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icon that replaces the broswer icon


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I tried, and failed, to do a search on this to see if it's been discussed before, so I'm throwing it out here.I had found somewhere, a bit to insert in the code of my page that would allow for me to put in a customized icon, but I just can't seem to get it to work.Anyone know how to do this? I'm assuming the mods do because of the v-like (or spotlights, depending) icon I see in that spot right now, although it only shows up on the IE tab, not the task bar tab below.Any hoo, if anyone can point me in the right direction on this one, I would greatly appreciate it. It's a gizmo thing, but yet I still want one. :)

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<link rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" /><link rel="icon" href="favicon.ico" type="image/ico" />

Use one (or both) of these in your head tags and name the image as "favicon.ico".Google to find a site on the web which will create the favicon as it is a special format or something. There are a few sites which will build the icon if you upload the image to them. http://tools.dynamicdrive.com/favicon/http://www.favicongenerator.com/

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