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Everything posted by lazy-man

  1. lazy-man

    Web development

    all right, here is it <?$con = mysql_connect("you will","not get","my password"); // :Dmysql_select_db("database", $con);$podaci = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM pisoar WHERE autor='mama'") or die(mysql_error());while ($mama = mysql_fetch_array( $podaci )) { ?><ul><li><? echo $osoba['biser']; ?></li></ul> <?}?><textarea rows="10" cols="10" name="biser"></textarea><?$biser = $_POST['biser'];$data = mysql_real_escape_string($biser);mysql_query("INSERT INTO pisoar (id, autor, biser) VALUES ('', 'mama', '$biser');") or die (mysql_error());mysql_query("DELETE FROM pisoar WHERE biser=''") or die (mysql_error()); // this is because every time when webpage reload, empty data sneds to my database?> I have database with table 'pisoar' with columns 'id', 'autor', 'biser' (it is on my mother tongue, if it is weird to you )So, this is not a big problem, every1 of you is more xp in this, because, I am just a teenager, but unlike my teens, I don't play computer games or wasting time on fb, but learning this, this is my first webpage, I relly want to learn
  2. It was happening to me, I don't know how to solve it by html, try do it in programs like adobe flash or etc., and you can send information from program to php. or, you can download some freecss from http://www.freecsstemplates.org , there is a few styles that look similar to your style
  3. lazy-man

    Web development

    thank you, it works, no errors. But there is no button for sending data to database, just textarea. If I put it to form , when user press submit button, data is not sending to database, but it is opening new tab with text like 'not found' or similar. Can anyone help me with this, I would be grateful, if it means anything to you
  4. lazy-man

    Web development

    hello everyone!I am new on this forum, I guess chose right topic for my question.it is about php and mysql databaseI have database with table 'pisoar' with columns 'id', 'autor', 'biser' (it is on my mother tongue, if it is weird to you ) here is a code, so, can anyone detect error please. It is in <html><body><div> tag after connecting and selecting database <textarea rows="10" cols="10" name="biser"></textarea><?php$biser = $_POST['biser'];$data = mysql_real_escape_string[$biser]; // my output is that there is unexpected '[' here, but I don't think somysql_query("INSERT INTO pisoar (id, autor, biser) VALUES ('', 'mama', '$biser');") or die (mysql_error()); // id is auto_increment?> So, here is what I want to do.when user write something in textarea, it will be data for sending to a database Thanks
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