip!=$me){echo"No entry";exit();}?>..?>And no, you can also have $page.html.->Kristian_C.

  11. ok, i tried this :

    if($_POST['slettsel']){$delete_ids = $_POST['delete_ids'];if (is_array($delete_ids) && count($delete_ids) > 0){  $id_list = "";  foreach ($delete_ids as $id)  {	if ($id_list != "")	  $id_list .= ",";	$id_list .= $id;  }$utkom=count($delete_ids);$kk=mysql_query("SELECT * FROM biler WHERE id IN ($id_list)");$jjjs=mysql_fetch_object($kk);mysql_query("UPDATE brukere SET penger=penger+'$jjjs->pris' WHERE brukernavn='$brukernavn'") or die('Error : ' .mysql_error());  mysql_query("DELETE FROM biler WHERE id IN ($id_list)");echo"$utkom cars sold";}}

    but it didet work, also tried to select sum(pris) as total but dident work...any ideas?->Kristian_C.

  12. It's got to do something. There aren't any exit or die statements, so it's got to be doing something. You should at least see the header table. If you don't see anything, then you may be getting an error with display_errors disabled. If that's the case, then you would need to enable errors to see what the error message is. Or else, you should start putting in debugging statements to see where the execution flow is going.
    It was doing something after i did the little change :) But the thing i forgot to do after i added the chekboxes in the rows was to stretch the from from the top to the bottom, so the checkboxes was actually not inside the from :) hehe...Thanks for helping me out with that one :)Works perfect! :)So off to the next checkbox problem :) Now i need to get the value from sql then update another table with the value from the other table then delete from the table :blink: Ill just try to make it work before i post a code and stuff :blink: ->Kristian_C
  13. Hey, how can i make a random image? with a random text on? Image dont need to be advanced, just a image with like nothing on but need to have text on it.. or just a number of random pics i make but i need to place tekst on them with php.And they cant be background images :) hehe..any kind of help is great :)->Kristian_C

  14. Thanks guys :) Just need to wait till i get my server back before i can test it :) if i get any errors or problems ill just post again :) Thanks again :blink: ->Kristian_C.

  15. I have the block thing thats just :

    if($fetch->lastmess > time()){ echo"You need to wait ".mekktid($fetch->lastmess)."";exit();

    So thats not the problem. But i still want the user to be able to see the page all the time with a live countdown. And since i am a neewbie in ajax/js i cant make a function that updates without beeing refreshed so the people can see it, only thing i can refresh with is by useing the meta function...so if you can help with the js/ajax function that whould be great :) ->Kristian_C.

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