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Craig Hopson

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Posts posted by Craig Hopson

  1. ok i now have this function so when uploads are made it will reduce the image file size (a little) and create a thumbnail does it all look ok??

    function converttojpg($originalimg){$filetype = @end(explode(".", $originalimg));if (strtolower($filetype) == 'jpg' or strtolower($filetype) == 'jpeg')	{	$srcImg = imagecreatefromjpeg($originalimg);	imagejpeg($srcImg,$originalimg,75);	imagedestroy($srcImg);	}if (strtolower($filetype) == 'png')	{	$srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($originalimg);	imagejpeg($srcImg,$originalimg,100);	imagedestroy($srcImg);  	$NewName = str_replace(".png",".jpg",$originalimg);	rename($originalimg,$NewName);	}if (strtolower($filetype) == 'gif')	{	$srcImg = imagecreatefromgif($originalimg);	imagejpeg($srcImg,$originalimg,100);	imagedestroy($srcImg);	$NewName = str_replace(".gif",".jpg",$originalimg);	rename($originalimg,$NewName);	}  $thumb_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($NewName);  $origw=imagesx($thumb_img);$origh=imagesy($thumb_img);$new_w = 120;$diff=$origw/$new_w;$new_h=$new_w;$dst_img = imagecreate($new_w,$new_h);imagecopyresized($dst_img,$thumb_img,0,0,0,0,$new_w,$new_h,imagesx($thumb_img),imagesy($thumb_img));$ONLYname = str_replace('uploads/'.$_COOKIE['id'].'/',"",$NewName);imagejpeg($dst_img, 'uploads/'.$_COOKIE['id'].'/thumbnail/'.$ONLYname);}

    Seems to be working ok only problem is the thumbnails are VERY poor quality any ideas??

  2. <IMG SRC="thumbnail.php?img=full_image.jpg"> do you have an example of this?The thumbnail.php script I did try but it seem to take long time to load
    Scrap this anyone got a function that takes the ordinal image changes it to thumbnail and saves the output to thumbnail directory
  3. i found this

    function ReduceImage($img){$img = file_get_contents ("$img");$im = imagecreatefromstring ($img);header ("Content-Type: image/jpeg");	  imageJPEG ($im,NULL,10);imageDestroy ($im);}

    but when i use it on my site i get cant modify headers and if i remove the "header ("Content-Type: image/jpeg");" line i get the binary data back

  4. if i had 100 photos on my site all 1Mb in size and displayed them as thumbnails by this method

    echo '<img src="'.$row['img'].'" height="100px" width="100px">';

    it would be a 100Mb web page????is there a way to reduce quality on the fly i tried

    $im = imagecreatefromjpeg($row['img']);imagejpeg($im, NULL, 60);

    but this just outputs the LOADS of random code....

  5. what is web studio, is it important to have? do most designers use this type of software to build their sites?
    nop just use a plane text editor you will learn more
  6. hi guys i have a image 100x100 in the top corners i want rotate icons i cant get the inline styles right please help this is the code (sorry its a mess)

     echo '<li><div><div style="padding-top:10px;"><a href="index.php?x=rotate&img=uploads/'.$id.'/'.$file.'&rot=90&place='.$file.'" style="position: relative; left: 5px; top: 5px;"><img src="images/rotatec.png" style="border:0px;"></a> <a href="index.php?x=photoview&img='.$path.'"><img src="uploads/'.$id.'/'.$file.'" style="border:5px groove lightblue;" height="100px" width="100px"/></a> <a href="index.php?x=rotate&img=uploads/'.$id.'/'.$file.'&rot=-90&place='.$file.'" style="position: relative; right: 5px; top: 5px;"><img src="images/rotate.png" style="border:0px;"></a> </div></div><div><a href="delete.php?type=img&id='.$id.'&file='.$file.'"><img src="images/delete.png" style="border:0px"></a><a href="index.php?x=share&img=uploads/'.$id.'/'.$file.'&from='.$email.'"><img src="images/share.png" style="border:0px"></a></div></li>';

  7. yes there is another variable $ext holding the extension thanks i have sorted it like this

    $filenameA   =   time() . '_'.$filename;$filename    =  $filenameA;

  8. hi bit different problem but same topic so here goes, this code will change Avatar.png to Avatar1339516953.png

    $filename .= time();

    how would i get 1339516953_Avatar.png

  9. ok i done this is it correct or is there a better way??

    $srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($originalimg);    imagejpeg($srcImg,$originalimg,100);    imagedestroy($srcImg);    $NewName = str_replace(".png",".jpg",$originalimg);    rename($originalimg,$NewName);

  10. yes i looked at that but if the file name changes like

    $originalimg = $_GET['img']; $srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($originalimg);		imagejpeg($srcImg,$originalimg,100);		imagedestroy($srcImg);

    how would i just change the extension from .png to .jpg but keep the file name the same

  11. hi guys have this code which works file but i need to rename the file after its converted (xxxx.png to xxxx.jpg)

    $originalimg = test.png$srcImg = imagecreatefrompng($originalimg);    imagejpeg($srcImg,$originalimg,100);    imagedestroy($srcImg);

  12. hi guys i have this line off code witch slideshows photos i want to set the current photo file name to be set as a PHP variable

    bglayer.stop(true,true).css({opacity:1, zIndex:999}).empty().append($('<img src="'+imagesarr[i].src+'" />').css(this.scaleimage(imagesarr[i])))

    Like this maybe

    bglayer.stop(true,true).css({opacity:1, zIndex:999}).empty().append($('<img src="'+imagesarr[i].src+'" /><? $FileName ='+imagesarr[i].src+';?>').css(this.scaleimage(imagesarr[i])))


  13. or you can lower the quality of the image using third parameter of imagejpeg() and imagepng() gif has not that option and bmp format cant be compressed. though you can convert those to jpeg and png and lower the quality. wahtever suits your situation
    Thanks this may just do it!!
  14. ok so users can upload photos to my site the problem i have is space i'm cool with photo's upto 1 Mb but not any bigger how can i reduce the file size,the other problem i have is file type it could be any of the following jpeg, bmp, png or gif, I have searched Google for about an hour with no luck... Thanks

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  15. hi guys i have this function to rotate images

      function rotate($img,$rot){//get the detail of the image  $imageinfo=getimagesize($img);  switch($imageinfo['mime'])  {   //create the image according to the content type   case "image/jpg":   case "image/jpeg":   case "image/pjpeg": //for IE	    $src_img=imagecreatefromjpeg("$img");			    break;    case "image/gif":	    $src_img = imagecreatefromgif("$img");			    break;    case "image/png":	    case "image/x-png": //for IE	    $src_img = imagecreatefrompng("$img");			    break;  }  //rotate the image according to the spcified degree  $src_img = imagerotate($src_img, $rotation, 0);  //output the image to a file  imagejpeg ($src_img,$img);}

    i know how to call it "rotate($img,$rotation)" but how do i USE it

    <img src="uploads/'.$id.'/'.$file.'" style="border:5px groove lightblue;" height="100px" width="100px"/><a href="rotate(uploads/'.$id.'/'.$file.',90)" >Rotate 90</a>


  16. hi i have 2 errors on my site and i cant find them 72 attempt to find a semi-colon before the property name. add it 72 Property progid doesn't exist : DXImageTransform Line 72 is this

    <div id="nav">        <ul>            <li <? if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == ''){echo 'id="current"';}?>><a href="index.php">Home</a></li>            <li <? if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == 'x=login'){echo 'id="current"';}?>><a href="index.php?x=login">Login</a></li>            <li <? if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == 'x=register'){echo 'id="current"';}?>><a href="index.php?x=register">Register</a></li>            <li <? if($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] == 'x=contact'){echo 'id="current"';}?>><a href="contact.php">Contact</a></li>            <li <? if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == 'x=about'){echo 'id="current"';}?>><a href="index.php?x=about">About</a></li>            <?php////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////LINE 72/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////            if (isset($id)){            ?>            <li <? if($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] == 'x=menu'){echo 'id="current"';}?>><a href="index.php?x=menu">Menu</a></li>            <li style="float:right"><a href="logout.php">Logout</a></li>            <?            } 		    ?>        </ul>

    below is the error http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/validator?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fchsites.co.uk%2Ftest2%2Findex.php

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