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Posts posted by feck

  1. I have a reqular expression function that i took from one of the WROX books

    function regExpIs_Valid(text){	var myRegExp = /[^a-z\d ]/i;	return !(myRegExp.test(text));}

    which basically checks for any character that is not alphnumeric or whitespace, although useful, I would actually like to allow 'commas, apostrophe's, colons: and full stops. Thereby allowing the user to enter these types of punctuations, as well as the already quoted regular expression check, but no other characters regardless of what they may be.Does know how to achieve this or point me in the rigtht direction

  2. Dont worryFixed it, well solved it.Quite stupid really, been using a html page that calls this external function for a couple of hours, had it slightly working earlier on and forgot that I had made a another version of the page on the server.When I tried to recall the page using another page for testing I forgot that the page that I've called is not the page that I'm actually working on, so the javascript function in another external file also renamed does nothing to the old page. Looks the same but different name, this function now works fine as is, just got to rework it to do what I actually want it to do.I'm now going to take out my two false eyeballs and leave them in ice water overnight to cool down. :)

  3. HiI'm trying to find an easier way of validating some form values, by looping through the form values.I have a validation function that when the submit button is clicked the entire form is passed to the function.

    function Validate(theForm){		checkForPresets(theForm);	}

    This calls and passes again the form to this other function:

    function checkForPresets(formValues){var presets = new Array("Value1","Value2","Value3");elem = formValues.elements;var check = 0;	for(i=0;i<elem.length;i++){		for(x=0;x<presets.length;i++){			if(elem[i].value == presets[x]){				check++;							}		}	}alert("Amount of presets found: " + check);}

    At the moment I'm using the alert box just for testing how many times the form values occur within the 'presets' array.In the form inputs I have preset values just to show the user how to fill out the form, and would utimately like to check for these preset values and let the user know that they have forgotten to fill out the values correctly.ie a preset value like "Enter your name here" would set off an alert to the user that they had forgotten their name.Some pointers in the right direction would be helpful.

  4. I would like someway of being able to enter a specific time frame into a website in the form of minutes ie:60 mins and then for the system to be able to output 4 times calculated from a specific time say midnight 0:00am.So the output into variables would be something like:time1 = 00:00;time2 = 01:00;time3 = 02:00;time4 = 03:00;if input was 60.Is there anyway to do this using javascript or php?

  5. Hi people,How do I go about removing PHP5 from my machine WindowsXP.I want to do this and reinstall PHP5, Apache2 and MySqlserver.Also does anyone one know of a site that would guide me through the process of installing these applications in the most secure way?I know that windows itself is not that secure, and I'm going to finally convert to Linux next year, but at the moment I cannot, and would like to know the most up to date and secure way of installing these applicaitons.Thanks

  6. I know of the box model bug in IE, but I have a question thats sort of related.Say for a simple page containing only one <h1> element and another element <h1> to <h6>, or even a paragraph element only containing one line of text.Using the web developer extension or even just drawing a border around these elements, should'nt they touch each other with no gaps?Why for instance if you draw a border around the two elements is there still a gap between the two elements?

  7. Thanks for replyingThe problem has seemed to sort itself out for now. The google advertisement is now where it should be, just could'nt seem to get rid of it when i viewed some pages.Thanks again.

  8. Hi people,I was wondering if anyone else had this problem.Today while using the forum, everytime I try and go to a specific forum i get a google maps advert covering the top of the forum blocking me from the top menu ie: Help Search Members Calendar, MyControls View New Posts etc.Has anyone else had this problem?

  9. Thanks again justsomeguy,you've convinced me now to use flash, so I'm just converting the wmv file.Are there any tutorials you know of, or good directions to point me too, that have any good tutorials in embedding flash movies?

  10. Thanks justsomeguyI've managed to use the object element to show the file, but this only plays for some reason in IE, but not in other browsers.Why is this?Using your way, the user would still need to download the flash plugin, would'nt they?

  11. Does anyone know how I would go about streaming a wmv file in a web page?At the moment I would just like a blank page with a box showing a short trailer, is this at all possible?Are there any step by step guides on the web?

  12. cheers real_illusionsi figured out the clear:both; by looking at the forum, and idiotically I've used it before in my own code to solve another footer problem.The right panel using either float: left or right, still doesnt solve the problem of the right panel moving when you manually resize the browser.Any other ideas?Thanks for responding and trying anyway.

  13. Hi people I've been messing around with creating a 3 colum layout using CSS and XHTML 1.1.I have wrap div that contains all of the rest of the content divs - Header, Left panel, Main, Right Panel and footer.2 problems actually, When i resize the browser window, the other divs resize accordingly, but the right panel div eventually moves out of its layout position and moves to the bottom of the page underneath the rest of the divs.Why is that, and why does it not occur with the main div for instance?Secondly in Mozilla, the footer which I've colored blue, shows itself beneath the header, but in IE7 it shows itself in the correct place beneath the left panel, main and right panel divs.The code at present has no textual content. only the divs with borders for my own interest for positioning these divs.Heres my code.XHTML:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en-gb"><head><title> New Document </title><link rel="stylesheet" href="test.css" type="text/css"/></head><body><div id="wrap"><div id="header"></div><div id="navpanel"></div><div id="mainpanel"></div><div id="rightpanel"></div><div id="footer"></div></div></body></html>

    And the CSS:

    body{padding:16px;font-family:sans-serif;}#wrap{position:relative;border:2px solid black;width:100%;height:20em;}#header{border-bottom:2px solid black;width:100%;height:15%;}#navpanel{position:relative;float:left;border-bottom:2px solid black;border-right:2px solid black;width:20%;height:69%;}#mainpanel{position:relative;float:left;border:2px solid black;width:58%;height:69%;}#rightpanel{position:relative;float:left;border:2px solid black;width:19%;height:69%;}#footer{	background:blue;	width:100%;	height:15%;}

    The fact that some of the borders is missing is just where I've been hacking away at this

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