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Docking a page/ Layout Question


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Hello everyone... could someone explain to me how to set a webpage in the middle of a page with a defined size. I am not sure if I am explaining this right, but you can check out this webpage to see what I mean. http://www.301-609-sold.com/I want something along these lines, with the background color on the left and right and the page in the middle.Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

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Thank you... I will see if I can figure this out. I have not worked on a website in years. My supervisor wanted a personal/ business site that is simple and easy to navigate.www.bonniebaldusgrier.comThat is the link, if you have any suggestions let me know.ALSO, how do you open a new page within another page? I want to display the links in the current page, below the head.Thank you.

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No problem :)But I would recommend not using tables because tables are to tabular data (td), like when you take something out of the database.Try to use div's instead, they give you much more freedom :)

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Yeah, sure. To make a simple site like...this:


You simply use this:XHTML

<div id="top">TOP HERE</div><div id="main"> <!-- I'm gonna put in several div's inside this, thanks to float: left; --><div id="left">LEFT MENU</div><div id="content">CONTENT</div><div id="right">RIGHT MENU</div></div>


body {text-align: center;}#top {width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;text-align: center;}#main {width: 600px;margin: 0 auto;text-align: left;}#left {width: 100px;float: left;}#content {width: 400px;float: left;}#right {width: 100px;float: left;}

float: left;is to make it float to left. If you try to take that away, you'll see what happens :)

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